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Friday, June 02, 2006

Early Voting Ends Saturday for NM Primary Election

Donkey_3The New Mexico primary election is set for Tuesday, June 6. You need to be registered to vote as a Democrat to vote in the Democratic primary races. You can vote early through Saturday at your county clerk's office or at the additional satellite voting sites provided in many counties. Again, call your county clerk or access their website to find out where these locations are in your county. Click for early voting sites in Bernalillo County.

You can find the location of your county clerk's office here. You can also access general election and voting information at the Secretary of State's site. The League of Women Voters is another good source of voting and election information. The Democratic Party of NM website has statewide candidate listings and photos, as well as candidates for the legislature.

More information is provided in an earlier post. Here's a list of the statewide candidates running in the Democratic primary, and you can click on the candidate name to visit their campaign website:

U.S. Senator: Jeff Bingaman (unopposed)

Governor: Bill Richardson, plus Write-In Candidate: Anselmo A. Chavez

Lt. Governor: (unopposed)

Secretary of State: Stephanie Gonzales, Mary Herrera, Shirley Hooper, Letitia Montoya

State Treasurer: James B. Lewis (unopposed)

Attorney General: , Lemuel Martinez, Geno Zamora

Commissioner of Public Lands: Jim Baca, Ray Powell, Jr.

U.S. Representative (District 1): Patricia Madrid (unopposed)

U.S. Representative (District 2): Al Kissling (unopposed)

U.S. Representative (District 3): Tom Udall (unopposed)

Judges - Retention:
Justice of the Supreme Court: Edward L. Chavez
Judges of the Court of Appeals: Cynthia A. Fry, Lynn Pickard, Jim Wechsler

You can check the Secretary of State's website for a list of the statewide candidates, as well as the district candidates who are primary candidates.

June 2, 2006 at 11:30 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink




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