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    Tuesday, April 25, 2006

    Speak Up: Another Tuesday Open Thread

    Following suggestions from readers, I'm offering another Tuesday Open Thread where you are free to discuss any topic that's on your mind. Click on the Comments link below and keyboard away. We'd love to hear from more of the hundreds of daily visitors to this site.

    As for me, I'm pondering the latest travesties of the Bush administration. Pick your poison. It can be difficult to keep up because so many frightening details emerge on any given day. For a visual rendition of just some of the awful realities of BushCo, see this video one more time. Then vow to be ACTIVE to stop this madness.

    Dscn1166_1Given the current national nightmare, thank goodness I've also got my mind on our garden out back. We've been digging, emptying bags of well-composted soil and applying mulch made of broken pecan shells (also good for stopping snails in their tracks). We've been planting, seeding and weeding.

    Dscn1170To make up for the water we'll use in the garden, we'll be taking a few less showers a week, flushing only when it's absolutely necessary (you know what I mean) and washing clothes less often with larger loads. What we'll get in return is a place of serenity, beauty and ever-changing vibrance. A place of respite where we can retreat, if only for a little while, from the realities of the neocon nightmare. A place to recharge!

    April 25, 2006 at 12:21 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    I'm thinking about the terrible COPE bill that will do all sorts of bad things to the internet, giving private corps way too much power. I notice you put up a post on this earlier today and hope everyone will call Wilson's office to urge her to vote against it. If this bill succeeds, the freedom to conduct meaningful politics on the internet will be severely limited.

    Posted by: Kossian | Apr 25, 2006 1:35:41 PM

    I'm thinking that a statewide minimum wage raise may be coming next legislative session, thanks to the compromise victory in Albuquerque. I read that Rio Rancho is now contemplating adopting a raise, evidently because they're afraid they'll lose workers to Alb.

    Most of all, I want to see all those rightwingers who claimed they support a statewide or national raise start fighting to get one!

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Apr 25, 2006 3:40:20 PM

    I'm wondering when Dem candidates here will start going all out to show they aren't crooks like Vigil, Montoya, Serna and others. Don't hear a peep out of them about this. Face up to it candidates. Be proactive before it's too late!

    I like the flower photos too.

    Posted by: John John | Apr 25, 2006 3:51:24 PM

    I agree that Madrid will have to take a strong, fighting stance against the accusation you know are coming from the right on ethics. She needs to head 'em off at the pass.

    Posted by: Another Dem | Apr 25, 2006 5:14:48 PM

    I am hearing disturbing rumors that Madrid has fallen under the evil spell of loser-beltway Demo consultants, whispering into her ear that she can win without standing for anything.

    I hope this isn't true! Please don't let us lose to Heather Wilson again!

    I was getting ready to write Madrid a check, but if my donation is just going to line the pockets of the same out-of-state, out-of-touch, D.C. "experts" who brought us the Kerry, Gore, and Romero campaigns-- fughetaboudit! I'm not paying for Patricia Madrid to snatch defeat from the jaws of vicory. I'll send my donation to MoveOn, Media Matters, the ACLU, or some other place where I can detect strategic vision, firm purpose, and a working spine.

    Posted by: DN Palacios | Apr 25, 2006 10:35:36 PM

    DN- I'm hearing the same thing. The DCCC and Rahm Emanuel seem to be all over this race and we know what kind of advice they're giving-big money ad campaign, don't take stands if you aren't forced to, chase the money and don't worry about door to door stuff.

    Another problem with DC "experts" is that they don't know the local terrain. They tend to push a kind of campaign in a box, same size fits all. It hasn't been very successful in the past and I doubt it will in the Madrid race if they stick to it.

    I hope Patricia will decide to run more of her own race and be outspoken. I can't take another loss in the race for this seat. There's no reason a Democrat shouldn't be representing this area.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 26, 2006 9:02:55 AM

    I wanted to congratulate everyone who has worked on the minimum wage issue for many months now. The bill that won at the city council could be better but it was a real good start.

    Posted by: A. Gomez | Apr 26, 2006 11:55:41 AM

    Sometimes I get so depressed about the state of things. How can we ever get anything to change? It can seem like we are up against odds that are too great to overcome. But we must keep fighting! The future or our nation and our planet depends on it!

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Apr 26, 2006 1:19:33 PM

    I can feel the same way SC jan. It seems like it is impossible yet we can not stop. We are making a difference. We have to do it.
    Keep up your fight down in Silver City. I always appreciate reading your posts and knowing you are visiting this website, as many others whom are silent. Thanks for sharing your thoughts today.

    Posted by: mary ellen | Apr 26, 2006 4:20:36 PM

    Hmmmm--What's on my mind. I am also working in my garden. I send a big Thank You, to all those who stood up and spoke for increasing the minimum wage in Albuquerque. I am hoping more people will sign up for the neighborhood canvass this Saturday the 29th.

    I am really enjoying the nice weather--and hearing stories about Rove having to testify again. VBG

    Posted by: Mandala | Apr 26, 2006 6:46:04 PM

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