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    Monday, May 15, 2006

    Check Out Latest Hard-Hitting Billboard from MergingLeft

    Here are a couple shots of the lastest Albuquerque billboard created by the progressive grassroots activists at MergingLeft. You can see it for yourself on University just North of Indian School, next to United Blood Services on the West side of the street.

    MergingLeft is an all-volunteer organization that produces billboards, bus ads and bumperstickers that express the positions and values of progressives, and raises funds to pay for their production and distribution. Click so see some of their other projects. If you like what you see, think about tossing a few bucks their way so they can keep up the messaging. In this climate of mainstream media bias, MergingLeft provides an opportunity to get our message out directly to the people. Small donations can produce powerful communications! (Click on images for larger versions.)

    May 15, 2006 at 12:45 PM in Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink


    This group is excellent. They do all kinds of really effective things on a shoestring budget. Donate!

    Posted by: JLC | May 15, 2006 1:44:21 PM

    I like these billboards but now is not the time to be pushing for impeachment. It can't happen until the Dem's get control of both the House and Senate.

    Posted by: VP | May 15, 2006 2:43:07 PM

    I disagree, VP. We have to build momentum on the concept that what Bush and his pals are doing is illegal, immoral and unconstitutional. We need to keep the pressure on. The public hears mainly excuses, especially on TV. We need to counter that crap.

    Posted by: Old Dem | May 15, 2006 2:45:40 PM

    Trouble is Old Dem, no matter how deserving, the majority party in the House and Senate are NOT going to allow any meaningful investigation of the Bu$h Cabal and their wrong doing much less allow an impeachment to proceed. We have already seen Senator Pat Robertson, and Senator Specter block every effort to hold Bu$hCo accountable in their respective committee's. Sorry but it just CAN'T happen until we get control of both the House and Senate.

    Posted by: VP | May 15, 2006 4:27:52 PM

    You are certainly correct that the current Republican-run Congress will not permit even meaningful oversight hearings, let alone impeachment. But I still think we gain by raising the issue and rallying around it. We call attention to the serious problems with the way this bunch operates and rally our base at the same time.

    If we don't keep raising these issues about the improper and even illegal Bush and company are operating, who will?

    Posted by: Old Dem | May 15, 2006 5:12:43 PM

    Thanks for posting this!! As a member of MergingLeft I feel the time to talk about Impeachment is long overdue. It should have started when we invaded Iraq on ficticious charges. There is never a bad time to speak out and never a good time to be silent. I have no faith that the Democrats will stand up for anything unless the people rise up and demand it. Waiting for the Democrats to take back the House and Senate is just another way to say, we are impotent now. Well, I am not impotent and I will not wait until we are in power to start speaking the truth. This is what MergingLeft is all about, speaking the truth and getting people to start thinking and talking about ideas that the mainstream wont touch. The more we talk about Impeachment now the more people will accept it as a possiblity and start realizing that this is what we have to do. I would like to see IMPEACH signs all over the city. Maybe then we could get some real conversation going and our "leaders" might just get in front of it.

    Posted by: DT | May 15, 2006 8:12:30 PM

    I agree strongly with DT! We need to get this message out NOW! And keep repeating it. Merging Left does such important work.

    Posted by: I Vote | May 16, 2006 11:23:47 AM

    Go MergingLeft! Their messages are exactly what we need. I only wish they had more person power and money to blanket the entire city with messages constantly! Donate to them because even a few bucks goes a LONG way.

    Posted by: hc | May 16, 2006 1:20:51 PM

    It is time to get ball rolling...and let the American People know that Bush and his Regime must be IMPEACHED for their crimes. No body is above the law. It is time to Rid of Corruption and Cronyism from Santa Fe to Washington, D.C.

    Posted by: Eli Chavez | May 17, 2006 10:51:26 AM

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