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    Thursday, May 25, 2006

    The Chickens Come Home to Roost

    Chicken_2Bawk, bawk! Cluck, cluck! Enron's top crooks, Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling, were convicted today on numerous counts of fraud, conspiracy, insider trading and lying. Reuters has the details.

    DarkSyde at Daily Kos has this to say in reminding us how close these criminals were with Bush:

    Lay is known to be a very close personal friend of current US president George W. Bush, and was one of the largest contributors to his presidential campaigns. His contribution history is $651,760 to Republicans, $61,960 to Democrats, and $62,150 to special interests (Source: Breakdown by Candidate or PAC). He served on the Bush-Cheney Transition Advisory Committee and was rumored to be the early top contender for Secretary of the Treasury until his untimely fall from grace and credibility.

    Skilling was a long time idea man and Enron power broker who served a couple of stints at CEO. He is a well known political cash cow with a campaign contribution history of $162,750 to Republicans, $9,750 to Democrats, and $50,783 classified as special interests (Source: Breakdown by Candidate or PAC).

    If only these two stars of the Republican Culture of Corruption could be sent to one of those black hole prisons we're secretly operating in Eastern Europe. Let's hope they are sentenced to many years, even if it's likely to be in one of those Prison Hilton's reserved for rich, elite criminals.

    May 25, 2006 at 12:46 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    I hope these two get the maximum sentence but I won't be surprised if they get only a few years. White collar criminals, especially right wing ones, generally get off easy. They're such gentlemen, you know. Such good manners as they rip you off.

    Posted by: JJ | May 26, 2006 1:55:32 PM

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