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Monday, May 01, 2006

Thank You Steve Colbert

ColbertStephen Colbert of Comedy Central's Colbert Report was the featured guest at Saturday's White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington and he went after Bush no holds barred. With Bush sitting a few seats down from the podium. Visit the new website Thank You Steve Colbert and you can watch excellent quality video of his performance in three parts. You can also express your appreciation to Steve for his in-your-face courage in confronting Bush.

Visit this post on Daily Kos for a complete transcript of Colbert's segment. You can currently watch the entire show on CSPAN's website, under Recent Programs, including Bush's segment, that featured a Bush impersonator that was funny (and tragic) to me in ways I don't think Dubya anticipated.

May 1, 2006 at 10:33 AM in Media | Permalink


I noticed that chan 7 (KOAT TV) ran two clips of Bu$h's little doubles skit and ignored Steve Colbert on their 5pm news Sunday, I wonder why??? Actually I know why but it seems a bit unbalanced to me.

Posted by: VP | May 1, 2006 10:48:08 AM

Too bad we can't get rid of Bush and replace him with the impersonator. He couldn't do worse than Bush, could he? I love Colbert!

Posted by: JLC | May 1, 2006 1:50:51 PM

Colbert was fabulous. Too bad the corporate media is concentrating on showing Bush's clown act instead of Colbert's pointed truth telling.

Posted by: Cathy | May 1, 2006 4:25:07 PM

The right-wing corporate media is ignoring Colbert's bravura satirical performance, instead giddily covering Bush's stale doppleganger schtick.

I watched them both, and while I can understand that the fawning invertabrates of the Bushophilic press would find Colbet's sardonic truth-telling unfunny (since much of it was aimed [zing!] directly at them),
what I can't understand is how any intelligent newsperson could have found the Bush with Bush impersonator bit anything but sophomorically lame and more than slighty creepy.

I guess thats how it is with proto-dictatorships: anything Dear Leader says must be met with sycophantic applause from the lackeys and minions, a group which includes, sadly and unfortunately for our democracy, much of the Washington press corp.

Posted by: DN Palacios | May 1, 2006 6:16:09 PM

I thought Bush's thing was funny, in a dark way, because the guy imitating him showed most of the ugly and juvenile habits Bush unfortunately has. The idiotic laugh, the body language of a teen and more.

It's obvious the corporate media has blacklisted Colbert and his sardonic wit. As DN says, he portrayed the media correctly, as a bunch of typists who record the talking points of the right wing.

Posted by: Bob | May 2, 2006 9:18:24 AM

Colbert Rules! And I love his show Colbert Report too. He's great at skewering Bush and his partners in crime.

Posted by: Silver City Jan | May 2, 2006 1:41:21 PM

"At the recent Washington Correspondents' Dinner, master comedian Stephen Colbert performed magnificently. With the rapier of wit and the mace of truth, he respectively skewered and censured the presidency of "dum'ass botch".

Talk about wonderful lagniappe! Mr Colbert made that nincompoop's lap dogs in our national conventional media run for cover with their tail between their legs. And that's not all our man accomplished.

Tucked away in his address to the dinner's flabbergasted attendees, like a ticking time bomb, there was an 'easter egg', which we had absolutely . . . here 'we' is a polite nod . . . NO right to expect. Like the Easter Bunny in a mischievous mood, Mr Colbert camouflaged a bon mot, so profound as to approach philosophical.

oh, before I reveal Mr Colbert's casual accomplishment, I should like to preface with a caveat. The appropriate interpretation of that remark requires sagacity an-- . . ."

oh, alright (!) already, I'll admit it. The above text is meant to serve as "bait" for the dear Reader's curiosity. Yes, I would like people to visit my blog. And why not?! The average visitor is bound to find one or two startling insights. What's more, it's a good bet that more than a few visitors will discover that I evoke with the written word thought, hitherto more, well, tantalizing than articulated.

.he who is known as sefton


. . . oh, yeah, I should add that the full title for that post is "rehabilitation of and by and for the right wing" . . . by the bye, depending on visitor's essentiality, one might be either heartened or dismayed by one, or two, of my easter eggs.

Posted by: A Alexander Stella | May 9, 2006 8:45:35 PM

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