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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Gov. Richardson Names Ethics Task Force

If you haven't yet checked out New Mexico political blogger Heath Haussamen, who's also a reporter for the Las Cruces Sun-News, now's the time to visit. Heath has the skinny on Governor Richardson's selections for the new Ethics Task Force that will be making recommendations for action at next January's legislative session.

I'm particularly pleased to see that Common Cause NM Executive Director Matt Brix was one of those appointed. As I'm sure you'll recall, Brix and his organization were instrumental in getting the Open and Ethical Elections measure approved in Albuquerque this past Fall. This successful ballot initiative provides for voluntary public funding for municipal candidates. Other excellent picks are ex-U.S. Interior Secretary Stewart Udall, Judicial Standards Commission Executive Director Jim Noel, Albuquerque's progressive State Sen. Dede Feldman and State Rep. Ken Martinez of Grants. Haussamen has the entire list, along with analysis of the Governor's plans.

May 2, 2006 at 10:42 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


Most of the members of the task force are fine except for Garey Carruthers. He didn't have very good ethics when he created and formed Cimarron Health, now did he? What a lousy outfit.

Posted by: J.A. | May 2, 2006 3:36:05 PM

Gov. Richardson has no Ethics... Gov. Richardson sat/sits on the New Mexico State Board of Finance and he even appointed his Big Money Buddy Gerald Peters to the same Board. Did Gov. Richardson order a Background Investigation on Gerald Peters by the New Mexico State Police? Who is Gerald Peters??? When the going gets tough Gov. Richardson creates an Ethics Task Force... In my humble opinion Richardson should return the $480,000 dollar Balance from "Moving America Forward" to the contributors that sacrificed to give contributions to registar Native Americans and Hispanic voters. According to the Media, Gov. Richardson had the $480,000 transfered into his Campaign fund. Gov. Richardson should lead by Example, however, it is apparent that Gov. Richardson has no Ethics. Gov. Richardson purchased a $5.5 million dollar Presidental Jet to further his Ego Centric Motive (s). That money should gone to New Mexico Domestic Violence Programs. While Gov. Richardson is flying around in a Presidental Jet, New Mexico Battered Women and Children have no place to go. What has A/G Madrid (our chief Law Enforcement Officer) do about the Kick Back Scandal in 1999 and the Present Kick Back Scandal? Nothing... The Ethics Task Force is just smoke and New Mexicans know it. Gov. Richardson is masquerading as a leader, he seems to prefer an office and a foxhole. Since A/G Madrid does not investigate Gov. Richardson, A/G Madrid should turn the case over to the FBI for investigation.

Posted by: Eli Chavez | May 2, 2006 4:03:13 PM

Okay, after being interrupted once again by Eli's neverending and without proof rant about Richardson, I wanna say I like most of the members. Matt Brix is top notch and so is Common Cause.

What Eli and others don't seem to get is that ALL politics today is about money. Any politician with a chance to win takes it and it seriously compromises them. The solution is to support groups like Common Cause that are working to get public financing of elections. Hey Eli, do something about the problem instead of just saying the same things over and over on many local blogs. Be part of the solution. Get off your arse.

Posted by: JLC | May 3, 2006 9:43:25 AM

Thanks for the kind words, folks. I just returned from an organizational meeting of the task force. The next meeting (open to the public) will be May 30 at the UNM Law School. There really will not be an extended opportunity for public comment. However, the June or July meeting will likely be focused on taking public comment. Please check out the Common Cause website on a regular basis for more information.

As I've stated in the past, I believe one of the keys to developing good task force recommendations, as well as eventually passing strong reform legislation during the 2007 session will be sustained citizen involvement. Please do what you can to attend task force meetings, communicate regularly with your legislators about the importance of ethics and campaign finance reform, and make your voice heard during the public comment meetings.

Posted by: | May 3, 2006 4:45:14 PM

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