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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

VIDEO: Joe Wilson Whomps Heather/DeLay/Bush in ABQ Appearance for Madrid

Great stuff from Suzanne Prescott. If you missed Ambassador Joe Wilson's visit to Albuquerque to stump for Patricia Madrid's campaign against Washington apologist Heather Wilson, check out Suz's video of his speech at the downtown Flying Star. And when you're done, you might just want to head over to Madrid Campaign's website to volunteer or donate. Aren't you tired of having a politician at the mercy of radicals like Tom DeLay and the Bush administration as your member of Congress?

On March 2, 2006, Ambassador Joe Wilson visited Albuquerque, New Mexico in support of 1st congressional district candidate, Patricia Madrid. He talks frankly about Heather Wilson and her failure to pursue an investigation into the Bush administration's domestic spying operations.  He levels harsh criticism on the current Bush administration, which has jeopardized our rights under the constitution and our democracy.

Click for the video of Ambassador Wilson's speech. (Be patient as it loads. Well worth the wait!)

March 8, 2006 at 01:55 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


When is Madrid going to address her non-actions in the 1999, "Kick Back Sandal"? Ambassador Joe Wilson is a man of Integrity, who stoodup to Bush and his Lies about the Iraq War and Corruption. Democrats must now demand an explaination from Madrid why she did not take any action on the 1999 "Kick Back Scandal". Eli Chavez, Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Mar 8, 2006 6:42:12 PM

Eli, when are you gonna give it a rest. You write this same thing on every local blog, over and over. Your interpretation of Madrid's actions is inaccurate.

Posted by: Browser | Mar 9, 2006 8:53:00 AM

I agree with Browser. Eli, what do you think you're trying to accomplish? You post the same tired allegation over and over and over again.

The fact is that this is one of the most important Congressional races in the nation. This race isn't about Heather Wilson or Patricia Madrid -- it's about George W. Bush. If Heather Wilson is re-elected, it will send a message that a consumate swing district rubberstamps the Bush-Cheney agenda.

I know how much you hate Bush. Do you really want to undermine the national progressive effort and rubberstamp Bush's agenda?

Posted by: An Old Friend of Eli | Mar 9, 2006 9:03:06 AM

Good Morning Browser and Old Friend of Eli.

This Congressional race is about Integrity. Every thing I have said is of Public Record in regards to the "Kick Back Scandal". According to the Record, State Auditors and the State Police detected and documented white collar crime and called the Kick Back Scandal case the "highest degree of public corruption". According to the Media, A/G Madrid was not interested. Maybe A/G Madrid should make public her meeting with State Auditor Martinez to clear the air.

In regards to why am I trying to accomplish? I am going to continue to speak out against Rampant Cronyism and Corruption that has taken over our State and Federal Governments. Americans and New Mexicans have been lied to by Bush and his Regime in regards to the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq. Heather Wilson sat on the Intelligence Committee and said nothing while hundreds of our G.I.'s have been KIA and thousands WIA. Our so-called political leaders just went along with Bush and his Lies. Political leaders from both Political Parties are controlled by Big Money because their intimate relationships with lobbyist and interests while New Mexicans and Americans continue to live in Misery. If the Democratic Party was the party of the People and began to act like a real party of the people, the Money would be cut off by Lobbyist. Big Money controls our Political Leaders from Washington DC to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Both Political Parties are guilty of mobilizing the power of government to serve the wealthy and themselves, and Richardson is the master of that. While New Mexicans Children continue to have broken school systems, Richardson just vetoed Capital Outlay funding for our Public Schools in New Mexico in the Millions of Dollars. Richardson is a Greedy Blood Sucker, he purchased a 5.5 Million Dollar Presidental Jet to use in his quest for President while neglecting our broken school systems. Some New Mexicans continue to live in fear and can not even leave their homes because of gang-terrorized streets while whole blocks are awash in narcotics and violence. What has Richardson, Heather Wilson and A/G Madrid done to rid of the problem? Nothing... Lastly, Richardson has by-passed the Personnel Board and hired his own Political Cronies to work State Jobs at the cost of 3.5 million dollars. Maybe Madrid should look into this violation and open a case against Richardson. But that is wishful thinking. I am a Progressive Person and I have alway's questioned the Process and I will continue to question the Process. I have been known to Tell It Like It Is and I will continue to do so. "Let's not vacate reality". Eli Chavez, Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Mar 10, 2006 9:57:34 AM

Eli, as someone said upstream, give it a rest. And stop using so many capital letters. And stop seeing only black and white. If you're so concerned, what are you doing to change things except for writing this same post over and over on local blogs?

We get it already. You think the whole system is corrupt. Much of it is. But if you believe you are helping things by maligning Madrid, who has parted ways with Richardson repeatedly, so that Heather wins again, you are very unstable. Stop already with your exaggerations and empty accusations.

Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 10, 2006 10:20:37 AM

Old Demo: I will take your advise and not use so many capital letters. Giving it a rest I will have to give that request a thought. In regards to seeing only black and white, this issue has no gray area. When an elected official (Chief Law Enforcement Officer) does nothing about an issue of historical in nature it will come back to bite. In regards to "But if you believe you (Eli) are helping things by maligning Madrid, who has parted ways with Richardson repeatedly, so that Heather wins again, your are very unstable" Maybe Madrid ought to explain why she did not do something about the Kick Back Scandal. She was and continues to be the A/G and it was her duty to investigate (grand jury or Complaint) prosecute the case in 1999. In Regards to Heather winning agoin I do not have a crystal ball because I am going to expose Heather and tell it like it is. Old Demo, I suggest that if you want to become informed and be able to base your comments on fact, ask the State Auditor for a copy of the report. Are New Mexican's going to continue to just follow the Party Line? Or are they going to ask questions. You know how I feel about the Bush Regime and their corruption and cronyism and the loss of our G.I.'s lives based on lies. I also feel for my brother and sister Democrats that have been mislead by the Party. Lastly, in regards to corruption within State and Federal Governments wheather the politican is a republican or a democrat, "If the shoe fits wear it". In other words not everybody is corrupt.

Posted by: Eli Chavez, Albuquerque, New Mexico | Mar 10, 2006 2:26:00 PM

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