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    Monday, April 10, 2006

    Monday-Tuesday Open Thread

    WilySomeone emailed me and suggested we institute some open threads where anything and everything can be discussed by readers. So here goes, our first Monday Open Thread.

    What issues are you thinking about today? What are you concerned about? Found anything especially funny, upsetting or interesting on the net lately? Go ahead and start a conversation. Click the comment button below and type away. I know there are hundreds of you out there who haven't yet made a comment on this blog. Now's a good time to start. Go head. Be Wile E!

    To give you some background music for your keyboarding pleasure, here's Pink and the Indigo Girls doing Dear Mr. President.

    April 10, 2006 at 03:44 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    What's on my mind today is whether Seymour Hersh's article about Bush's plan for attacking Iran is accurate. I suspect it is, given Hersh's contacts in the Pentagon. I'm hoping that by making this public, it may stop Bush from going through with it.

    But knowing how single-minded and "guided by god" Bush is, it's hard to believe he would be stopped by anything if he is intent on something. Scary, scary.

    I've also been thinking how much I like this blog. Thanks for all the hard work.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 10, 2006 6:06:58 PM

    I agree with you Old Dem. This may be our most dangerous situation with Bush. We have to stop him.

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Apr 10, 2006 6:39:52 PM

    It seems to me that stopping Bush attacking or invading Iran will take strong and courageous resistance from congressional Dems. And I just don't think they are up to it. I called Senator Bingaman's office about Feingold's censure resolution and was told that he was holding out for an investigation to be conducted (!), and then Senator Bingaman would assess the situation and proceed from there. Zero action was being proposed by Bingaman on what is a true constitutional crises. What are the chances that the Republican-controlled Senate, and the Republican-controlled Judiciary Committee, are going to launch an investigation into the constitutionality of Bush's domestic spying program? Something around the area of nada.

    Most of the Dems seem so cowed and impotent. Even a symbolic show of huevos collectively from them would earn my respect. If war with Iran comes, I think many congressional Dems have, unfortunately and sadly, already shown their true colors: various and assorted shades of yellow.

    Posted by: DN Palacios | Apr 10, 2006 8:40:36 PM

    DN, I have to agree with you. I also called Bingaman's office and was told the same thing. In fact, it's the same excuse that's being used by many Democrats. Oh, we have to wait for an "investigation" that never comes. Even if the Republicans have what they call a hearing or an investigation, they often don't swear in those that testify. They don't issue any subpoenas. The witnesses, like Attorney General Gonzales, refuse to answer important questions.

    I am so sick and tired of Democrats who would rather stay silent that speak up about what is right. Why should anyone vote for them? Who do they represent?

    Posted by: Mike C. | Apr 11, 2006 9:15:10 AM

    Who else watched those immigration marches yesterday? Talk about a sleeping giant!!!

    Just think if the dems tapped into that energy! You see all that passion!

    Posted by: mary ellen | Apr 11, 2006 9:23:22 AM

    Si, se puede! How exciting to see and hear all those hundreds of thousands of people taking it to the streets. So inspiring!

    Posted by: Chile Pepper, Las Cruces | Apr 11, 2006 9:37:51 AM

    Hard to be a Democrat when almost every week brings a new scandal in nm. Everyone knew Eric Serna was a crook for at least a decade but nobody did anything to stop him. Now his crimes are filling the front pages of papers right when we have a chance to beat Wilson. Doesn't help, does it? Time to clean house in NM. Long overdue. Robert Vigil was always cheered by Dems in the past too. Yeah nobody knew what he was up to. And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

    Posted by: another dem | Apr 11, 2006 10:11:47 AM

    Love that song. I'll say it again. Love that song you linked to.

    Posted by: linda | Apr 11, 2006 10:44:06 AM

    I have been mulling over Patricia Madrid's appearance at meet-up last week. It was disappointing that she talked mostly about Heather's faullts and not enough about what her committments to change are. Also, she allowed no time for questions from the large audience who came out to hear her. This is not the way to win elections! She said she wanted feedback, and she does read this website-let's give her feedback. We have to support her, and hopefully, she has an open mind. I believe she needs more of the kind of help that the grassroots democrats can give. So ask, Patsy, and don't listen so much to those chicken-livered dems in Congress.

    Posted by: jeanne Carritt | Apr 11, 2006 12:55:35 PM

    I have to agree with Jeanne and I hope Patsy takes it the right way. It would have been so much more powerful to focus on answering questions and convincing us that she will lead and fight for our issues than to give us the regular stump speech.

    Most DFNM Meetup people are long-time activists who are on top of the issues. We already know how bad Bush and Heather are, but what we need to know is that we have a candidate who will passionately speak the truth and fight for it.

    Connecting with local Dem voters is the most important thing, not following the advice of the DCCC on keeping this a race based only on bashing Bush. Break out of Rahm Emanuel's constraints!

    Posted by: Prog Dem | Apr 11, 2006 1:52:31 PM

    A/G Madrid is not whom I am going to vote for...nor is Wilson. I am not going to vote for the lesser of two evils anymore. Lets not forget that Madrid did not investigate the 1999 Kickback Scandal and she was involved with Eric Serna as a board member on the questioned Chairity that Serna ran. New Mexicans regardless of party must connect the dots. The DCCC and Richardson selected Madrid to run for Congress not the Democratic Party Membership. Time to speakout and question Madrid's nvolvement with Serna and the Kickback Scandal.

    Posted by: Eli Chavez | Apr 11, 2006 3:29:04 PM

    If ever there was a time to look past an individual candidate or a single issue and consider the BIG PICTURE it would be now. The big picture in November would be to regain control of the House and possibly the Senate, if we don't, Bu$h will be free to do anything he wants for THREE MORE YEARS with the blessings of his rubber stamp congress. I am sure we can find a better candidate to run against Wilson, but right now Madrid is the one that's in the best position to unseat her. That makes it soooo important to consider the bigger picture and support her regardless that she may not be everything to everyone.

    Posted by: VP | Apr 11, 2006 4:06:06 PM

    I agree with VP the bigger pix is the most important thing right now. some Dems are always looking for the perfect candidate and thats a pipe dream, you can't please everyone all the time.

    Posted by: David White | Apr 12, 2006 11:25:33 AM

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