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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Dem AG Candidate Forum Sunday

The Democratic candidates for NM attorney general will meet in a 10:30 AM forum on Sunday at Congregation Albert at 3800 Lousiana NE in Albuquerque. The event is free is open to the public. Geno Zamora, Gary King and Lemuel Martinez will talk about the issues they believe are most important to New Mexico, and will take questions from the audience.

The public is also invited to attend a brunch that begins at 10:00 AM at the social hall of Congregation Albert, 3800 Louisiana NE, and costs $9. Reservations can be made at 883-1818, ext. 3203.

May 6, 2006 at 10:18 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Rumsfeld Lies About Lying (And Now Goss Resigns)


Think Progress has the video of recently retired, 27-year veteran CIA analyst Ray McGovern challenging Rumsfeld at a speech yesterday on his honesty about the Iraq war and the reasons concocted to justify the invasion. There's also a text version of the interaction.

In one exchange, Rummy denies he said he knew where the WMD's were in Iraq and McGovern reads him a verbatim quote where he says just that. Rumsfeld, rarely lacking in the spin department, had to skip at least one beat.

In addition to the blunt questioning from McGovern, there were at least three protestors in the crowd, including one guy who stood with his back towards Rumsfeld during his entire appearance. One guy was wearing a large sticker that said 'IMPEACH' and a woman was escorted out after holding up a banner that called Rummy a war criminal. Could we really be reaching a long overdue turning point on the crass manipulation of the truth by Bush and company? How much longer can they keep lying in the face of clear, documented evidence to the contrary? How much longer will the mainstream media play along with them?

Thus just in: Porter Goss "resigns" as CIA director. Why? And why now? Does it have something to do with the new prostitute scandal involving Duke Cunningham and some of his Republican cohorts? Is Goss involved in some way with the Plame lead scandal? Inquiring minds want to know.

Think Progress has the video and transcript of prominent neocon and editor of The Weekly Standard William Kristol's reaction to the Goss resignation:

Kristol:  It wasn’t done in a routine way. I don’t think people — certainly people close to Goss did not expect this to happen. Senior congressmen and senators didn’t expect this to happen. I’m not sure the White House expected this to happen ... I do think this was sudden. It was unexpected. There will be more of a story that will come out. I don’t know what it implies for the future of the agency and Goss’ effort to shake up an institution, an institution that’s very difficult to shake up. But I do not believe it was part of a long-planned —

... What was striking about the statement in the Oval Office with the President, he didn’t say, “I will serve until my successor is confirmed,” which is the usual practice. In the written statement, he says he intends to be there for a few weeks to help ensure a smooth transition, but implying he could well leave before his successor is confirmed by the United States Senate. So again, I think there were either serious disputes or some internal problem at the agency or some scandal conceivably involving an associate of Goss’. Who knows? Something that popped this week and that caused this sudden event this Friday.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

May 5, 2006 at 05:29 PM in Current Affairs, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sen. Bingaman to Headline NMARA Health Care Symposium

The New Mexico Alliance for Retired Americans will host a Health Care Symposium, fund-raiser and membership drive Saturday, May 13, 2006, at 9:30 AM at the IBEW 611 Union Hall. The hall is located at 4921 Alexander Boulevard in Albuquerque (see map and directions). The event is free and open to the public.

Bingaman_3The presenters will be Senator Jeff Bingaman: Federal Budget Cuts; Michael Parks, Senior Citizen's Law: Medicare Part D; Roy Aragon: Social Security and Connie Engholm, national ARA.

For more information, contact Rose Peters, President NM ARA; 505-262-2629 or petersrose@att.net. Click for more information on the Alliance for Retired Americans .

May 5, 2006 at 12:11 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Four Dead In Ohio: 36 Years Ago Today


We once again remember the four students (above) at Kent State University who were shot dead by the Ohio National Guard 36 years ago today. Nine others were wounded, including one who was permanently paralyzed from the waist down. The demonstrators had been gathered on the campus commons protesting the Viet Nam war and Nixon's recent expansion of the fighting into Cambodia. Although two of those killed, Scheuer and Schroeder, were merely walking on campus between classes.

Ohio Nation Guard soldiers with fixed bayonets on rifles.

The Guard broke up the protest by tossing tear gas into the crowd as the participants retreated from the center of campus. Armed with loaded rifles and fixed bayonets, the soldiers suddenly turned unprovoked on the crowd along side them and to the rear and fired 67 shots into the crowd in less than a minute. They hit students from as close as 71 feet away and as far as 750 feet. Senseless, shocking, unnecessary killings. A massacre. Soldiers almost randomly killing American college students on American soil -- an act so heinously symbolic of the chaotic and desperate mood of that era.

