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Friday, May 26, 2006

Heather Embraces Bush, Carville Visits for Madrid

Toast_1I'm sure you're aware of all the propaganda Heather Wilson has been putting out these days about how "moderate" and "independent" she is. That buzz is certainly undermined by the announcement that Bush himself is coming to Albuquerque on June 16 to raise large donations from hardcore Republicans in support of Wilson's campaign to keep her CD1 seat. Monahan has the scoop. If you pass the "security check" mentioned in the invitation, you too can have your picture taken with The Decider for a mere $5,000 in greenbacks. Cant' you just see all the autocratic, monied Republican elites posing with their mission accomplished hero? Disturbing, I know.

CarvilleIn contrast, Ragin' Cajun James Carville will be the special guest at a fundraiser for Patricia Madrid's campaign on Wednesday, June 7th, at the Salon Ortega at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque. Suggested donations: $100 - guest; $500 - sponsor; $1,000 - host. Click to RSVP. I'll bet she'd even encourage you to pose for a picture with her for free!

In the meantime, you can donate a few bucks to the cause by helping to 'fill the chile pepper' at Madrid's campaign site. All it takes is a quick click and you'll be helping Madrid take on the dark forces of Heather Wilson, who's joined at the hip to George Bush, who's joined at the hip to Dick Cheney, who's joined at the hip to Donald Rumsfeld. Just do it!

May 26, 2006 at 01:51 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Bushie's coming to town - time to PONY UP!

Posted by: Pony Up | May 26, 2006 3:52:55 PM

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