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Monday, July 31, 2006

Are You On the Bus or Off the Bus?

From WakeUpWalMart:

That’s right. Starting tomorrow, for 35 straight days, WakeUpWalmart.com is taking its national movement, and our headquarters, on the road in a non-stop, cross-country bus tour hitting 19 states and 35 cities in 35 days. The tour is an exciting and unprecedented move in our campaign to change Wal-Mart and build a grassroots movement to stop big, powerful corporations from taking America in the wrong direction.

So, for the next 840 hours, 6 over-caffeinated Americans and one really big 45-foot long bus (nicknamed Smiley) are going from New York City to Seattle to fight for good jobs, more affordable health care, and a better life for all hard-working families. Click here to get on board the bus and join our fight for a better America:


The tour will be stopping in Albuquerque on August 23 and 24 for a film screening and a town hall meeting.

The fight to change Wal-Mart is already being referred to as one of the “hottest, highest stakes political contests in America.” And, our national bus tour will be no exception. At several stops, we will be joined by some of our nation's best and most passionate political leaders like John Edwards, former Vice Presidential candidate and U.S. Senator.

With over 248,000 Americans, WakeUpWalMart.com is standing up to rich, powerful corporations like Wal-Mart and spreading the word that it is time for Wal-Mart to do what is right instead of shipping U.S. jobs overseas and not providing affordable health care. In town halls, public squares, and at state fairs, we will be hitting the streets to take our fight for a better America directly to the American people.

Will you join the most exciting grassroots movement and help us fight for a better America? Click here to RSVP to the 2006 Change Wal-Mart, Change America tour stop in your town:


Over the next 35 days, we will be sending you emails from the road and updating our website every day with photos, videos, funny tidbits and upcoming event details. If you don’t want to miss any part of the tour, be sure to check back often.

Most importantly, sign more people up to the campaign. We have set a goal of signing up at least 25,000 new supporters over the next 35 days. Please do everything you can to recruit at least 5 more friends.

If nothing else proves the power ordinary people have to do extraordinary things, just look last week at what happened in the city of Chicago. Despite Wal-Mart’s enormous efforts to defeat a living wage bill, the Chicago City council set a new bar for what it means to be a responsible corporate citizen and passed a living wage for working families.

A living wage in Chicago is a testament to the power you have to change a $300 billion company, to change corporate America, and to change the world we live in. But, change begins by joining together. I hope you will join with us and our 248,000 supporters as we go across the country to fight for a better America.

Thank you for all that you do,
Paul Blank, WakeUpWalMart.com

P.S. Click here to read an article about the 2006 Change Wal-Mart, Change America national bus tour.

July 31, 2006 at 11:12 AM in Events | Permalink


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