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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Gay Marriage Video of the Day: Ask Them to Take the Pledge!

Politics TV has a must watch video that culminates in a request that we ask Republican "marriage defenders" to pledge to do their part in personally "protecting" marriage. This is, after all, the week Bush and his right-wingnut followers have set aside to deal with the most important problem Americans face today -- the threat of gay citizens being allowed to exercise their civil contracting rights to sign marriage papers. Tony Snow, the President's press spokesman, calls the proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage "civil rights legislation."

But what about Republican transgressions against the sanctity of marriage like divorce, adultery, infidelity and non-procreative sex? We must demand they take the pledge! If these folks want to be in gay people's bedrooms, we need to get into theirs. Big time. Watch the video and then just do it! American Blog has continuing coverage.

On a more serious note, check out Senator Russ Feingold's Daily Kos post about the gay marriage amendment, entitled A Shameful Political Ploy. There's no chance that this odious attempt to inject bigotry into the constitution will pass. That doesn't matter. Bush and his extremist supporters are once again using this issue for potential political gain. They'll keep doing it as long as many Democrats run and hide or twist and turn whenever this issue if raised. As we all know from our childhoods, if bullies aren't confronted, their bullying just gets worse.

June 6, 2006 at 09:51 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink




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