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    Monday, April 03, 2006

    Say It Again Russ: Feingold on Fox

    Sen. Russ Feingold was on interviewed Fox News Sunday yesterday. Click here for the transcript. If MoveOn wanted to do something truly helpful with an ad, they'd run this exchange verbatim:

    MIKE WALLACE: Senator, in a hearing this week, you said that the president's wiretap program is, and I quote, "one of the greatest attempts to dismantle our system of government in history." And you called John Dean as a witness, who said that this is worse than Watergate. Senator, do you really believe there is any comparison?

    FEINGOLD: Actually, I do think this is worse. Not in terms of personal misconduct. Our greatest priority in this country is fighting the terrorist elements that attacked us on 9/11. But when the president breaks the law and doesn't admit that he's broken the law, and then advances theories about being able to override the law on torture, and having a preemptive doctrine of war, what he's trying to do is change the nature of our government.

    He's trying to turn our presidency into an imperial presidency. So this is one of the greatest challenges in our history, to Congress to stand up and make sure we still have the rule of law and checks and balances. That's actually why it's more significant than the very serious events that occurred at Watergate.

    Crooks and Liars has .

    April 3, 2006 at 06:01 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    Is Feingold the ONLY Democrat who gets it? Looks like it!

    Posted by: Linda P. | Apr 4, 2006 9:58:51 AM

    Nope, the others get it they just don't want to make waves while their waiting for the majority to investigate themselves. Perhaps the better question would be, what is being held over the heads of the Democrats in the Senate that makes them so spineless???

    Posted by: VP | Apr 4, 2006 10:23:35 AM

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