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    Monday, July 31, 2006

    Bush: Ain't Gonna Manage Calm No More

    Here's Bush rambling on incoherently with immature, muddled and often straw-man arguments at his press conference this past Friday about his strategies for Iraq and the Middle East. Can you imagine what people with intelligence and common sense around the world think of the United States and our president? As I watched this video, all I could think was that it's come to this. Our ancestors must be rolling in their graves at the destruction of critical thought and nuanced communication that marks this era in the U.S. And remember, "THEY've always been violent."

    July 31, 2006 at 10:31 AM in Iraq War, Middle East | Permalink


    Last week my students debated whether the USA is the "greatest country in the world." For more on that debate, contact me.

    Posted by: suz | Jul 31, 2006 11:04:20 AM

    I saw a video of Bush giving a speech today about his push to keep the war going in the Middle East and it looked like he was coming in his pants. I hate to be crude, but. He was in Florida. Looking at him all I could think was he must be a real asshole when he's drunk.

    Posted by: El Norte | Jul 31, 2006 5:12:33 PM

    Hi Barb,

    I'm in Australia today, and yesterday read an editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald by columnist Mike Carlton. Your question was answered by a few paragraphs from his Monday column. "Finally, I ask you is it possible that Israel might crush Hezbollah only to create a new generation of neighbours who will grow in hatred to seek vengeance in years to come? Is that all you will achieve?

    The monument to the Unknown Prisoner in Dachau carries this legend, carved in stone: "Den Toten zur Ehr. Den Lebenden zur Mahnung." To Honour the Dead. To Warn the Living.

    AND so to the Bush Administration, where the hypocrisy is now practically incandescent.

    The President is a stuttering loon; we know that. But the sight of his handmaiden Condoleezza Rice, belatedly flitting from Beirut to Jerusalem in her selection of fetching pantsuits, "regretting" civilian casualties and bleating about "the root causes", makes you want to heave a brick at the TV set.

    Israel gets at least $US3 billion ($3.9 billion) a year in military and other aid from the US. The bombs dropped on Beirut were born in the USA. La Rice grandly offered Lebanon $40 million to clean up the carnage they had wrought.

    More than ever I am convinced that she is actually Cindy Birdsong, the reborn second vocalist from the Supremes."

    a stuttering loon...

    Posted by: Tom Solomon | Aug 1, 2006 1:27:43 AM

    Tom Solomon, you are obviously brilliant. I admire your words and thoughts. "Stuttering loon" is the most accurate description of W Jr. that I have ever read.

    Barb, I remember seeing a person in London holding a sign shortly after Bush's selection by the Supreme Court, it stated "HELP, MY PRESIDENT IS A MORON". Personally, I have always found it difficult to listen to or watch this man, for everytime I did I was fully cognizant that our enemies where watching him too and also realizing his obviously deprived mental capacity.

    Posted by: Edge | Aug 1, 2006 6:05:58 AM

    I look at when he is talking as if I am watching a plane crash. I cannot look away. It is horrible and frightful to watch and I think of the terror in the people when I watch it....

    a tragic plane wreck over and over.

    killing tens of thousands if not millions.

    Posted by: meb | Aug 1, 2006 8:54:01 AM

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