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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Video of the Day: Chris Matthews Hearts DeLay

As you probably know, Tom DeLay gave Chris Matthews the scoop on announcing his withdrawal from his House race. After all, "Tweety" has been very cooperative of late in echoing the Republican noise machine talking points. Here's some video courtesy of the Huffington Post that shows the two of them schmoozing before DeLay's appearance on Hardball the next day. Oh, those damn know-it-all women!

If you can stomach watching the on-air portion of the interview, go here. You'll note that Mr. Hardball is incredibly softball with the ex-pesticide applicator, and doesn't once mention the words "corruption" or "indictment." I wonder how someone as supposedly into Christianity as DeLay claims to be can create an incredibly organized system of corruption, continue to lie about it and keep a straight face. Quite a miracle.

April 6, 2006 at 01:06 PM in Visuals | Permalink


Matthews has been taken over by aliens. He emerged from his pod about a year ago and started pushing Republican talking points like crazy. Cue Twilight Zone music.....

Posted by: Kossian | Apr 7, 2006 3:02:52 PM

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