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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Money Game

Cash_2New Mexico campaign finance reports were just submitted by candidates for the period May 1, 2005 to May 1, 2006. They show who made donations, in what amounts, and list expenditures the campaigns have made to date. As I've said before, it pains me to report on races according to funds raised. I don't believe the level of campaign contributions necessarily tracks with the strength, electability or positive attributes of a candidate. And raising loads of money in the current political climate can mean the candidate is compromised and hamstrung by big donors.

Ideas count. Grassroots outreach counts. Perceived honesty and ethics count. Personality and other variables count. Of course money counts too, but not always as much as fundraisers, media consultants and big dollar donors would like us to believe. For instance, when Russ Feingold ran for his first term as Senator in Wisconsin, his primary opponents outraised him by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yet Russ won.

Nevertheless, the amount of money raised by a campaign can often indicate something about how organized and efficient an operation is, provide a window into how things are going out in the field or merely show that someone is taking in big bucks from special interests. You decide.

Governor Bill Richardson's reelection campaign has raised a whopping $3.8 million this past year, for a total of $6.9 million. He has more than $5.5 million cash on hand. Richardson raised $8 million in his first run for governor in 2002. The campaign allegedly has its sights on raising at last $10 million by the November general election.

Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish raised $1 million for her reelection campaign, but returned $10,000 of that to Guy Riordan, who has been tarnished by testimony in the Robert Vigil kickback trial.

In the Democratic primary race for Attorney General, Geno Zamora leads the field with more than $430,000, Gary King is second with $300,000 and Lem Martinez lags with $200.000.

In the crowded primary for Secretary of State, Stephanie Gonzales and Mary Herrera are in a virtual tie for second at $43,000 each, although most of Gonzales' total was in the form of a personal loan from her. The almost entirely self-funded campaign of Letitia Montoya is in the lead with $61,000. Shirley Hooper is last with $25,000, including her personal loan to her campaign of $5,000.

In the Dem primary race for Land Commissioner, Ray Powell raised $98,000, including $45,000 he provided his campaign as a loan. His cash in hand totals $69,000. Jim Baca raised about $77,000 with $29,000 cash in hand.

Check out Joe Monahan for his view of what the finance reports mean, as well as the totals raised by Republicans. Although our current Secretary of State, Rebecca Vigil-Giron, was supposed to have a searcheable database in place for campaign reporting this cycle, things are still in disarray at her site despite three years to prepare. Many candidate reports are incomplete, and none are in the form of a searchable database. You can read more about this snafu in this Albuquerque Journal article. Excerpt:

Campaign finance reform advocates say they are disappointed by the delay, particularly with scandals unfolding in New Mexico that involve campaign contributions.

"If you think about all the things going on now, if we are truly interested in more disclosure, we've got to make this system work," said Matt Brix, executive director of New Mexico Common Cause and a member of an ethics reform task force created by Gov. Bill Richardson.

The Albuquerque Tribune has articles on Monday's campaign finance report submittals:

Governor and Lt. Governor

Attorney General and other statewide races

May 9, 2006 at 03:15 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


That sure is a bunch of dough for Richardson. Then again I think Hillary is up to $30+ million for her senate race. Um, allegedly for her senate race. Just think what this nation could do with all the millions now being spent on political campaigns, those lousy ads and the rest. A true waste of money.

It's also clear from reading this post that we need to work hard to get as much money out of politics as we can. We need to push the campaign reform task force like crazy.

Posted by: Kossian | May 9, 2006 4:38:46 PM

I agree Kossian. The task force needs to hear loud and clear that the public with stand for nothing less that sweeping ethics and campaign finance reform during the 2007 legislative session.

The next task force meeting is May 30, 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. at the UNM Law School.

Posted by: | May 9, 2006 5:01:34 PM

Sorry, I posted the previous comment.

Posted by: | May 9, 2006 5:02:36 PM

Some politicians just run for office to make their money. That's why you see candidates that lose over and over and over for years on end. Why do they still run? Because it's the easiest high paying job non-professionals (who double as thieving liars) can pull off.

Posted by: Edge | May 10, 2006 3:41:23 AM

Edge, I think you have some misconceptions, to say the least. If you think running for office is fun, try it some time. Candidates don't get to keep their campaign funds to pay themselves salaries you know.

As for Matt's comments, I strongly agree and will urge all the Democrats I know to show up for the ethics TF hearings.

Posted by: Another Dem | May 10, 2006 1:13:00 PM

If you check the reports you can see who will be calling the shots in NM. I think real estate developers are #1. Then horse racing and gambling interests. With all the big money changing hands, how can we expect those who win office to do anything but work for the ones who bought them?

Posted by: I Vote | May 10, 2006 2:41:48 PM

"Another Democrat",
Your wrong, thieves run for office all the time and don't report the money - they pocket it.
I saw it happen over and over and over when I worked on numerous New Mexico campaigns.
Oh, and I have run for office. I opted not to accept campaign contributions. I guess the misconceptions are all yours! Have you been keeping up with the Vigil scam? Do you realize who else in New Mexico politics is "in bed" with him?

I didn't think so!

Thanks for the laugh though.......

And Matt, excellent comments! I can't wait for eithics reform, I hope it is retroactive. I think it's time the lying thieves who run for office in New Mexico go to the pen.

I understand it's in the works...

Posted by: Edge | May 11, 2006 4:01:42 AM

Edge: I'm well aware that bad things happen in many campaigns but I think you exaggerate when you claim what you claim. I personally know no Democrats who run for office over and over just to get their hands on money to live on. You lose credibility when you make broad brush statements with no documentation.

As I wrote I strongly support the ethics task force and hope that a much better campaign finance system is legislated. The problem is big money in politics in both parties and all over the nation at every level. If you run for office, you are almost forced to beg money from people who don't have the community's best interest at heart. However, I have known many honorable candidates who operate with honor even within this crooked system. Don't assume everyone is crooked because some are.

Posted by: Another Democrat | May 11, 2006 8:40:14 AM

Since Gov. Richardson is a shoo-in, Gov. Richardson should consider returning some comtribution from his War Chest. Gov. Richardson should give the remaining Balance of $480,000 transfered to his war chest in 2004 from his own organization "Moving America Forward" to the Democratic Party of New Mexico. Gov. Richardson has used and abused the Democratic Party and Milked it Dry and the mentioned $480,000 would be a welcomed donation. Governor Richardson accepted over $40,000 in campaign contributions from his Big Money Friend Guy Riordan...(Gov. Richardson appointed Riordan to the Fish and Game Department Board). According to the Media, Gov. Richardson wants to establish Ethics in State Government... One way to start Gov. Richardson's proposed Ethics Program is for Gov. Richardson to either return the $40,000 (Kick Back Money) to Guy Riordan or to give it to the FBI as Evidence. Gov. Richardson choose to give the Kick Back Money to Charity. What a Deal. Gov. Richardson appointed another one of his Big Money Buddies Gerald Peters to the State Board of Finance? Did Gov. Richardson order the New Mexico State Police to conduct a Background Investigation on Gearld Peters? Who is Gerald Peters?

Posted by: Eli Chavez | May 11, 2006 10:25:42 AM

Under the system we have, if every candidate refused to do business with anyone who had any scandal or financial manipulation attached to them, we'd have no candidates. Unless they would decide to take the route taken by Howard Dean when he ran for prez - tons of small donations from large numbers of ordinary people. Most politicos are too lazy to do that and the campaign advice they get would never permit it.

Posted by: Former Candidate | May 11, 2006 2:34:57 PM

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