Soldiers approach as students start dispersing.

In response to the incident, CSNY released the quickly written and recorded song "Ohio," penned by Neil Young, within a few days of the killings. It was shipped out immediately nationwide and used as a rallying cry for student strikes that shut down hundreds of colleges and universities across America, including the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, where I was in my senior year. Many colleges and universities, including my own, never reopened after the strike. An abrupt end to the semester came after several weeks of demonstrations and strikes that virtually shut down operations on campuses all over America.

Students fleeing and ducking as shots are fired into the crowd.

Ironically as well as appropriatedly, Neil Young again has issued music in response to the escalation of a national tragedy. As the Iraq quaqmire drags on, as the warmongers in Washington make plans to attack Iran and as evidence grows that American operatives and troops may already be on the ground there, Neil Young releases Living With War. Can something like Kent State happen again? According to this article, it sure as hell could, given Bush's eternal and expanding "war on terror."

Jeffrey Miller dead on the ground.

I wrote about Kent State last year, and I'll probably do it every year, if I can. Kent State represents the executive branch and miltary-industrial complex run amuck, crushing our democratic traditions in response to criticism. Sound familiar? It's as crucial to be on guard against this kind of anti-American and undemocratic destructiveness now as it was then. The dark forces of repression are growing daily in this atmosphere of fearmongering and "security." Secretive, imperialistic and stubbornly lethal forces are in power once again. And they don't respond to reason.

The only differences now? There's no draft. It's now the Pentagon-multinational corporation-defense techonolgy complex. Bush isn't as smart as Nixon was. Nixon never claimed to be acting on god's command.

For information about and photographs of the Kent State tragedy, check these sites:

The official Kent May 4 Center.

A compelling and well-documented series of posts on Daily Kos the provide detailed analysis of Nixon's actions that Spring regarding the Viet Nam war and the aftermath of his decisions, including the Kent State massacre.

Wikipedia entry.

NPR entry recalling that day and revisiting the campus years later.

Killed at Kent State 5/4/70

Allison Krause
Jeffrey Miller
Sandra Scheuer
William Schroeder

Wounded at Kent State 5/4/70

Alan Canfora
John Cleary
Thomas Grace
Dean Kahler
Joseph Lewis
Donald Mackenzie
James Russell
Robby Stamps
Douglas Wrentmore

May 4, 2006 at 04:24 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (3)

No Comment

Click on image for larger version. From the comic strip Deep Cover  by Tim Eagan. 

May 4, 2006 at 10:52 AM in Democratic Party, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (0)

Benefit Lunch to Honor Outstanding Dem Women

The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
Invites You to Celebrate
These Outstanding Democratic Women:

Lt. Governor Diane D. Denish
Attorney General Patricia Madrid
Clara Apodaca, Former First Lady
Marty Cope, Lea County Chair
Minnie Gallegos, Santa Fe County Chair
Mary Gail Gwaltney, DNC National Committee Woman
Alice King, Former First Lady
Marie Sedillo, First Congressional District Vice-Chair, Democratic Women of NM
Frances Ray, President, Democratic Women
of Bernalillo County

First Lady Barbara Richardson
Christine Trujillo, President, NM Federation of Labor, American Federation of Teachers

At a Luncheon, Tuesday, May 9, 2006, 12 Noon
Hyatt Regency Hotel
330 Tijeras Ave. N W, Albuquerque

Tickets - $50.00; Tables of 10 - $500.00

Please RSVP to Terri at 256-1855 or terri@bernalillodems.org. Proceeds to Benefit the Bernalillo County Democratic Party.

Terri Holland
Executive Director
Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
130 Alvarado NE, Suite 400
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Fax - 505-265-0327
C - 505-417-3972

May 4, 2006 at 09:27 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Madrid Proposes Real Path to Energy Independence

Pmadrid_1News from the Madrid for Congress Campaign: Attorney General Patricia Madrid today stood with homeowner Marlene Brown to highlight the Albuquerque resident’s solar-powered home as an example of a real solution to the current energy crunch.

Madrid said investing in solar energy – rather than tossing a one-time $100 tax rebate at consumers or drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge – would help lead to real American energy independence.

“Heather Wilson and the Republican Congress have made their deal with big oil,” Madrid said. “They’ve handed out billions of dollars in tax breaks to oil and utility companies, but shortsighted $100 rebates and drilling aren’t going to fix the mess they’ve made. Only a long-term sustainable energy policy – that includes solar energy – will make our country truly energy independent.”

