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    Tuesday, July 18, 2006

    Big Mouth Bush

    BusheatsrollYou've probably already seen something about Bush's gruffly sophomoric commentary on the situation in the Middle East caught by a still-on microphone at a G8 event. He's making one of his signature tough guy faces and chomping on a big ole cheekful of hard roll. Nevertheless, I wanted to post it here, if only to keep the buzz going, or document history, or something. It can still be hard for me to believe that this shallow, vulgar, ignorant, reckless bully is the President of the United States of America in the 21st century.

    Bush's summary of what needs to be done about the Middle East crisis, between chews, amounts to this:

    See, the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hizbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over.

    If only the world would listen to The Decider, eh? This is what passes for penetrating analysis and effective strategy in BushWorld. And he chews like a pig, to boot. Here's a transcript of the entire exchange by the Washington Post. It omits the chomping sounds. Here's a video of a segment of the conversation from Reuters that includes the chomping. Funny but not surprising that the mainstream media is hung up on the fact Bush uttered the word "shit." Out here in the real world, we're more concerned about how offhandedly shallow he is about this crisis.

    The always measured and factual Juan Cole provides commentary on Bush's statements, which ends with this chilling observation:

    It is a little window into the superficial, one-sided mind of the man, who has for six years been way out of his depth. I come away from it shaken and trembling.

    I can relate. And I can also think about what our world might be like right now if someone with this writer's sensibilities were in charge. (Be sure to savor the quotes by conservatives with a drooling WW III jones.) I hear the train a'comin and it isn't any kind of peace train....

    July 18, 2006 at 09:00 AM in Middle East | Permalink


    This clip shows Bush for who he really is. He doesn't have the right stuff to be a postal worker, let alone president. I can't understand what people who voted for him ever saw in him. Maybe they could feel smarter than him.

    He and then neocons are obviously dying to expand their "war on terror." God help us all.

    Posted by: El Norte | Jul 18, 2006 9:08:19 AM

    He shouldn't be allowed to be president just on the basis of how he chews and talks with his mouth full. What an embarassment. Let alone that he is The Decider at such a crisis ridden time in our history which scares the hell out of me.

    Posted by: Gore in 08 | Jul 18, 2006 10:45:24 AM

    Bu$h continues to be a major embarrassment to our country every time his handlers allow him to represent our country in front of the world. He validates all of the negative stereotype images of the "UGLY AMERICAN" that most of the world have about the USA. When, if ever, will the Democratic leadership develop enough fortitude to say enough is enough, this HAS TO STOP, and go after this cancer calling it's self the Republican Party. The Dem's run an ad that show a few flag draped coffins, the Republican noise machine starts whining and the Dem's pull their ad. How the hell are we ever going to regain the Senate and House much less the White House if our leadership keeps backing down every time they start whining? What should have happened is they should have run that ad more frequently and added to it stating that the Republicans didn't like seeing the reality of what they have done (the flag draped coffins) and instead of criticizing the policy that led to the death of those brave Soldiers or Marines what do they do, criticize the showing of the pictures of them.

    Posted by: VP | Jul 18, 2006 10:57:47 AM

    Whenever I see Bush on TV it is like I cannot look away. Like watching a plane crash. It is horrible to watch but somehow I just cannot look away. I stare in horror!

    Posted by: meb | Jul 18, 2006 12:45:11 PM

    Have you seen Bush groping Germany's prime minister:


    This guy is sicko.

    Posted by: Roadrunner | Jul 18, 2006 1:10:14 PM

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