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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Laura Bush Spills the Beans on Rubber Stamp Heather

Photo courtesy AP

Laura Bush snuck into Albuquerque Monday morning to raise bucks for Heather Wilson's NM congressional campaign at a thousand-dollar-per-plate breakfast meeting at the Marriott Pyramid. She also made a quick stop at an elementary school so taxpayers would be forced to foot the bill for what was essentially a campaign trip to benefit Republicans. Unlike Democrats who travel here to campaign, Republicans like Laura usually keep their wearabouts quiet until after the fact. I guess they fear the public showing up at their events to ruin the carefully choreographed photo ops.

Despite the secrecy about her activities, Laura managed to let the cat out of the bag about Wilson's authentic political leanings. Wilson has recently launched a campaign to publicly pretend that she's -- why shucks -- just your garden variety "moderate" and not a rubber stamp for the far right-wing agenda of George Bush. However, according to the Albuquerque Journal:

The first lady was in Albuquerque for about two hours Monday, headlining a fundraising breakfast for Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., before making the stop at Bel-Air Elementary and then flying on to Nebraska.

Wilson, described by Bush as a "clear, conservative voice in Congress," said she raised about $200,000 at the breakfast, which was attended by about 150 people. Wilson is seeking re-election this year.

A clear, conservative voice, indeed, given the fact she votes in lockstep with Bush and his radical agenda about 90% of the time, while pretending she's an "independent" out there fighting for truth, justice and the American way. A thank you is in order for Ms. Laura for setting the record straight and revealing the true conservative bent of Ms. Heather, a Bush fellow traveler if there ever was one. To celebrate, why not sign up to support Democrat Patricia Madrid in her challenge to Heather in New Mexico's first congressional district? Out with the Bush rubber stamp. In with a real representative of the needs of New Mexicans.

April 4, 2006 at 11:05 AM in Candidates & Races, Local Politics | Permalink


In no way is Heather either "independent" or "moderate." Mostly she's the type who does what she's told by the power brokers. Go along to get along. Then they "allow" her to spin a couple statements that supposedly show her breaking with them. All for show. All for show. Her voting record says it all.

Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 4, 2006 3:02:28 PM

Heather is a fake. She fakes being something she's not (a moderate) when it suits her. Otherwise she backs Bush all the way. She is a dutiful Republican who obeys orders from on high almost all the time. She gets away with pretending to take stands against Bush when it means nothing. As in the NSA spying situation.

If we don't get rid of her now, she'll probably be our next Senator who replaces Domenici. Think about it. We must beat her now!

Posted by: a reader | Apr 5, 2006 10:40:57 AM

I say it every time, but I think this is the time to get rid of Heather!

I can feel it!

Posted by: LP | Apr 5, 2006 2:52:03 PM

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