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    Tuesday, May 02, 2006

    The Perch Is Yours: Tuesday Open Thread

    Our sun conure parrot Sunny looks pissed, doesn't he? I know how he feels. The corporate media repeatedly play Bush's clown act at the White House Correspondents' Dinner while ignoring or criticizing the on-target edginess of Stephen Colbert. Bush and his buddies keep getting away with torture, lies, terrifying plans for an Iran war, leaks of dangerous information, environmental insanity and general all-around hypocrisy and incompentence. Meanwhile, the Republican Congress wants to further cut health care benefits, and anything that benefits human beings outside the ranks of defense contractors, oil companies and big pharma.

    As you can see, Sunny likes to hang upside to clear his head of these irritating and worrisome issues. Why?  Because he can't type! But you can. So go ahead and click below on the Comments link and let us all know what you're thinking today, or what candidates you're supporting in the June primary. No hanging, just opining....

    May 2, 2006 at 02:14 PM in Bird Blogging, Current Affairs | Permalink


    Anyone else supporting Jim Baca for Land Commissioner, Gino Zamora for AG, Stephanie Gonzales for Secretary of State (anyone but Herrera!) or Jeff Armijo for State Auditor? If not, who are you supporting? And why?

    Posted by: Old Dem | May 2, 2006 3:15:41 PM

    I'm with you Old Dem. I think Geno works the hardest at it, and will be gung ho in the job. Gonzales is professional and experienced while Herrera has fought election reform tooth and nail. I'm torn between Ray Powell and Baca for land commissioner, but I think Baca would be tougher on the plunderers.

    I wonder what kind of turnout we'll get in the primary. If progressives have a big turnout we could really effect the outcome of the contested races.

    Posted by: El Norte | May 2, 2006 3:34:34 PM

    I feel like singing the national anthem in Spanish. Just because. And in Lithuanian, Italian, Polish, French and whatever other language comes to mind. Let's give Republicans a real big headache!

    Posted by: Walks Like a Duck | May 2, 2006 4:10:08 PM

    Colbert video here (copy the URL and paste in your browser window)


    (notice when the papernazi laugh and when they don't)

    Posted by: suz | May 3, 2006 5:57:44 AM

    I'm shocked at how many Hispanics in New Mexico are vehemently against the immigration demonstrations and fair immigration law.

    I was reading the comments on an article about the issue at the Santa Fe New Mexican and so many who signed Hispanic names were very insulting and, well, racist in their statements. Stereotypes galore. One person said the welfare offices would probably be empty on Monday, in addition to immigrants not showing up at their jobs.

    What is sad is that the very stereotypes and slurs they are using against Mexican immigrants were ones that were used against New Mexico's Hispanics for many years, and often still are. I guess it goes back to the claim by many Hispanics here that they have "pure" Spanish blood, not Mexican blood that's usually mixed with Indian blood. Even among the long oppressed, I guess there are class and ethnic prejudices and hatred. It gave me a stomach ache when I read the comments though.

    Posted by: Anonymous | May 3, 2006 9:30:27 AM

    Sunny looks fierce! Squawk!

    Posted by: Jane | May 3, 2006 9:46:08 AM

    So when is our war with Iran officially gonna start? Madmen. Crazy people. Dangerous liars running the country. But who cares? We can shop at Walmart and, if we're already rich, get generous tax refunds!

    Immigrastion is the least of our problems.

    Posted by: Another Prog | May 3, 2006 11:42:52 AM

    Regarding the anonymous post above -
    Hate and intolerance is alive and well in this country!!! Even among minorities.

    Posted by: mary ellen | May 3, 2006 1:19:42 PM

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