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    Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    Feingold Backs Equal Marriage Rights for Gays

    I'm certainly finding much to like about the content of Sen. Russ Feingold's character. Today he took another honest, blunt position on an issue I believe all genuine Dems should be in agreement about: equal civil rights for all -- including the right to engage in civil marriage. According to a press release on Feingold's site today:

    Responding to a question posed at his Kenosha County listening session over the weekend, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold said he strongly opposed the proposed civil unions and marriage ban facing Wisconsin voters this November. He also expressed his support for the right of gays and lesbians to marry.

    ... “The proposed ban on civil unions and marriage is a mean-spirited attempt to divide Wisconsin and I indicated that it should be defeated,” Feingold said. “It discriminates against thousands of people in our communities – our co-workers, our neighbors, our friends, and our family members. It would single out members of a particular group and forever deny them rights and protections granted to all other Wisconsin citizens. It would also outlaw civil unions and jeopardize many legal protections for all unmarried couples, whether of the same or the opposite sex. We shouldn’t enshrine this prejudice in our state’s Constitution.”

    ... “As I said at the Kenosha County listening session, gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry and have access to the same rights, privileges and benefits that straight couples currently enjoy,” Feingold added. “Denying people this basic American right is the kind of discrimination that has no place in our laws, especially in a progressive state like Wisconsin. The time has come to end this discrimination and the politics of divisiveness that has become part of this issue.”

    Feingold noted that removing the prohibition against gay marriage would not impose any obligation on religious groups. He indicated that no religious faith should ever be forced to conduct or recognize any marriage, but that civil laws on marriage should reflect the principle of equal rights under the law.

    Imagine. A Democrat speaking out for civil rights for all. Equal means EQUAL. No hemming and hawing. No yes but-ing. No fading. No faking. Each and every American deserves equality under civil law. Period.

    FeingoldprezAs you know, the conventional wisdom punditry has been bad mouthing Feingold's censure resolution as a cheap trick to attract attention to a possible presidential run. Unfortunately, I bet they'll see this move as another link in that chain. Personally, I see both moves as courageous and sincere efforts by a caring and honest Senator to confront wrong-doing and injustice head on. AND they make me want to starting wearing a big blue button just like this one!

    Politicos with their eyes on the prize generally don't take controversial positions in this era of spin -- they run from them, as has been evident with Hillary Clinton and others. They listen to the "strategists," "consultants," pollsters, Republican fearmongers and media naysayers. They shy away from anything that could possibly be seen as "liberal" or even traditionally Democratic, afraid to speak honesty and directly about so many of the critical issues of today.

    For instance, here in New Mexico our Party platform was purged by the powers that be of any plain language on gay civil marriage, despite near unanimous passage of a resolution supporting it. And yet here we have Feingold -- saying it out loud and saying it just the way it should be framed. And to hell with the cowardly say-nothings. I, for one, intend to be wearing one of those Feingold for President buttons as we meander our way to the 2008 election. How about you?

    PS: Click on the image below if you'd like to sign the HRC petition backing equal marriage rights for all:

    April 4, 2006 at 02:57 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


    Unbelieveable. A Democrat who is unafraid to be a real Democrat. If we only had about 100 of Dems like this we might be getting somewhere.

    Posted by: New Mexican | Apr 4, 2006 3:49:42 PM

    It is so wonderful to have a Senator say this!!

    Thank you Senator Feingold!

    What most people do not know is that the bankruptcy law that bingaman signed has a new provision. If you are a couple who have been together for years, sharing finances, and if one has a high credit card debt and wants to get out from beneath the 31% interest rates by declaring bankruptcy .... at that point all of a sudden they consider the two people to legally be partners, or a union. So at this point the anti-equal rights folks have it both ways...no union as a typical hetero couple would have allowing them rights as to Social Security, etc. But when one wants to go bankrupt -- BANG, all of a sudden you are a couple! And legally bound with that debt....Nice huh.

