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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Madrid Proposes Real Path to Energy Independence

Pmadrid_1News from the Madrid for Congress Campaign: Attorney General Patricia Madrid today stood with homeowner Marlene Brown to highlight the Albuquerque resident’s solar-powered home as an example of a real solution to the current energy crunch.

Madrid said investing in solar energy – rather than tossing a one-time $100 tax rebate at consumers or drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge – would help lead to real American energy independence.

“Heather Wilson and the Republican Congress have made their deal with big oil,” Madrid said. “They’ve handed out billions of dollars in tax breaks to oil and utility companies, but shortsighted $100 rebates and drilling aren’t going to fix the mess they’ve made. Only a long-term sustainable energy policy – that includes solar energy – will make our country truly energy independent.”

Madrid, who is running against Rep. Heather Wilson to represent New Mexico’s First Congressional District, continued her call for sensible energy policies saying that when she is elected to Congress she will:

  • Vote against any energy bill that gives billions of dollars of tax breaks to big oil and utility companies.
  • Demand that development of renewable energy sources – like wind, solar and biomass – finally receive the funding they need to become mainstream components of our everyday lives.
  • Ensure meaningful federal anti-trust law enforcement.

Specifically Madrid believes that tax cuts should be expanded for consumers who, like Brown, invest in systems that use renewable energy.

“Solar energy is one of the best renewable power sources we have,” Madrid said. “Rather than rewarding big energy corporations with multibillion-dollar tax breaks, we need to reward hard-working consumers who invest in smart energy solutions.”

Ben Luce, chair of the New Mexico Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy agreed.

“Solar energy is the United States’ largest energy resource,” Luce said. “It’s an infinite, free and usable resource. We have the solutions, we have the technology, now we need the leadership,” Luce said.

Editor's Note: KUNM's website has some audio clips from Madrid's recent appearance with Wesley Clark and veterans in Albuquerque. The two call Heather Wilson out for her continued support of Bush's failed war policies.

May 3, 2006 at 04:41 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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