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Monday, May 15, 2006

Investigative Journalist Greg Palast to be in Albuquerque 6/17

This is an important chance for New Mexicans to hear directly from Greg Palast. Please pass this information to your friends and your networks. Democracy for New Mexico is one of the community sponsors for this event, along with the Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice, KUNM-FM, the League of Independent Voters and Voter Action.

On June 17 investigative journalist Greg Palast is coming to Albuquerque to promote ARMED MADHOUSE, the long-anticipated follow-up to his bestseller The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.

ARMED MADHOUSE goes on sale June 6 at local bookstores, but can be ordered now at Bookworks (344-8139), or online through Amazon or www.GregPalast.com. It can be read non-sequentially, so readers can browse the table of contents to find new information Greg has uncovered about issues that concern them most, whether it is Iraq, domestic disasters (from Katrina to Social Security to the national debt), globalization or voter fraud and theft.   

Greg will give a talk and sign books in Albuquerque (his only New Mexico stop) on Saturday, June 17, 2006, 7 PM, St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral, 318 Silver Avenue, SW. Tickets are the price of one book ($25.95 plus tax) purchased from Bookworks by phone or in person. Ticket/book purchasers can buy a companion ticket for $10—which can be used for a $5 discount on the book at the event only.

BOOKSTORE SPONSOR: Bookworks, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107   PHONE: 505-344-8139

COMMUNITY SPONSORS: ; Democracy for New Mexico; KUNM-FM; ; Voter Action

ARMED MADHOUSE uncovers even more stories Americans won't hear on their Fox-i-fied news channels:

"I am reading the book. I consider myself to be ‘well informed’ about the War on Iraq. Everyone knows about the oil, but I didn't know that US corporations are also stealing food from the Iraqis. I am so furious, I am practically shaking. Everyone should read this book."   --Barbara Grothus

Note: Greg Palast was here in May of last year, and held an fundraiser for Voter Action's New Mexico voter lawsuit. Click to check out photo album of the event.

Greg's Bio (pdf).

May 15, 2006 at 02:37 PM in Books, Events | Permalink


I'm pumped to see Palast is coming to NM again. I hear the book has info on the serious voting irregularities that occured here in the 04 election, along with all the other facts he bares to the public.

I saw him last time at the IBEW. He gets you inspired to work to get these bums out of office.

Posted by: NMexdem | May 15, 2006 5:16:29 PM

I hope his investigations in New Mexico are successful!

Posted by: Edge | May 16, 2006 5:53:05 AM

I urge everyone to try and attend this event and support Palast's independent investigative efforts in the face of mainstream media failures to cover the real stories of Bush and his cronies.

We need a large turnout! Reserve your book today.

Posted by: I Vote | May 16, 2006 10:18:38 AM

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