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    Thursday, April 06, 2006

    Making My Day: A Hero and a Squealer

    TaylorThe Hero: I have to add a second video of the day. A guy named Harry Taylor (left) spelled out his dismay and shame about Bush and his anti-democratic policies right to his face today at a Bush speech in North Carolina. Crooks and Liars has the video and the transcript of Taylor's remarks and the president's misleading response. I don't know how he got into a Bush event, but I'm sure glad he managed to get past the screening. Chalk one up for the people. UPDATE: You can now post a message thanking Harry Taylor at a special website.

    The Squealer: Add to this today's disclosure that Scooter Libby testified that Dick Cheney, with the direct approval of Bush, okayed the leaking of very high security intelligence on Iraq to bolster the administration's shamelessly dishonest push for war. Here's what an LA Times article has to say on the Libby story:

    President Bush personally authorized leaking long-classified information to a reporter in the summer of 2003 to buttress administration claims, now discredited, that Saddam Hussein was attempting to acquire weapons of mass destruction for Iraq, according to a court filing by prosecutors in the case against former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

    ... Court papers filed by special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald late Wednesday said that before Libby's indictment, he told a federal grand jury investigating the (Plame) leak that Cheney told him to pass on information about a secret National Intelligence Estimate to the press and that Bush had authorized the disclosure, according to the court papers.

    Here's what our Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid, said in response to the story:

    "In light of today's shocking revelation, President Bush must fully disclose his participation in the selective leaking of classified information. The American people must know the truth."

    The neo-con house of cards is toppling, a little more each day. Can't you feel the sea change coming? The tipping point we've all been waiting for? The crush of evidence starting to overwhelm Bush's ability to keep the truths and the facts from coming to light?

    April 6, 2006 at 03:28 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    Thank you Mr. Taylor for Telling It Like It Is. You have more Guts than most of our Elected Officials in Washington, D.C. and Santa Fe. It is time for Americans regardless of Political Party to standup to the Crooks and Liars in Santa Fe and Washington, D.C.. New Mexicans must Assume Nothing. Eli Chavez, Independent

    Posted by: Eli Chavez | Apr 6, 2006 8:36:51 PM

    What does it say about where our country has been taken by this president, when a man speaking truth to power is regarded as heroic??? Thank you Mr Taylor for using your willingness to speak and exercise your First Amendment Right to say some of the things the majority of Americans are thinking.

    Posted by: VP | Apr 7, 2006 9:25:00 AM

    This story about Bush and Cheney approving the leak to little Scooter is huge. It was all over tv news last night and looks like it will continue. Could it bring down Cheney?

    Posted by: Linda C. | Apr 7, 2006 10:29:48 AM

    "Could it bring down Cheney?" One can only hope!

    Posted by: VP | Apr 7, 2006 11:03:06 AM

    Depending, it might even bring down Bush himself. This story was BIG last night on cable news. Let's hope they keep digging.

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Apr 7, 2006 3:01:23 PM

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