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    Thursday, May 11, 2006

    Kerry Says: When Is Enough Really Enough?

    Why didn't John Kerry talk like this when he was running for President? Did he really not get that the Bush Bunch had no intention to comply with mere nuisances like the Constitution or the law? I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that virtually every progressive or core Dem in the land had a clear view of the legal and illegal horrors we could expect from four more years of the Bush abomination. It was all there for anyone to see, if they cared to look and confront it.

    Still, I guess I'm pleased to see Kerry calling a spade a spade, even at this late date. But think what could have been achieved if he had risked doing so BEFORE Bush snagged a second term. What I wanna know is -- Is that a filibuster of General Hayden' CIA appointment in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

    If you haven't already read it, here's the original USA Today story on the NSA creating a database of millions of Americans' domestic phone call records in cahoots with AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth. (Only Quest refused to cooperate with the NSA.) This was a last straw of sorts that caused Kerry to speak out on the Hayden nomination on Daily Kos and in a speech today. The lingering question, of course, is what other secret NSA spying programs are operating that haven't (yet) been leaked to the media? Is this only the tip of the iceberg?

    May 11, 2006 at 03:13 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    OK, fair enough, Kerry should have spoken out more, now let's talk about how we are going to get our Democratic leadership and DINO Senator Bingaman to support the Feingold Resolution, and start acting like they have a spine.

    Posted by: VP | May 11, 2006 4:55:50 PM

    How is right. How how how. This is feeling more like a dictatorship with each passing day. First it's listening in on calls from citizens to terrorists (allegedly). Now it's getting millions of people's phone details, regardless. I wonder when Dems like Binaman and the rest of the cowardly lions will realize what the hell is at stake and take a RISK. Oh, such risk to say the truth out loud.

    Posted by: Prog Dem | May 11, 2006 5:15:52 PM

    If the Democrats fail to filibuster the Orwellian Hayden to head the CIA, it will be the last straw for me.

    Posted by: Nmexdem | May 12, 2006 9:10:33 AM

    The only two I hear speaking out with anything near what should be being said about these crazy crooks in the White House are Kerry and Feingold. The rest are still afraid they will offend someone. Yeah right. They offend me by being such meek mealymouths.

    Posted by: El Norte | May 12, 2006 2:56:49 PM

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