Madrid, who is running against Rep. Heather Wilson to represent New Mexico’s First Congressional District, continued her call for sensible energy policies saying that when she is elected to Congress she will:

  • Vote against any energy bill that gives billions of dollars of tax breaks to big oil and utility companies.
  • Demand that development of renewable energy sources – like wind, solar and biomass – finally receive the funding they need to become mainstream components of our everyday lives.
  • Ensure meaningful federal anti-trust law enforcement.

Specifically Madrid believes that tax cuts should be expanded for consumers who, like Brown, invest in systems that use renewable energy.

“Solar energy is one of the best renewable power sources we have,” Madrid said. “Rather than rewarding big energy corporations with multibillion-dollar tax breaks, we need to reward hard-working consumers who invest in smart energy solutions.”

Ben Luce, chair of the New Mexico Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy agreed.

“Solar energy is the United States’ largest energy resource,” Luce said. “It’s an infinite, free and usable resource. We have the solutions, we have the technology, now we need the leadership,” Luce said.

Editor's Note: KUNM's website has some audio clips from Madrid's recent appearance with Wesley Clark and veterans in Albuquerque. The two call Heather Wilson out for her continued support of Bush's failed war policies.

May 3, 2006 at 04:41 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

A Day Without Immigrants? Try a Day Without Republicans

On May Day we had another powerful and spine-tingling day of massive nationwide demonstrations by immigrants, celebrating a Day Without Immigrants. At least SEVERAL MILLION supporters of fair immigration reform participated, including thousands right here in New Mexico. You can see some photos our the Albuquerque event at m-pyre and SWOPblogger.

A Day Without Immigrants was designed to show the economic clout and contributions of immigrants. But how about considering a Day Without Republicans? A post by Joseph Hughes at MyDD has done just that. Excerpt:

Without Republicans, imagine the unprecedented void left behind by an at-home religious right? The nation's , and would have free reign to destroy America with their loving relationships, ownership of their own bodies and desire to pursue the American dream. Who would of sitting Supreme Court justices or of entire cities? Why, those terrible Islamofascists would for one day have the monopoly on those who oppose them. And we can't have that!


Speaking of Republican hypocrisy, how about this? Think Progress reports that Jon Secada sang America the Beautiful in English AND SPANISH at Bush's 2001 inaugural and campaign events! Not only that, but Bush himself would sing the American national anthem in Spanish as a regular feature of his campaign stops, particularly in cities with large Latino populations! Kevin Phillips' book American Dynasty reports on page 142:

When visiting cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, or Philadelphia, in pivotal states, he would drop in at Hispanic festivals and parties, sometimes joining in singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” in Spanish, sometimes partying with a “Viva Bush” mariachi band flown in from Texas.

Meanwhile, Bush blasted singing the anthem in Spanish at his Friday press op. Can't have it both ways, amigo. But then, given our mostly lazy and slanted corporate media, Bush often does just that.

May 3, 2006 at 09:19 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (2)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Perch Is Yours: Tuesday Open Thread


Our sun conure parrot Sunny looks pissed, doesn't he? I know how he feels. The corporate media repeatedly play Bush's clown act at the White House Correspondents' Dinner while ignoring or criticizing the on-target edginess of Stephen Colbert. Bush and his buddies keep getting away with torture, lies, terrifying plans for an Iran war, leaks of dangerous information, environmental insanity and general all-around hypocrisy and incompentence. Meanwhile, the Republican Congress wants to further cut health care benefits, and anything that benefits human beings outside the ranks of defense contractors, oil companies and big pharma.


As you can see, Sunny likes to hang upside to clear his head of these irritating and worrisome issues. Why?  Because he can't type! But you can. So go ahead and click below on the Comments link and let us all know what you're thinking today, or what candidates you're supporting in the June primary. No hanging, just opining....

May 2, 2006 at 02:14 PM in Bird Blogging, Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (8)

Gov. Richardson Names Ethics Task Force

If you haven't yet checked out New Mexico political blogger Heath Haussamen, who's also a reporter for the Las Cruces Sun-News, now's the time to visit. Heath has the skinny on Governor Richardson's selections for the new Ethics Task Force that will be making recommendations for action at next January's legislative session.

I'm particularly pleased to see that Common Cause NM Executive Director Matt Brix was one of those appointed. As I'm sure you'll recall, Brix and his organization were instrumental in getting the Open and Ethical Elections measure approved in Albuquerque this past Fall. This successful ballot initiative provides for voluntary public funding for municipal candidates. Other excellent picks are ex-U.S. Interior Secretary Stewart Udall, Judicial Standards Commission Executive Director Jim Noel, Albuquerque's progressive State Sen. Dede Feldman and State Rep. Ken Martinez of Grants. Haussamen has the entire list, along with analysis of the Governor's plans.

May 2, 2006 at 10:42 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform | Permalink | Comments (4)