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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Dendahl's Follies
Lots of talk and reporting these days about the new Republican candidate for governor, John Dendahl. Dendahl reportedly was inserted into the race by 100 members of the Republican Central Committee after J. R. Damron left the race because of what were termed family considerations. I bet. Unable to mount a real candidate running a genuine campaign, NM Repubs have resorted to nominating New Mexico's version of Rush Limbaugh, only slightly smarter, to carry the GOP banner in the governor's race. Spewing all the way. Today, Joe Monahan claims he's been informed that it was Sen. Pete Domenici who "encouraged" the switch to Dendahl for a variety of reasons.
What Dendahl will bring to the race is often well-spoken but ultimately juvenile and mean-spirited pronouncements meant to irritate rather than enlighten. I see the poisonous presence of Karl Rove seeping into New Mexico to ensure a Swiftboat tone to the political dialogue, with the races for governor and CD1 rep garnering national attention.
This is the guy who offered $100,000 to the NM Green Party if they fielded candidates in two Congressional races in 2004. According to an article in the New York Times, "Mr. Dendahl described the money as a political contribution from someone in Washington. He did not identify the donor, but said he was not an elected official or affiliated with the National Republican Committee." Maybe it was Rove himself.
Known for his taunting and name calling, Dendahl was eventually too much for even NM Repubs. He was a primary player in a devisive fight within the Party in late 2003 and early 2004. The battle pitted the forces of Ramsay Gorham against the Dendahl faction that had dominated the Party for about 8 years, with Dendahl as state chair. He was ousted by the Gorham supporters in a heated and nasty internecine fight.
Since then he's been holding forth in gadfly fashion as a weekly opinion page columnist at the Albuquerque Journal, as well as a regular panel member on KNME's Friday night show, 'The Line.' I guess he'll have to give up both those gigs to make time for his Rovian duties in the governor's race. His pet rant topics included anything to do with Bill Richardson, tribal sovereignty, building a huge wall on the Mexican border, English as the official U.S. language and labeling anything done for the common good by government as a communist - Marxian - socialist (take your pick) plot.
Some of Dendahl's rightwingo positions:
Dendahl labels anyone who doesn't agree with him as a communist or socialist. This includes anyone who supports such things as the provision of pre-kindergarten education by the state, establishment of a commuter rail line or maintaining the estate tax.
He's against the Endangered Species Act, minimum or living wage increases, honoring our state's Hispanic and Native American languages, tribal sovereignty, protection of indigenous sacred sites and universal healthcare.
He's for the legalization of marijuana and some other drugs. This is the only case where he and I see eye to eye. However, Sen. Pete Domenici and others in his Party were incredibly riled by this stand, and demanded he resign as State Chair when he publicly sided with ex-Gov. Gary Johnson on the issue. Reports are that Domenici has reconciled with Dendahl because he cares more about battering Richardson than past Party battles.
Dendahl is also reportedly for more tax cuts for the rich, the abolishment of Affirmative Action, completely deregulating capitalism, drilling in the Valle Vidal and on Otero Mesa and nuclear power. Not that any of these positions really matter. It's obvious he isn't in the race to win or put forth a positive agenda, but merely to be the vocal carrier of insults and rants on behalf of BushCo, Domenici and their cronies. What can moderate Republicans around the state be thinking about this coup? Only time will tell.
June 20, 2006 at 11:02 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink
Dendahl is a joke. He belongs on right wing radio more than he does running for office. Issues? Who cares? He only wants to slime and slander just like his mentor Rove. It's the Republican politics of the day. You have to cover up your service to the rich and corporate with something for the masses. Venom is it.
Posted by: The Commentator | Jun 20, 2006 11:15:22 AM
Richardson may or may not survive this one.
I'd say it's a race worth watching.
Posted by: | Jun 20, 2006 11:33:22 AM
Dendhal is so unlikely to get elected to anything that it's painfully obvious that his only purpose is to slime Richardson in the hope that it will help hurt his future run for President. "You have to cover up your service to the rich and corporate with something for the masses." Our very own Domenici has gotten to be quite adept at that, just last week he voted along with the rest of his of culture of corruption colleagues to kill S.Amdt 4230 to S.2766. A bill that would have improved Federal contracting and procurement by eliminating fraud and abuse and improving competition in contracting and procurement. Pretty much eliminating those no bid, no accountability contracts that Halliburton and it's subsidiaries have been getting.
Posted by: VP | Jun 20, 2006 11:43:03 AM
Dendahl doesn't have a chance to win, just a chance to talk trash. The Republicans specialize in that these days, given they don't have any real policies except to steer money to the rich and keep the war machine going for eternity.
I'd like to know when the Albuquerque Journal is going to start doing a daily article on tracking donations to Domenici and Wilson and the contracts they arrange for these "friends." All well and good to track potential corruption whereever it is found, but the Journal only seems interested in finding fault with Richardson. Everyone knows it's the Republicans who have perfected the pay to play strategy. Bush had a dinner in DC last night that raised $27 million. I wonder what they are trading to get those bucks. Actually, we all know what that is.
Posted by: Old Dem | Jun 20, 2006 12:02:46 PM
I wish the Dems would stop criticizing Dendahl for his support for decriminalizing pot. Every Democrat I know supports that. I'm sure even the state chair of the Democrats supports it secretaly. But NOOOOOOO! We can't say it out loud.
There's enough to criticize Dendahl about without moving back into the dark ages about marijuana. How hypocritical of the Democratic "leaders."
Posted by: libertygirl | Jun 20, 2006 12:20:21 PM
The republicans put dendahl in for one reason, and one reason only to bring up the filth. To throw mud all day long.
Dendahl does not want to be gov.....but what he does want to do is keep heather in office and destroy the future runs of richardson. In my opinion the dems are in for a tough summer and fall. The dems have got to learn to SPEAK UP!!! From the chair of the dem party to the people running for office to our already elected officials.
I agree with liberty girl, if that is the best we can do to rag on dendahl about we are in big big trouble. Not to mention as she says it is pure hypocritical bullshit at a time when the counrty is going to the shitter.
Posted by: Mary Ellen | Jun 20, 2006 12:49:05 PM
We should hit Dendahl about his stone age understanding about the environment. He wants to drill in Otero Mesa and Valle Vidal. This alone should show he's a clown and not a serious candidate.
Posted by: El Norte | Jun 20, 2006 1:14:51 PM
Amen to libertygirl and Mary Ellen -- we have to STOP deriding legalization as one of Dimdahl's *bad* ideas. Now Schwartz has become a Dem because of this. peace, mjh
Posted by: mark hinton | Jun 21, 2006 11:29:54 AM