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Monday, March 13, 2006

Wireless Action Network Formed

From New Mexico IndyMedia:
Wireless Action Network of New Mexico (WAN-NM) has been formed to aid in linking and networking activists and individuals in New Mexico who are concerned with health hazards associated with wireless technologies. Concerned citizens and activists from New Mexico can participate in an internet forum at - https://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/wireless-action/

The recent explosive growth of wireless technologies, such as cellular phones and their base-stations ('towers"), WiFi systems, and the like, has been occuring without much public awareness of the real and potential health risks associated with the microwave radiation which these wireless technologies radiate.

The wireless communications industry, as with most government agenies, insists that the public has no scientifically-based reasons for personal or public health concerns, and that the Federal Communications Commission 's (FCC) exposure standards are adequate to the protection of our health.

But the FCC's exposure standards, and those similar to them in other nations, have long been in serious doubt by many scientists around the world. A substantial body of scientific evidence suggests that wireless technologies may have serious negative public health conseqences.

Amazingly, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 resulted in local communities and state governments losing their right to regulate the placement of wireless communications base-stations (towers, antennas) on public health grounds, effectively robbing local communities of their democratic rights. ( See: https://www.wave-guide.org/library/tca_hist.html )

Wireless Action Network of New Mexico has begun as an internet-based connecting and networking tool. WAN-NM members plan to evolve and grow their networking resources and tools so that those who do not use the interent can participate fully.

You can participate in the forum, or learn about the issues at - https://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/wireless-action/

March 13, 2006 at 10:53 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


Wireless Action Network of New Mexico now has a blog.

This blog will help inform and link New Mexicans
who share an interest in health issues and concerns associated with wireless technologies, such as cellular phones and wireless computer networking.

State, local, national and international news
pertaining to these issues is published on this
blog. The blog's emphasis is on New Mexico.

Visit us at: https://wireless-action.blogspot.com/

Posted by: James R. Martin - WAN volunteer | Mar 14, 2006 4:15:22 PM

" .... One of the first things that happened was that they brought in these cell phones, and they started putting towers up. It's not a tower that we have, a cell phone tower that spews microwave radiation out in 360 degrees. It's more like a relay, that's channeling radiation to the next tower.

It was put up right in our village. It's very obvious, and the act of putting it up was very obvious. But nobody did anything. I was the only one who seemed to be appalled at this thing. I had a lot of information on the health effects of microwave radiation. I can't fully explain what happened to that can-do attitude that was so prevalent before. .... "

Excerpted from
"An interview with Chellis Glendinning"

In this interview, Chellis speaks of an earlier run-in with the wireless telecommunications industry in her village of Chimayo.

Here [ https://wireless-action.blogspot.com/2006/03/chimayo-in-trouble.html ] you can learn of Chimayo's latest
encounter with the same.

Posted by: Wireless Action Network | Mar 14, 2006 4:37:58 PM

Santa Fe public Library about to go wireless -- Unless...


Posted by: WAN | Mar 15, 2006 12:59:10 PM

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