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    Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    A Day Without Immigrants? Try a Day Without Republicans

    On May Day we had another powerful and spine-tingling day of massive nationwide demonstrations by immigrants, celebrating a Day Without Immigrants. At least SEVERAL MILLION supporters of fair immigration reform participated, including thousands right here in New Mexico. You can see some photos our the Albuquerque event at m-pyre and SWOPblogger.

    A Day Without Immigrants was designed to show the economic clout and contributions of immigrants. But how about considering a Day Without Republicans? A post by Joseph Hughes at MyDD has done just that. Excerpt:

    Without Republicans, imagine the unprecedented void left behind by an at-home religious right? The nation's , and would have free reign to destroy America with their loving relationships, ownership of their own bodies and desire to pursue the American dream. Who would of sitting Supreme Court justices or of entire cities? Why, those terrible Islamofascists would for one day have the monopoly on those who oppose them. And we can't have that!

    Speaking of Republican hypocrisy, how about this? Think Progress reports that Jon Secada sang America the Beautiful in English AND SPANISH at Bush's 2001 inaugural and campaign events! Not only that, but Bush himself would sing the American national anthem in Spanish as a regular feature of his campaign stops, particularly in cities with large Latino populations! Kevin Phillips' book American Dynasty reports on page 142:

    When visiting cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, or Philadelphia, in pivotal states, he would drop in at Hispanic festivals and parties, sometimes joining in singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” in Spanish, sometimes partying with a “Viva Bush” mariachi band flown in from Texas.

    Meanwhile, Bush blasted singing the anthem in Spanish at his Friday press op. Can't have it both ways, amigo. But then, given our mostly lazy and slanted corporate media, Bush often does just that.

    May 3, 2006 at 09:19 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    Freakin hypocrite!

    Too bad Richardson had to open his big mouth and agree with the Bush crap. Richardson - here he is an Hispanic and speaking out in agreement with Bush on this crap. They're just words, and words are said in many languages. So what? Hey Bill............Stop feeding the hate! Stop listening to all those Washington jerks on the positions you should take to "win."

    Posted by: disgusted | May 3, 2006 2:22:14 PM

    I bet you won't see any coverage of this on tv. They keep showing that clown show with Bush and his twin over and over. I think all rightwing Republicans are hypocrites through and through. It's their very nature. Think of Tom DeLay preaching about Christ or Cheney being in a party that hates his lesbian daughter. They will do anything for power because they are weak inside.

    Posted by: Old Dem | May 3, 2006 4:47:01 PM

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