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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Heather Wilson Caught in the Act

Heather_2As most people know by now, Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM1) has being trying to create a false perception of herself as an "independent" and "moderate" as the 2006 election draws near. Despite being a consistent rubberstamp for Bush's radical neocon agenda, she's now trying to distance herself from the administration's failures and misdeeds in order to gain votes. In the process, she's talking out of both sides of her mouth on a variety of issues, including the NSA domestic spying program and the credibility of its creator, General Michael Haden.

One example of Heather's less than honest political calculations was her much hyped call for an "inquiry" into the secret NSA domestic surveillance program. Even though she serves on the House Intelligence Committee, she had raised no questions or concerns about the program previously. This move got her national headlines, even though it clearly was a coldly calculated bid for attention by someone who has gone along to get along with Bush and the gang.

Haydenbush Now, she's been caught in the act of deception with her strong support for Bush's nominee to head the CIA. General Michael Hayden was instrumental in creating the NSA domestic spying program about which Wilson supposedly has serious concerns, and he has consistently either denied or defended the eavesdropping as the Bush administration's point man on the issue.

Media Matters has an enlightening piece on what they call Wilson's "misleading assertions" about General Hayden's handling of questions on the illegal domestic surveillance program, which she made during a recent interview. Excerpt:

During an interview with Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) on the May 8 edition of PBS' The NewsHour, host Jim Lehrer failed to challenge Wilson's claim that Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden, President Bush's nominee to be CIA director, had been "very, very candid about the [Bush administration's warrantless domestic surveillance] program, its authorities, how it operates, and so forth." In fact, Hayden has defended the program with shifting and contradictory explanations and failed to answer questions regarding whether it has been used to spy on U.S. residents with no ties to terrorism. Moreover, in 2002 testimony, Hayden misled Congress about the existence of the warrantless eavesdropping program.

... Throughout the segment, Wilson extolled Hayden's abilities, calling him a "great leader," "a good leader of the people," and "a people-oriented leader." When questioned about his involvement in the Bush administration's warrantless domestic surveillance program, Wilson said: "[W]hen he was given the green light, Mike Hayden came up and was very, very candid about the program, its authorities, how it operates, and so forth. And in my book, he gets some credit for that."

As detailed in another piece by Media Matters, Hayden testified to Congress in 2002 that the National Security Agency complies with the requirements of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in its surveillance programs. He also denied the domestic spy program's existence.

When trying to make points with moderate voters, Wilson expresses grave concerns about the illegal spying that violates the FISA law. However, when push comes to shove and Bush and company want to install the creator and main defender of the spying as CIA Director, Heather spins and spins to justify another rubberstamp of the Bush agenda. Does this mean that she was against the program before she was for it? Inquiring minds want to know.

Meanwhile, Patricia Madrid, Wilson's Democratic challenger in the NM CD1 race, had this to say about Heather's flip flop on this issue and the nomination of Hayden to head the CIA:

After the intelligence failures that led to 9/11 and the intelligence failures that led us into the disastrous war in Iraq, we must have a strong CIA director who can restore the American people’s confidence in our intelligence system. Instead, George Bush has decided to nominate one of the very people who undermined the system in the first place. Meanwhile, Heather Wilson, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee and is in the position to ask the tough questions about Hayden and his role at NSA, is simply rubberstamping yet another flawed Bush decision. Heather Wilson and other leaders in Washington need to stand up for what is best for the country and say no to Gen. Hayden’s nomination. The CIA and the American people deserve a director who will move the agency forward.

May 11, 2006 at 10:58 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Heather Wilson is such a hypocrite. I guess she thinks you can fool all of the people at least some of the time. You're either for the rule of law or you think the president should be able to ignore the law whenever he feels like it. Which is it Heather?

Posted by: E. B. | May 11, 2006 2:32:14 PM

We should all send letters of support to Qwest for not giving over records to the NSA.

