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    Tuesday, May 23, 2006

    Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: DFA Endorses Lamont vs. Lieberman

    From Jim Dean of Democracy for America:

    Joe Lieberman: George Bush's favorite Democrat?  Support Ned Lamont!

    Lamont_1 For years, Joe Lieberman has supported President Bush on issue after issue. He supported Bush's crusade to dismantle Social Security and he folded on the nominations of Justices Roberts and Alito. Lieberman voted for the invasion of Iraq and he continues to stand in the way of real solutions that will bring our troops home. He has even supported attempts to label criticism of the war as unpatriotic. Last winter, he said, "It is time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that he will be Commander-in-Chief for three more critical years, and that in matters of war we undermine Presidential credibility at our nation's peril."

    On Friday, Connecticut Democrats said, "Enough." The Connecticut Democratic Convention was the first opportunity for an open vote between Joe Lieberman and upstart challenger Ned Lamont. With the process heavily stacked toward insiders, Lamont was expected to collect just a handful of votes. Instead, he shocked the establishment and won more than twice the number of votes he needed to qualify for the August primary ballot.

    Ned Lamont has won the support of DFA members across Connecticut and now he's won a place on the ballot to challenge Joe Lieberman. When he's elected in November, Ned will oppose the Bush administration's misguided policies and he'll stand with other Democrats for clean government, universal healthcare, and a moral foreign policy. I urge you to join me in supporting Ned Lamont today!

    Joe Lieberman has won strong support from Republicans. Vice President Cheney calls him "a fine U.S. Senator." Republican Congressman Chris Shays and Fox News Commentator Sean Hannity have both endorsed him. Even President Bush loves Lieberman—there are rumors he has been considered for a post in Bush's cabinet. Is that the kind of Democrat that we want in Washington?

    Ned Lamont won't have any Washington Republicans fighting for him. He's only going to win through thousands of grassroots donations from DFA members like you. We need to show Ned that the grassroots will stand with him. With your help, our goal is to raise $25,000 from 500 donors today. Can you make a donation of $100, $50, $25 or even $10 to make it happen?

    Ned will be a progressive voice in the Senate. He'll speak out against the destructive Bush administration policies that threaten our moral and economic future, our civil liberties, and our nation's security. He has opposed the Iraq War since the beginning and he'll advocate a new direction in Iraq. Let's make it happen.
    Editor's Note: For more information on Lamont's shocking support in the Connecticut Democratic Party delegate vote in this Democratic primary race, check out the coverage on MyDD and watch video of local news coverage of this story. I just gave another $10 to the Lamont campaign via DFA and I strongly encourage you to donate a few bucks. We need to display our grassroots and netroots strength and put our money where our mouth is for this race and others where progressives are challenging entrenched, "Republican-lite" Democrats in name only.

    May 23, 2006 at 11:15 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, DFA | Permalink


    Liberman is a getting everything he deserves, I am pretty sure his Democratic constituents, the ones that voted to send him to Washington to represent them, don't appreciate his pandering to Bu$h and supporting his radical right agenda. It's one thing to work together with folks across the isle for the common good, but literally kissing Bu$h and seemingly happy about being called the Republicans favorite Democrat is over the top.

    Posted by: VP | May 23, 2006 5:58:06 PM

    Where is OUR Ned Lamont? Who will step up and force the spineless, regressive, anti-middle class, corporate-whore types to justify their place on the New Mexico Democratic Party ticket? I want a choice. New Mexico needs progressive democratic primary challenges to all national officeholders. Competition breeds strength and relevance for the party; the lack of it breeds corruption and weakness.

    Posted by: DN Palacios | May 23, 2006 6:20:22 PM

    DN: I feel the same way. Oh how I wish someone strong and progressive would challenge Bingaman. He votes too damn much on behalf of his corporate campaign donors, like on the bankruptcy bill. Maybe even worse, he rarely LEADS. And he supports nuke energy too.

    Let's face it - the NM Dem Party is bankrupt and riddled with corruption and cronyism. We need a rebirth and new blood. There are some up and comers but they aren't ready just yet. We need to work for change.

    Posted by: Nmexdem | May 23, 2006 6:31:18 PM

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