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    Tuesday, May 30, 2006

    Sound Off: Gonzales Campaign for Secretary of State Reaches Out

    The following was originally posted as a comment to a previous post that announced the endorsement of Stephanie Gonzales for Secretary of State by election reform groups United Voters NM and Verified Voting NM. These comments were submitted by William H. Mee. I transferred it here so that it can attract more readership as our June 6 primary election nears.

    Dear All,
    Let me make a disclaimer up front. I am a volunteer for the Stephanie Gonzales campaign, and I want to thank you for the your kind words. Also, I want to make an urgent appeal to you for your active support of Stephanie Gonzales for Secretary of State.

    If you are concerned about the 2008 Presidential Election, the best thing you can do is ensure that we have the most competent Democratic candidate in this Primary Election on June 6th. I believe that is Stephanie Gonzales.

    The other three women in the race are wonderful women who would make fine secretaries of state for New Mexico at any time in the 1970’s and 1980’s. But since the millennium the stakes have gotten higher and it takes a very competent and strong leader to administer that elective office.  You know that New Mexico will again be a battleground state, and the pressure will be on. Stephanie is clearly the most qualified and energized candidate to do this. She was the last one to enter the race and the first one with a formal plan on how to improve the office. Click to read The Eight Point Plan posted on her website.

    We have a Statewide Primary to win and we need your help. Of course we need money for the campaign for visibility, but it may be too late unless you act quickly. More importantly --- we need feet, hands and minds. Feet to go door-to-door and to stand out on Election Day with a sign. Hands to do mailouts and put bumper stickers on. Minds to do letters to the editor, e-mailing and blogging, and give speeches at community events, plus to do Election Day observation. This is real grassroots democracy. Vote early to free up your time on Election Day (besides at many County Clerks offices it is on paper). If you really believe then call us in Santa Fe at 989-1811 or 989-1875; visit the internet at:


    or send us an email at:


    Thanks for your time.

    Editor's Note: Sound Off is a regular feature of this website. It provides an opportunity for readers, candidates, officeholders and others to submit posts to be published on any and all topics. If you'd like to submit a post, please send it to me by clicking on the 'Email Me' link on the upper left-hand side of the main page of this website.

    May 30, 2006 at 08:57 AM in Candidates & Races, Sound Off! | Permalink


    Go Stephanie Go!
    Mary Herrera must be defeated! She has alsready maxed out the Peter Principle! Fighting verifiable paper ballots tooth and nail, throwing away 1000's of profisional ballots, unable to control the Reich-wing angitators and spoilers.
    I wish I didn't hae t make the hard choice between the other three super women....but I'm in Stephanie's corner with both feet

    Posted by: PlacitasRoy | May 30, 2006 4:00:00 PM

    I agree with PlacitasRoy. Herrera is a horror and must be defeated in the primary. Gonzales has a great plan fo what she will do in office, is smart and a hard worker. The other candidates have their strengths but I think Gonzales is the very best of those running.

    Posted by: I Vote | May 31, 2006 10:07:26 AM

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