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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Celebrate at New Judge Fiesta
Please help the newest judges of the Bernalillo County District Court celebrate their June primary victories a whole month early (they went unopposed)! Judge Carl Butkus, Judge Clay Campbell, Judge Kenneth Martinez and Judge Monica Zamora invite you to an informal evening of fun and music at the home of Jerry Roehl. Dance to the music of Al Hurricane & Al Hurricane, Jr.! Campaign contributions will be gratefully accepted, and divided equally between the Committee to Keep District Judge Carl J. Butkus and the Committee to Keep Judge Campbell, each of whom will have opposition in the November General Election.
Directions: From Central take Rio Grande north about 4 miles to Chavez Rd. Turn right (east) on Chavez and go about a half mile to Guadalupe Trail. Turn left (north) on Guadalupe. Third house on the left is 6633 Guadalupe. Parking at Taft Middle School, across the street from the Fiesta!
April 19, 2006 at 04:12 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink