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    Saturday, April 22, 2006

    Happy Earth Day: Now More Than Ever

    MikereynoldsIn honor of today's 36th anniversary of Earth Day, Alternet published an article honoring the nation's top grassroots environmental heroes.

    Those honored include Michael Reynolds of Taos (left), who has worked since the 1970s to create the most efficient version of his Earthships. As the article says, "Using solar and thermal heating and cooling, wind electricity, water harvesting, and contained sewage treatment, Reynolds has developed off-the-grid housing that is both environmentally and economically viable." Check out Reynolds' Earthship Biotecture website.

    Also worth a look is their archive of their best environmental writing from recent months. The articles cover everything from global warming to energy independence to water to the false promise of "clean coal."

    Here are some local events honoring Earth Day:

    Ecoversity Earth Day Parade & Festival
    Saturday, April 22nd, 10am-7pm
    Ecoversity, Santa Fe

    La Montanita Co-Op Earth Day Celebration
    Sunday, April 23rd, 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM
    La Montanita Co-Op, Nob Hill store, Albuquerque

    The Nature Conservancy includes hopeful remarks about the future and our environment submitted by a variety of well-known eco-supporters including Jimmy Carter, Jane Goodall, Tom Hanks, Maya Lynn and Bill McKibben.

    The Public Radio Exchange has audio of an appearance by beloved Taos writer and activist John Nichols from an Earth Day past, describing what he hears in nature (and from ravens) while hiking New Mexico. Enjoy.

    Some earthy poetry:

    Spiritual Connection with the Earth, By Chief Seattle

    How can one buy or sell the air, the warmth of the land?
    That is difficult for us to imagine.
    We do not own the sweet air or the sparkle on the water.
    How then can you buy them from us?
    Human kind has not woven the web of life,
    We are but the thread of it.
    Whatever we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.
    All things are bound together, all things connect.
    Whatever befalls the Earth befalls also the children of the Earth

    For more Earth and ecology poetry check out Eco-Forum's collection.

    April 22, 2006 at 10:49 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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