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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK: Ethics Reform Push for 2007 Legislature

This was originally a post on NM State Senator Dede Feldman's blog. Campaign finance and ethics reform may well be the most important issue today in terms of preserving and nurturing our democracy, both at the state level and nationally. The only way genuine reform will take place is if citizens keep the pressure on, pay close attention to how elected officials treat this issue and actively participate in grassroots action to ensure real change.

Senator Feldman is requesting your feedback on this issue, as well as recommendations for achieving effective reform. Please comment either on this post, or the original post on Senator Feldman's blog.

Feldman3From Senator Feldman's blog: New Mexico, like many states and Washington, D.C., is experiencing an ethics scandal that seems to grow by the day.  Despite an attempt on my part, and on the part of some of my colleagues in the state legislature, the vast majority of ethics reform legislation introduced during the 2006 legislative session failed to pass.  We simply cannot let another opportunity to enact real reform pass us by during the 2007 legislative session. 

In an attempt to build momentum for ethics and campaign finance reform during the 2007 session, Governor Bill Richardson formed an ethics reform task force last week (click for more information).  The task force convenes an able group of New Mexicans who bring a diverse set of views and experiences to the table.

Governor Richardson and task force co-chair Garrey Carruthers (a former New Mexico Governor) have said that all options for reform are open (see Albuquerque Tribune article).  I certainly hope that’s the case. 

I believe the task force must consider the following reforms, as outlined by Common Cause New Mexico in a recent Albuquerque Journal opinion piece. 

“First, our state must ban gifts to public officials from persons having a financial interest in their official duties. Campaign contributions could be exempted from a ban because they are disclosed to the public. 

Second, New Mexico must develop an independent ethics oversight commission to ensure full compliance with ethics laws and rules. 

Third, campaign reports should be filed more often and should disclose more information such as the employer of every donor.  Independent expenditures, including those coming from outside of New Mexico should be reported.  Current law does not require this kind of disclosure and is the main reason the national Campaign Disclosure Project gives New Mexico disclosure laws a failing grade every year.”

“There is substantial room for improvement in the area of lobbyist disclosure.  A good start would be to require lobbyists to disclose what bills they are interested in influencing each session.”

I would add full public financing of all statewide and legislative offices, like we have for the PRC and Albuquerque city races, to the list of needed reforms. 

What do readers of this blog think are necessary steps for ethics and campaign finance reform in New Mexico?  Stay tuned for more information about upcoming meetings of the ethics reform task force.

May 16, 2006 at 10:14 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform | Permalink


Don't let the policians water down what's needed. That's my main recommendation. We all need to do all we can to get people to attend the task force meetings and then the hearings at the 2007 Legislature. I'm sure that if we don't keep pushing, this will again be shoved to the sidelines.

We all know that appointed task forces are often just window dressing. It's up to us to make sure that isn't true in this case.

The grassroots was very successful in getting the paper ballot passed in January, with Richardson's help. We did it by keeping the pressure on until we won. It will take a similar effort to get real reform on this.

Posted by: Silver City Jan | May 16, 2006 12:47:58 PM

Jan is right. We can't let them kills these vital reforms or water them down to nothing. I think the most important thing is public financing of elections. Get the bribery out of campaigning!

Posted by: Old Dem | May 16, 2006 1:23:00 PM

Let's start asking them where they stand on specific ethics reforms issues well before the legislative session begins. Who's up for election? Where do the candidates stand?

Posted by: suz | May 17, 2006 6:43:07 AM

It will take sustained pressure to get real reform. I agree that the public needs to pin public officials down about their stance on ethics and campaign finance reform well in advance of the legislative session. I plan to post some specific ethics and campaign finance questions on the Common Cause website in the near future. The questions could be used in candidate forums, or in meetings with current public officials. Please contact me if you would like more details.

Posted by: | May 17, 2006 10:05:07 AM

Matt - are there dates for the meetings yet???

Posted by: Mary Ellen | May 17, 2006 11:25:24 AM

Not sure if you're referring to meetings with public officials, or Ethics Task Force meetings. I meant "meetings" in a general sense, not in reference to anything that's been specifically scheduled. As for the task force, we meet again on May 30 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. at the UNM Law School.

Posted by: | May 17, 2006 4:19:25 PM

The State of New Mexico is in dire need of ethics reform. The Governor is correct in his pursuit. The untold story of the massive amount of corruption is one of horror, judicial abuse, voter disenfranchisement, kickbacks, threats, extorsion, bribery and I believe possibly, murder.

When the truth comes out in New Mexico, let's hope it leads to incarceration of felons.

When Vigil is found guilty next week, I hope the FBI takes down the other factions of corrupt politicians by expanding their investigation.

Patricia Madrid is doing a pretty good job but unfortunately all the corruption she passed on prosecuting is about to surface.

This could have all been avoided. Too bad it wasn't and now it is time to pay the piper and be disgraced Nationally.

Let's hope loyal Democrats, like myself, don't decide to become too vendictive by forwarding evidence to the Republicans or right wing media! Then again, if we find ourselves unsatisfied in regard to Justice - - perhaps my former statement is the path to follow.

Legislators get this reform complete ASAP, lest the bottom falls completely out.

Posted by: Edge | May 21, 2006 5:26:04 AM

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