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Monday, June 19, 2006

National Wilderness Historian Brings Message to Doña Ana County

Organ Mountains

From the NM Wilderness Alliance:
After three decades, the nation’s leading expert on the American wilderness movement, Doug Scott, is returning to southern New Mexico. Following a stint as a seasonal park ranger at Carlsbad Caverns National Park in the mid-1960s, Scott began a lifelong career working to protect some of the country’s last wild lands. Author of The Enduring Wilderness, which the late Christopher Reeve called, "A must for ordinary citizens who care about saving our wilderness heritage for future genertations," Scott has been involved in the passage of every major piece of wilderness legislation in the last 30 years.

“People in the Las Cruces area are doing all the right things to protect a piece of their treasured wild public land,” says Scott, noting bipartisan city and county resolutions that overwhelmingly support strong wilderness protection.

"I am looking forward to spending time with the broad-based coalition that is working together to protect the Organ Mountains, Broad Canyon, and other special places. It's a model of a community uniting to preserve all that is special on its nearby federal lands, and I hope to help in any way I can."

Doug Scott will be in Las Cruces June 21-24:

Thursday, June 22, 7:00 PM
Doug addresses Progressive Voters Alliance Meeting

Munson Senior Center,  975 S. Mesquite Las Cruces, NM

Friday, June 23, 6:30 PM
Campfire Conversation with Doug Scott

Scenic Happy Trails Inn (1857 Paisano Mesilla, NM 88005 505/635-9459)

Saturday, June 24, 2:00 PM
Honor our Heritage: Protect Wilderness in Dona Ana County

NMWA's Downtown Office (275 Downtown Mall, Las Cruces & Water) in the SWEC Center
Beat the Heat With Air Conditioning, Refreshments, and Prizes. Make history--and help protect our heritage.

Contact Nathan Small at the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance
(nathansmall@nmwild.org, 505-463-2031) for more info. and to reserve your spot at both events.

To learn more about our efforts to protect wilderness in Doña Ana County , please visit www.DonaAnaWild.org

To make a contribution directly toward the Doña Ana Wild Campaign, go to: https://secure.ga1.org/05/donaanawild

June 19, 2006 at 09:26 AM in Events | Permalink


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