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Friday, June 23, 2006

Check Out Robert Greenwald's Film on DeLay This Weekend in ABQ

From Terry Riley:
Robert Greenwald has produced a movie about Tom DeLay and his campaign practices called The Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress. This is going to be presented on Sunday in Albuquerque at the Guild at 2 PM. The director, Mark Birnbaum, will also attend and enter into a discussion with the audience. I am also holding a showing at 7:30 PM for those who cannot attend the 2 PM showing. Use whichever URL below serves your needs to RSVP. The movie is about election manipulation and how badly we need election reform. Please come to one of the showings:

Guild at 2 PM, Sunday June 25

My Home at 7:30 PM, Sunday June 25

A Private Home in the NE Heights at 7 PM on June 28

Excerpt from the :

In a stunning 1994 interview, shortly after the now infamous Republican revolution, Tom DeLay sat down and laid out his vision for America: to destroy the Department of Education, HUD, OSHA, the NEH, the NEA, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. His self-stated goal was to "completely redesign government."

The Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress is the story of how he did just that. It's the story of one of the most blatant power grabs in American history, and how a District Attorney in Texas turned out to be the biggest threat to the national DeLay Machine. The film is a warning about how easy it is for American democracy to be hijacked by a combination of relentless ambition and corporate millions. It makes the case that DeLay built a "custom-made Congress" that is still providing votes for his agenda.

June 23, 2006 at 06:08 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Film | Permalink


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