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Friday, June 02, 2006

TONIGHT: AFSCME Thank You Party and Rally

AfscmeFrom Carter Bundy of AFSCME:
AFSCME will host a party with free food and drinks for AFSCME members who have volunteered on AFSCME-endorsed candidates' races and for the campaigns of the candidates it has endorsed for the June 6 primary. All Democratic primary voters are welcome! Here's the info on the party:

Time:  5:30 - 8:00 PM
Date:  Friday, June 2
Place: 2836 Monument Dr. NW (Carter Bundy's house)

Directions: From I-40, take Unser North to 3rd light (Ouray/Lava Bluff). Go West (left if you're coming from I-40, right if you're coming from Montano) on Lava Bluff. 1st Left is Monument Drive.  2836 is the 6th house on the left.

Who:  AFSCME members supporting AFSCME-endorsed candidates, candidates, candidates' volunteers and staff, and Democratic primary voters who want to meet the candidates, mingle with other Democratic activists, and enjoy free food and drink!

The following is a list of AFSCME's endorsed statewide candidates and candidates in contested races in Bernalillo County:

Governor--Bill Richardson
Lt. Governor--Diane Denish
Secretary of State--Letitia Montoya*
Attorney General--Geno Zamora*
Treasurer--James Lewis
Auditor--Tom Buckner*
Land Commissioner--Ray Powell*
County Commission District 1--Alan Armijo*
House Dist. 16--Antonio "Moe" Maestas*
House Dist. 18--Gail Chasey

*=contested primary

Please RSVP to carterbundy@yahoo.com if you think you can make it (include how many folks you will bring) so we can get enough food and drinks for everyone. 

Feel free to spread among your organizations, especially if you know anyone in Albuquerque (and the Westside in particular).

Carter Bundy
AFSCME International
Political Action Representative
New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, Idaho
505-266-2177 (work)
505-463-8499 (cell)

June 2, 2006 at 12:09 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink


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