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Monday, May 08, 2006

Top 10 Reasons Gore Should Be Our 2008 Nominee

Al Gore's powerful new movie on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, opens on May 24th. He's been getting significant postive media coverage on his lecture tour talking about the serious consequences of this growing crisis. For several years he's also been giving passionate, bold and blunt speeches about the damage being wrought by Junior Bush. He's castigated in no uncertain terms Bush's crusades against the constitution, civil liberties, privacy rights and just about everything else that matters to Americans with an ability to think beyond right-wing slogans and propaganda.

Accompanying all this is a snowballing interest in convincing Gore to make another run at the presidency in 2008. I'm definitely in the bunch that believes Gore may be the best candidate for the job. The consequences of our continuing assault on the planet's viability will be escalating with each passing month. To deal effectively with this crisis, we'll need a leader willing to fight for a complete change in our current paradigm. We no longer have the luxury of relegating environmental considerations to the bottom of the heap. To survive as a species, we'll need to change how we live, how we see ourselves in the scheme of things, how we interact with each other and with nature.

Al Gore is one of the few politicos out there who seems to get it. Able to absorb and accept the facts about our planetary crisis, he seems perfectly matched to imagining creatively constructive ways to deal with the realities -- to convincingly present solutions. Most of the other potential Democratic candidates for president seem to me to be stuck in neutral, mired in the status quo, unable to clearly articulate the challenges we face or to rouse our citizens to action on a grand scale. They lack the "vision thing," apparently preferring the false comforts of denial, clutching the fabricated complacencies of business as usual.

Times like these require big thinkers, thinkers who can see over the near horizon, thinkers with genuine conviction and passion. As Gore has moved beyond the devastatingly bizarre and likely illegal circumstances of the 2000 presidential race, he seems to have rediscovered his true nature. He seems liberated to think and speak in no-holds-barred, concrete terms. To move beyond the programmed cadences of politico-speak and consultant-think and recapture his lively sense of wonder, rekindle his intellectual courage and reconnect with his deep-seated values. That's how it seems to me anyway.

Apparently I'm not alone. Nina Burleigh at Huffington Post has listed her top ten reasons why Al Gore should be our nominee in 2008. She also lays out a clear case on why Hillary should remain in the Senate and forget about presidential dreams:

10. My dad, the Midwestern bellwether, thinks Al Gore can win.

9. Gore doesn't pander to the religious vote, and he has forcefully and eloquently spoken out about separation of church and state.

8. He is courageous. Gore has consistently called the current administration out on its radical agenda, extremism and criminality.

7. By 2008, energy conservation will be an American obsession, not just with the so-called liberal "elite." Gore, the public conservationist, drew ridicule talking about it in the days of petrol plenty, sounds pretty smart now.

6. By 2008, global warming will be a mainstream concern. Gore was talking about global warming back when it was still science fiction. He's starring in a movie about it, coming to multiplexes along with "Over the Hedge."

5. The Iraq War will be universally understood to be a disaster by 2008. Gore opposed the Iraq War first among his peers, and forcefully, in 2004.

4. Gore is squeaky clean, untouched by corruption. No lost billing records in his linen closet, no Enron or Abramoff staining his campaign finance reports.

3. He can fight. He seems to have recovered his vitality, after the apparently spirit-draining years in Washington, the U.S. Senate and the vice presidency.

2. We CAN forgive him for selecting Joe Lieberman as his running mate, as long as he doesn't ever do it again.

1. He actually was elected President. If international election monitors had been running the show in 2000, imagine how different the world would look today.

Bonus point: He's related to Gore Vidal. He could make his cousin Secretary of State. Okay. A girl can dream.
Also good reading on this topic: 'The Resurrection of Al Gore' in the May 2006 issue of Wired and today's Wall Street Journal article, 'Al Gore Might Yet Join 2008 Contenders.' To keep on top of this issue, go sign up at Al Gore in 2008 or Draft Gore 2008.

May 8, 2006 at 11:58 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Mr Gore would be a much better choice as a third party independent candidate, that way he wouldn't be held back by party squabbling and back biting! He doesn't need the party for help name recognition and support.

