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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Watch YearlyKos Convention on CSPAN, Air America

The video above was created by 15-year-old Ava, who blogs on Peace Takes Courage, in honor of YearlyKos. Inspiring.

Listed below the fold is the latest on CSPAN's plans for live TV and internet coverage on Friday and Saturday of portions of the first YearlyKos convention that takes place June 8-11 in Las Vegas NV. The convention schedule is loaded with talent from all corners of the netroots, politics, media, academia and more. It was created entirely by volunteers who are a part of the Daily Kos online community.

You can also watch live gavel to gavel webcasts of the entire 3-day conference at the Air America website by signing up for their premium membership or paying $10 to cover their costs.

Governor Bill Richardson will be participating in a panel discussion at the conference on Friday from 9:30 to 10:45 AM: "A Sustainable Energy-Energize America along with Jérôme Guillet, Mark Sumner, Adam Siegel, George Karayannis.

Additional coverage of YearlyKos will be provided by Link TV which is an outstanding channel that features news from around the world, as well as news that is near to home from a unique perspective. Link TV will be covering many aspects of YearlyKos for use in a variety of programs. Link TV can be seen on Channel 375 on DIRECTV® satellite TV service or on Channel 9410 on Echostar Communications Corporation's DISH® Network satellite TV service.

The Young Turks will also be broadcasting live from YearlyKos, as will Politics TV, where you'll also be able to be part of the YearlyKos action.

Not yet released: which CSPAN channel will broadcast each segment. ALL TIMES BELOW ARE EASTERN TIME. SUBTRACT TWO HOURS FOR MOUNTAIN TIME.


11AM-12:15 PM ET
Progressive Players - leaders of the new progressive movement, including
Tom Matzzie of MoveOn
Arshad Hassan of Democracy for America
Gloria Trotten of Progressive Majority
Nathan Newman of Progress States Network

12:30PM - 1:45 PM
CIA Leak Investigation
Amb. Joe Wilson
Dan Froomkin - WashingtonPost.com
Murray Waas - National Journal
Larry Johnson - former CIA analyst and counterterrorism expert at the State Department
Marcy Wheeler - Blogger Emptywheel
Christy Hardin Smith - attorney, former prosecutor & blogger at Firedoglake
Jane Hamsher - producer (Natural Born Killers), author & blogger at Firedoglake

2:15PM - 4:15PM  Lunch Keynote
Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer with Q&A

2:20 Greeting by MC
2:25 Sponsor comments
2:30 Leader Pelosi
2:50 Q&A with audience
3::35 Sen. Boxer
3:55 Q&A with audience
4:15 end

4:30PM - 5:45 PM: MetaKos - the top bloggers of DailyKos
Markos - Contributing Editor, Daily Kos
Hunter - Contributing Editor, Daily Kos
Armando -Contributing Editor, Daily Kos
SusanG Contributing Editor, Daily Kos
Chris Bowers - MyDD (title being confirmed)


12PM - 1PM: Communicating the Progressive Vision
John Javna - Author and Columnist, 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Fight the Right
George Lakoff - University of California, Berkeley, Linguistics
Jeffrey Feldman - Frameshop, Editor-in-Chief/Founder
Justin Krebs - Founder, Drinking Liberally and The Tank
Jim Derych - Author, Confessions of a Former Dittohead

1:10 - 2:10 Blogosphere Experts - an introduction to major bloggers, looking at issues such as What is the position of the blogosphere in the insider / outsider political dialetic?

Chris Bowers - MyDD
Peter Daou - Salon
Matt Stoller - BOPnews.com
Matt DeBergalis   -- ActBlue
Tim Tagaris - swingstateproject.com

2:20-3:20: Political Journalism
Matt Bai - New York Times
Jay Rosen - NYU
Duncan Black - Atrios - Eschaton
Christy Smith - Firedoglake

The YearlyKos Convention will be held at the Riviera hotel in Las Vegas from June 8-11, 2006. This is the first convention of its kind-bringing together progressive bloggers, netroots members and leading elected officials. The YearlyKos Convention is organized to bring together the netroots to build progressive infrastructure and effect positive change.

June 7, 2006 at 05:08 PM in Media, Web/Tech | Permalink


Love the video. Great work by a 15 year old!

Posted by: Silver City Jan | Jun 8, 2006 8:48:25 AM

Hard to believe she's only 15. Wow. So happy we can watch some of the Kos conference. They have an unbelievable lineup.

Posted by: NMexDem | Jun 8, 2006 10:19:46 AM

I am so upset I couldn't go this year but thank goodness we have Air America, CSPAN and others to bring us much of the conference.

What a great conference put together by vols on their own! Maybe I can go next year.

Posted by: < | Jun 9, 2006 11:50:56 AM

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