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Monday, June 19, 2006

Have At It

What are you thinking about? Angry about? Pleased about? Laughing about? Here's the place to talk about it. A Monday morning open thread. Click the comments link and keyboard away.

June 19, 2006 at 09:31 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


I'm happy about the fact that Ned Lamont is running in the Connecticut primary against Joe Lieberman. We need to confront Democrats like Joe who vote like Republicans and side with Bush. What an exciting race.

Posted by: Silver City Jan | Jun 19, 2006 9:34:01 AM

Is anyone else concerned about how the Madrid race is being run?

Posted by: Anonymous | Jun 19, 2006 10:00:54 AM

Actually, I'm very impressed with the Madrid campaign. They're not laying down - they're taking it straight to Wilson and Bush. If you don't believe me, just check out their recent press releases and their blog. Madrid isn't afraid to speak out for our values and she's hitting back hard.

In addition, she's one of the top fundraisers in the country. Hillary Clinton is doing a fundraiser for her. She's had John Edwards and Wesley Clark in town already. This is much better than Romero ever did - heck, just compare her website to his.

Madrid has already reached out to the DFNM community and she's running a first rate campaign. Color me impressed.

Posted by: Anonymous 2 | Jun 19, 2006 10:47:08 AM

Money isn't everything but some people think it is and that ads can make up for many other weaknesses. The problem with conventional press releases is that no media cover them. There has to be much more creativity and grassroots reachout if this campaign will fly. Also more personal reachout one on one by the candidate and better public speaking.

There is much that is good in the Madrid campaign but also much that can be improved.

Posted by: Old Dem | Jun 19, 2006 12:07:10 PM

I'm thinking about that wild and crazy guy John Dendahl who is suddenly running for guv on the repub ticket. Are they desperate or what? The guy has a screw loose!

Posted by: El Norte | Jun 19, 2006 1:18:34 PM

We need a rain dance! NOW!

Posted by: JLC | Jun 19, 2006 2:07:53 PM

Notice that the republican press has almost nothing to say about AG Madrid indicting the four criminal witnesses against Vigil?
The Dem blogs are not picking up on it either.
Perhaps the issue is a little too complex?
Carl Rove has sent his minions out all across the country to investigate and prosecute top Dems all over the states.
His local minion is Iglesias a federal prosecuter.
The republican federal goverment went after Vigil. Recall, they DO have the power for limitless warrentless snooping so they dug up these four criminals to testify against Vigil. If they had real evidence against Vigil, they could have obtained it the same way. Perhaps they could not find enough to bring him down, so they used the four. The four criminals exchanged their confessions and testimony against Vigil for FEDERAL immunity.

In the mean time, the feds DID NOT INFORM THE AG'S OFFICE IN ANYWAY. They did not consult with Patricia Madrid as to what they were up to at all.
Then, the Republicans applied an underhanded tactic to smear Patricia in the press saying that she neglected to go after State corruption and that it was all about HISPANIC DEM good ol boyism...
The AG's office had nothing to do with the investigation or prosecution of Vigil.
Well, after the mistrial, Madrid is going after the four confessed criminals using their own federal testimonies against them.
The Feds forgot to ask the AG for STATE IMMUNITY for those scum-bags.
It was a strictly constitutional move on Madrid's part and she is well within the law.
So what you say?
1. IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE! She has refused to allow the republican federal goverment to trample states rights.
2. She is indeed going after state corruption with zeal! What's more the four criminals are Hispanic Dems!
She WILL make the four criminals pay restitution. She will go after their assests and put them in the state pen if she can.
In the mean-time Vigil is a FEDERAL problem.

BALLS! Stainless steel huevos the size of M mountain!

We should be talking this up.
Everybody would be on her side in this.
The Journal says that federal witnesses will not want to testify anymore because of this. But, maybe next time the FEDS WILL PROCEED WITH PROPER PROTOCOL AND CONSULT WITH THE STATE. Hee-hee.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jun 19, 2006 2:39:22 PM

anyone notice that Robert Kennedy is suing Diebold (see Kos diaries) today. We need to do everything to supporrt him since NM has its own history (see Palast's new book). His suit is based on Ohio's 2004 vote. How about our 2004 vote? Wish we could learn more about this.

Posted by: jeanne Carritt | Jun 19, 2006 3:00:31 PM

Jeanne, you are correct. We need to support Kennedy's suite as much as we can!

As for gofdisks comments, I think the problem is that not everyone believes Madrid and do think she should have gone after Serna and Vigil long ago. Why didn't she? It was common knowledge that these two were shady, to say the least. So even for Democrats, it can look like she hung back on going after them until it was politically expedient to do so.

It really is complicated though. Iglesias IS a Repub operative doing the dirty deeds of Bush's corrupt regime. So maybe people don't know what to make of this whole thing.

Madrid should have come out for stronger ethics long ago.

Posted by: cheeky | Jun 19, 2006 3:07:42 PM

I think Madrid is getting a bad rap and it is caused by the horrible Republican noise machine. The good news is I think she will win big because the Democratic turnout will be huge. We are so motivated to get rid of Heather the Bush lover.

Posted by: | Jun 19, 2006 4:08:53 PM

I think Madrid is a great candidate. Don't let the Republican newspapers, tv etc. change your mind. Imagine if the Democrats win back the House. Imagine all the horrors that will be stopped and all the horrors that will be revealed when subpoenas start going out. We must win this race and I think Madrid is the best one to do it. I think the results are gonna shock the Republicans. I really do.

Posted by: West Sider | Jun 19, 2006 4:17:42 PM

Here's the link to the post on Daily Kos that describes the lawsuit Robert Kennedy Jr. is filing against Diebold and other electronic voting machine vendors, as Jeanne mentions above. Must read:

Post on Kos

Posted by: barb | Jun 19, 2006 5:06:03 PM

You asked the question "what are you thinking about", my answer: Why did you remove the link to my blog from your site? Just curious... not angry, not bitter, not confused, not surprised.

Posted by: Edge | Jun 20, 2006 5:54:25 AM

Edge, nothing personal. With the continuing growth of NM blogs, I made a decision to include only those that are stand-alone sites, rather than those that are a page on a newspaper site like yours.

Posted by: barb | Jun 20, 2006 11:06:29 AM

I love open thread days!

I am suspicious over the Dendahl run for Gov. I suspect they will use his pulpit to really rag on the Gov and Madrid. He knows he can not really win the Gov...but what he can do is bring up dirt. He can bring up lots of dirt and more dirt. And we know the Journal, our most read paper...loves DIRT.

Also, I am disgusted to see fireworks sales tents on the corners. There should be a ban of all fireworks...NONE!!! Every tree is dry, every house made of wood is bone dry. What could be in the Mayor's mind to allow any fireworks to be launched in this below 10% humidity environment? Does he want a version of the Chicago fire but in Albuquerque???

Posted by: Fire and dirt | Jun 20, 2006 11:24:20 AM

Thank you for the answer Barb. I totally respect that and your decision.

Posted by: Edge | Jun 20, 2006 12:21:38 PM

But feel free to provide a link to your page on here anytime.

Posted by: barb | Jun 20, 2006 12:23:30 PM

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