Posted by: VP | May 8, 2006 12:27:41 PM

A Gore run as a third party candidate would ensure radical right fundamentalist victory in 2008.
Remember how Ross Perot's third party run damaged Papa Bush's re-election?
Now is not the time.
National policies, dialogue and mainstream mentality need to move much farther to the left OVER THE LONG RUN before the left can afford to start splintering.
Don't be stupid. The far right is in absolute power NOW. We progressives to moderates need to stick together in order to regain sanity in our country.
I would vote for Al Gore with all my heart and all my hope.

Posted by: qofdisks | May 8, 2006 12:58:22 PM

I would much rather have Gore as the Dem nominee. However, but I would also be willing to support him in a third-party run UNLESS the DC Dems and their cliched, unproductive and clubby "strategists" don't let go of their losing strategies of nothingness, and UNLESS the Dems as a whole don't wake up and start representing the people in a passionate way.

Enough with the "moving to the center" garbage. We are in crisis NOW, and need fresh, assertive positions to fight for.

Believe me, if we get the horribly compromised Hillary Clinton for a nominee, obviously owned by all those tens of millions she's already collected, I will be strongly tempted to support a third party candidacy. Even worse would be the boring nothingness of Warner or Bayh.

And I disagree that things have to move farther to the left in the LONG TERM. We need persuasive leaders NOW to give people the other side of the argument. All they've been hearing for years is the lying right-wing propaganda machine while most Dems remain silent, afraid to LEAD.

Issues like global warning, honesty in government and following the constitution on civil rights and more aren't "left" -- they're common sense, 100 percent American issues and should be framed that way.

It's time for a REFORM movement within both Parties that targets all the crooks taking big money from elites who could care less about America or its common people.

Posted by: Old Dem | May 8, 2006 1:36:41 PM

Imagine how different the world would be if the Supreme Court hadn't installed Bush as prez in 2000 and Gore had been running the show in the years since then. We have to stop them from stealing the election again in 08.

Posted by: Red or Green | May 8, 2006 4:32:43 PM

I hope Gore does run and on the Democratic ticket. We need a candidate that has a chance of winning. Gore has a better chance by far than Hillary Clinton.

Posted by: Mandala | May 8, 2006 7:21:41 PM

Anyone have a vice-presidential running mate to suggest for Gore?

Posted by: nancy | May 8, 2006 11:39:08 PM

Gore lost and disappeared. Had he been qualified for the job, he would have fought till the end and after Election Night 2000. He fumbled the ball.

Richardson needs to be the next President.

This website seems eerily out of touch with New Mexico. Is Mr. Dean's brother still running it for "legal" purposes?

Posted by: Edge | May 9, 2006 5:20:00 AM

Edge has it wrong. Gore is best positioned to be our candidate because he learned how damaging it is to listen to the cowardly "consultants" within the Dem Party. He is wiser and more seasoned than he was in 2000, when he put acting like a gentleman and listening to conventional wisdom before pushing to the end.

Wake up Edge. Very few of us want Richardson to run for president. He's got too much baggage and too many ethics problems that will be spotlighted when the national media start paying attention. He's one of those DLC "centrist" Dems who takes too much money from bad people.

He has done many good things for NM, but I don't think he has it together enough to run successfully for president. VP maybe.

Posted by: I Vote | May 9, 2006 8:30:28 AM

Hey Edge, this site isn't out of touch with NM just because it's encouraging Gore to run again. I can tell you almost all of my friends here in NM want him to do it.

Posted by: JLC | May 9, 2006 11:22:50 AM

Credit where credit is due - Richardson has a kickass record on the environment and has done some really brave things on that score here in NM.

Posted by: Greenie | May 9, 2006 11:38:05 AM

Gore should forget about the Democratic Party and run as an Independent and he would win. Gov. Richardson is a Phony and condones Corruption and Cronyism. Go Al Go. Eli Chavez, Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | May 11, 2006 3:23:27 PM

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