Posted by: qofdisks | May 11, 2006 3:18:31 PM

"We should all send letters of support to Qwest for not giving over records to the NSA." I would rather send a letter to Wilson telling her what a hypocrite she is!!!

Posted by: VP | May 11, 2006 4:58:56 PM

I just sent one of each. I recommend it.

Posted by: Greenie | May 11, 2006 5:17:12 PM

It is time to Dump Verizon, Bell South and ATT... They broke the law... It takes a subpena to obtain phone records. The mentioned Phone Companies need to be hit hard in the Pocket Book for assisting NSA.

Posted by: Eli Chavez | May 11, 2006 5:43:03 PM

Anyone who still thinks Wilson is "moderate" and "reasonable" needs to get their head examined. On ALL the important (and illegal and unconstitutional) Bush initiatives, she's been in lock step with them.

She just voted to approve the extention of the tax cuts for our richest citizens too. She is an active member of the coalition to make rich people richer and keep the pay of ordinary people as low as it can be.

Posted by: Old Dem | May 12, 2006 9:07:39 AM

We must must must must must get Madrid elected. And she must keep speaking out, much stronger than this even. Now is the time to shout!

Posted by: Kossian | May 12, 2006 2:58:28 PM

Kessian: A/G Madrid and Wilson swim in the same Cess Pool. A/G Madrid did nothing to Stop Corruption (Kick Back Scandal) within our State Government in 1999. A/G Madrid turn her back on New Mexicans for not prosecuting the case. I am not going to vote for either Madrid or Wilson. I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils.

Posted by: Eli Chavez | May 13, 2006 5:40:34 AM

I think it fair to say a lot of people are tired of voting for the lesser of two evils, but sometimes you have to hold your nose and do it anyway, to get to that light at the end of the tunnel. Fact is, like her or not, Madrid is the closest thing we are going to get to someone that can unseat Wilson, which at this point in time is much more important than waiting for that better candidate. The reason given for not supporting Madrid is exactly the reason we need to dump Wilson. We will not get any accountability out of this administration unless we take back control of at least the House and possibly the Senate. Whether you like Madrid or not, it really is more important to get as many Democrats in the House come November as we can, and Madrid is our best chance of doing that.Accountability isn't the only reason to get some control back, without it we will have a congress and president out of control with nothing to loose and only the Supreme Court between us and complete dictatorship. How fast could another rich wing judge get appointed to eliminate that protection???

Posted by: | May 13, 2006 9:39:24 AM

Until we get money out of politics, it will always be a choice between the lesser of two evils because to get elected in this system, candidates must raise large amounts of money. To get it they must make deals. People don't make large contributions for nothing. They want something in return.

I for one will put aside the fact I don't agree with Madrid on some things because it is so damned important to stop Bush's imperial presidency in its tracks. If we don't it won't matter how pure future candidates are. We might not even have anything left of our democracy.

Grow up Eli. We are in the real world, with real consequences for the environment, Supreme Court, health care, education and so much else if Bush and his fascist bunch retains total power.

Posted by: Realist | May 13, 2006 10:40:37 AM

Realist: I spent two years in combat so that you can vote for the lesser of two evils. A/G Madrid our Chief Law Enforcement Officer had an opportunity to Prosecute the same Players in todays "Kick Back Scandal" but she choose not too. A/G Madrid turned her back on her oath of office and did nothing. As I stated before, Wilson and Madrid swim in the same cess pool of corrupt politics.

Posted by: Eli Chavez | May 13, 2006 3:23:36 PM

"I spent two years in combat so that you can vote for the lesser of two evils." All the more reason to support the best chance to unseat Wilson and help reclaim the House in November. That two years you spent in combat as well as the Constitution and the vote for the lesser of the two are in serious danger of being flushed down toilet together if this criminal cabal that Wilson supports at every turn maintains their majority status. BTW, Wilson and Madrid might swim in the same cesspool but unless there is serious change in November there will be no chance for decontamination. Let's not pass up the best chance we have had in years to dump Wilson.

Posted by: VP | May 14, 2006 8:32:48 AM

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