    Posted by: mary ellen | Apr 4, 2006 3:58:18 PM

    Feingold for Prez!

    Posted by: nancy | Apr 4, 2006 4:14:35 PM

    The more I see and hear about Senator Feingold, the better I like him, Wisconsin is lucky to have him representing them and we are lucky to have him in the Senate.

    Posted by: VP | Apr 4, 2006 4:31:30 PM

    What I like is how he frames it as equal rights under the law. Simple. Of course all Americans deserve equal rights. There is nothing "radical" about this position. The only thing that is radical is the right wing spin.

    Feingold is one to watch!

    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 4, 2006 4:37:41 PM

    Gen. Clark and Feingold would be a great ticket. Eli Chavez, Independent

    Posted by: Eli Chavez | Apr 4, 2006 5:58:49 PM

    Feingold should steal McCain's "Straight Talk Express" tag line. And now that McCain is cozying up to Falwell et all, I'd like to see him try to keep it for himself.

    This is great. If only other Dems would take note and follow suit.

    Feingold certainly has my attention, re: 2008.

    Posted by: John | Apr 4, 2006 8:28:24 PM

    Recently I vented my frustration on a forum, which is visited by many beltway supporters, about how my representatives and senators have rarely stood up or fought for any of my concerns within the past few years. When I posted a thread which stated that I admired Murtha and Feingold for taking stances that have not been popular or supported by the rest--I was pulled aside by one irate beltway supporter and told I had better be very careful just who I supported, —and furthermore how dare I cast my Democratic leaders in such an unfavorable light. I was then publicly denounced as being a Republican. In a private post I was basically told that I as a good little Democrat should just shut up, trust them, and keep donating money.
    Feingold is taking on the wedge issues the rest of the Dems are to afraid to touch.
    We need to send him this message:
    Keep it up!
    Maybe it will force some of the others to join the fray.

    Posted by: Mandala | Apr 5, 2006 12:36:04 AM

    Don't give up Mandala. There are DLC-Beltway apologists everywhere. They seem to believe that taking no position on anything is the best way to go. That way big dollar donors don't get upset. Neither do all those mythical "swing voters."

    They are incredibly tone deaf -- they don't seem to take in how widespread the disgust is with voters who are tired of the Democrats standing for nothing except platitudes. Platitudes don't mean much if you avoid battles are specific issues.

    I'm so tired of the Democrats claiming to be for justice and fairness, for instance, yet balking at supporting equal rights for all, including gays. They have also abandoned the working class on many economic issues. Remember that it was Clinton who pushed through NAFTA, which to me is merely a plan to transfer wealth out of working people's hands into those of multinational corporations and investors.

    We need to keep up the pressure against the do-nothing, stand-for-nothing Dems. And now we have at least one Senator who will stand with us!

    Posted by: Kossian | Apr 5, 2006 8:53:33 AM

    In our albq journal rag this morning....It was said that the dems are abstaining from voicing their opinion or votes on issues like immigration so they do not offend anyone. At this time on the planet when it is more important then ever for leaders to stand up, we have a bunch that will not state the truths because they might offend someone and lose a vote.
    Unfrekin believable. Now is the time.

    I can imagine the bingaman camp saying, (if they engage in reading this anymore) well "what are they so mad about?"....I do not think the elected people who work for us have a freakin clue what is going on in ordinary human lives.

    Posted by: mary ellen | Apr 5, 2006 9:17:07 AM

    Read this about how out of touch many Dems "leaders" are, including Sen. Schumer, who heads to DSCC:


    One quote from the article:

    Washington, D.C. Democrats have been losing elections for the last decade precisely because they are so out of touch. In fact, D.C.-based organizations like the Democratic Leadership Council which arrogantly purport to be most focused on being "in touch" with the heartland are often the most out of touch forces in politics, further reinforcing the notion that the Beltway Democratic Establishment actually cares only about trying to trick the heartland, rather than court it.

    Posted by: barb | Apr 5, 2006 10:38:18 AM

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