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Friday, April 14, 2006
Taos: No War On Iran Actions, Sunday, 4/30
From Taos Action:
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld Threaten Nuclear War on Iran. We Say: No War on Iran! Nuclear War is Unthinkable!
Sunday, April 30th
3 PM: Citizens' Arrest of Rumsfeld at his CanoƱcito home
5 PM: Rally at the Taos Plaza: Public Sentencing of Rumsfeld; Speak Out by John Nichols and Institute for Policy Studies by Phyllis Bennis
7 PM: Phyllis Bennis Speech at the Taos Center for the Arts (TCA):"Testing American Space: Iraq, the Middle East, Iran ten dollars.
The IPS related Phyllis Bennis. He is on Democracy Now! regularly about US remote approach in the Middle East; she's talking at the rally in NY on Saturday and after that here in Taos at the Plaza and the TCA (Taos Center for the Arts) at 133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte. $10
Express your Humanity! Stand in opposition to Nuclear War on Iran!
April 14, 2006 at 10:10 AM in Events | Permalink