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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Join the Campaign for a Better New Mexico

Betternm From the Southwest Organizing Project: Since 1980 SouthWest Organizing Project has worked to empower ourselves and our communities to realize racial and gender equality and social and economic justice. As a membership organization made up of families, we’ve accomplished a lot by building leadership and power in low income and working communities so we can have a say in the decisions that affect our lives. 

In the late 80’s and early 90’s SWOP registered over 30,000 voters in the first nonpartisan effort of its kind in the state. “Take Back New Mexico” was at the time the most successful voter registration and education initiative in the history of the state of New Mexico. The Take Back campaign brought a new sense of strength and pride to communities who had been pushed out of politics.

Take Back New Mexico also forced politicians to take working communities and communities of color seriously if they wanted to be elected.

Over the years, we’ve continued to build power and leadership from the grassroots to hold politicians accountable to communities most affected by the decisions and policies of our elected representatives. 

Today SWOP is embarking on the Campaign for a Better New Mexico, a nonpartisan, nonprofit effort to encourage working families to get out and vote and pressure our elected officials to get in step with the needs, values and interests of working communities. 

The Campaign for a Better New Mexico is for people like you who are concerned with the future of New Mexico’s communities - people who want to put politics back into the hands of people. SWOP has served New Mexico’s neighborhoods for more than 25 years, standing side by side with people trying to make their community a better place to live, work and play.

SWOP is a member organization made up of every day, working families who want more say in the decisions that affect our lives. We’re your friends, family and neighbors. Join us. With your participation, a better New Mexico is possible.

Three Easy Ways to Support Campaign Better New Mexico

Join the Campaign for a Better New Mexico and begin making our state an even better place to live, work and raise a family. We know from talking to our friends and families we need:

You can start making a difference today.

Here are 3 easy ways you can support the Campaign for a Better New Mexico:

Sign our online petition to join, pledge to vote on November 7th and tell elected officials they must understand the needs, interests and values of working families.

Donate today - Small amounts can make a big difference.

Volunteer - We need volunteers every weekday from 5 to 8  PM and weekends from 11 AM - 2 PM or 2 - 4 PM to knock on doors and make phone calls. Call SWOP at 505 247 8832 or email us to start making a difference today.

Editor's Note: Democracy for New Mexico supports the Campaign for a Better New Mexico and displays the project's badge and link on our website. If you'd like to do the same, click here.

June 8, 2006 at 10:08 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


I signed up right behind you, Barb! Wish they made bumper stickers of their badge. It would be a must-have.

Posted by: John | Jun 8, 2006 12:15:32 PM

I put up the badge at our website, and plan on signing the petition and donating. We'll see about the volunteering ...

Posted by: | Jun 8, 2006 5:36:30 PM

Hmm. Three days later, and only one additional name has been added to their list of signatures. I'd say they have a promotions/publicity problem.

Posted by: John | Jun 11, 2006 9:53:01 AM

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