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Friday, June 02, 2006

Results of the DFA-DFNM Unofficial Straw Poll

Here are the final results of our unofficial straw poll voting by members, which ran at the Albuquerque DFA-DFNM Meetup site. Polls were run for the major contested Democratic statewide primary races. Thanks to all who participated! (Winners shown in red.)

Attorney General
35%  Gary King 
12%  Lemuel Martinez 
43%  Geno Zamora 
07%  Undecided 

Secretary of State
76%  Stephanie Gonzales 
05%  Mary Herrera 
07%  Shirley Hooper 
07%  Letitia Montoya 
02%  Undecided 

State Land Commissioner
54%  Jim Baca
45%  Ray Powell

State Auditor
60%  Jeff Armijo
28%  Thomas Buckner
10%  Undecided

June 2, 2006 at 01:37 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, DFNM - Albq | Permalink


Looks like Jeff Armijo still has the momentum from the 70% he earned at the Pre Primary Convention, the 80% at the Chile Cook Off and now 60% from the DFNM! I have knocked on so many doors from Lovington to Farmington and from Lordsburg to Raton and these polls mirror the feedback I have been receiving. Good luck to all the candidates and their families! Thank you to all those who participate.

Posted by: Westside Voter | Jun 2, 2006 4:13:32 PM

Westside Voter,
You and your family have worked hard to get a good message out. It is great to see people willing to run. I was really impressed that your whole family has been involved in the campaign. A big Thank You to you and your family for caring so much.

Posted by: Mandala | Jun 2, 2006 10:31:14 PM

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