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    Friday, March 31, 2006

    SJC Dems Abandon Feingold Censure Hearing

    UPDATE: Here's a video clip of Sen. Feingold using a post from blogger Glenn Greenwald to question John Dean about the similarities of the excuses for warrantless wiretapping used by John Mitchell of Nixon's White House and Bush's. Also the entire hearing is supposed to be re-aired on CSPAN tonight at 6:50 MST.

    JdeanThe Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Sen. Feingold's censure resolution was held this morning. One of the witnesses who urged the Congress to act now to uphold the rule of law was John Dean, who served on Nixon's staff during the Watergate era. Too bad most Dem members were AWOL. According to CNN:

    Nixon White House counselor John Dean asserted Friday that President Bush's domestic spying exceeds the wrongdoing that toppled his former boss from power, and Sen. Orrin Hatch snapped that Democrats were trying to "score political points" with a motion to censure Bush.

    "Had the Senate or House, or both, censured or somehow warned Richard Nixon, the tragedy of Watergate might have been prevented," Dean told the Senate Judiciary Committee. "Hopefully the Senate will not sit by while even more serious abuses unfold before it."

    Testifying to a Senate committee on Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russell Feingold's resolution to censure Bush, Dean said the president "needs to be told he cannot simply ignore a law with no consequences."

    Here's a transcript of John Dean's testimony supporting Feingold. And here's Feingold's statement. Excerpt:

    If Congress doesn’t have the power to define the contours of the President’s Article II powers through legislation, then I have no idea why people are scrambling to draft legislation to authorize what they think the President is doing. If the President’s legal theory, which is shared by some of our witnesses today, is correct, then FISA is a dead letter, all of the supposed protections for civil liberties contained in the reauthorization of the Patriot Act that we just passed are a cruel hoax, and any future legislation we might pass regarding surveillance or national security is a waste of time and a charade. Under this theory, we no longer have a constitutional system consisting of three co-equal branches of government, we have a monarchy.

    Shameful: Almost every Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee DID NOT attend today's hearing:

    Joe Biden, DE (no word on whereabouts)
    Dick Durbin, IL (back home "meeting with constituents")
    Dianne Feinstein, CA (claims "scheduling conflict)
    Chuck Schumer, NY (office closed this morning)
    Ted Kennedy, MA (his office said he was "out of town"

    Feingold2_1 Herb Kohl of Wisconsin was there briefly and said nothing. The ONLY Dem on the committee who spoke on behalf of censure was Patrick Leahy of VT. The words cowardly and disloyal come to mind. More than 70% of Democrats around the nation support the censure. With voters in general, it's about 50-50. What are these Senators afraid of? It's bad enough to have to fight the Republicans on presidential lawbreaking, but to have top Dems standing in the way of the constitutional inquiry of one of their own is truly morally bankrupt, in my opinon.

    I hate to say it, but these Senators are starting to look like the Democratic Wing of Republican Party. There is just no excuse for this. If Dem insiders want to ensure a low turnout of progressive and base Dems in the November mid-term elections, they should keep on mocking the passionate and courageous Dems like Murtha and Feingold and whining about their "devisiveness." I guess any Dem brave enough to speak out on the blatant and dangerous abuses of the Bush administration in any meaningful way is judged to be "devisive" in the same way that Republicans deem any Bush critics "unpatriotic."

    The Beltway status quo is a stubborn and unrelenting force for inertia. Long-term, entrenched power always is. If you need more evidence on that, check out the new "Real Security" initiative " unveiled by Dems earlier this week. It's almost surreal that the plan makes not one mention of illegal NSA domestic spying, torture or distorted intelligence. Instead, it transparently equates supporting freedom and justice in the world with increased military strength. Trust us! We'll do the same thing Bush is doing, only more competently!

    If we can't do better than this, expect millions of core Dem voters to stay home come November. I'm sure the poobahs at the DCCC and DSCC will be flabbergasted, but still unconvinced that their mincing blandness is to blame. To say they take the votes of the Democratic base for granted would be putting it mildly. If we don't get something better to take door-to-door to potential voters this Fall, it's gonna be a long, hard slog indeed. If we make that slog at all, that is.

    Finally, here's a post that contains some of the best writing I've encountered that lays out the reasons the Democrats should be lining up en masse to sign on to Feingold's censure resolution. Wake up Democrats -- there IS no Congress if Bush is allowed to continue down this path. Either Democrats must live up to their oaths of office or they are, as the post says, as bad as the Republicans who are worshipping their new monarch.

    If and when Americans wake up to the fact that their constitution and democracy have been totally trashed, I hope that many put the blame squarely on the Dem apologists who fiddled with shallow "strategists" and "pollsters" while America burned.

    If you'd like to make your feelings known on how Dem committee members acted today, click away:


    Edward M. Kennedy, MASSACHUSETTS 

    Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DELAWARE

    Herbert Kohl , WISCONSIN 

    Dianne Feinstein, CALIFORNIA 

    Russell D. Feingold , WISCONSIN 

    Charles E. Schumer, NEW YORK

    Richard J. Durbin , ILLINOIS

    March 31, 2006 at 01:53 PM in Current Affairs, Democratic Party | Permalink


    This is so sad, it's tragic.

    Posted by: jems | Mar 31, 2006 2:24:25 PM

    This little dog and pony show called a Judiciary Committee Hearing, with the Senate Democrats MIA, was the straw that broke this camels back. I will not now, nor anytime in the near future contribute one dime to the Democratic Party. When Mr Reid and his spineless minions get a backbone, I might reconsider. Why support a party when the party won't represent me! Feingold For President in 08!!!

    Posted by: VP | Mar 31, 2006 4:25:29 PM

    I have been a Democrat all my life. So has my whole family. But if this is what we have to stomach, I refuse. I will change my registration to Independent and stay home in November.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 31, 2006 6:28:58 PM

    I was listening to Thom Hartmann's local morning drive show in Portland https://www.620kpoj.com/pages/listenlive.html when he got the e-mail with reich-wing talking points for the discussion of the Censure hearing:
    Lck of Democrat[ic] party participation
    John Dean-convicted feleon
    John Dean-Selling a book
    Feingold running for president.
    Embolding the terrorists- endangering the troops.
    Democrats have no plan

    It sure has been working.
    Jeff! No Censure = No Cajones = No Money In 12/2003 i changed my registration so I could vote for a man with a pair. And Howard's using them. Step up and get a pair Jeff- there's no downside, there's not even a lobbist to piss off.

    Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Apr 1, 2006 4:36:33 PM

    Talk about playing right into the hands of the rightwingnut machine. Good job Democrats!

    Posted by: JLC | Apr 2, 2006 11:39:36 AM

    A/G Madrid advised that she is just going to wait and see...Senator Bingaman is sitting on the Sidelines with Madrid... Madrid wants to be elected to congress and to this date Madrid remains gutless...she will not even investigate Richardson and his corruption. Hopefully an Independent will run against Wilson and Madrid.

    Posted by: Eli Chavez | Apr 3, 2006 6:27:23 AM

    I guess the dems think if they don't say anything people will fill in the blanks themselves and imagine they stand for something. Not likely.

    Posted by: jems | Apr 3, 2006 9:00:03 AM

    Outstanding post there from Daily Kos. The Congress is presiding over its own demise, and not lifting a hand to do a thing about it. I think the sense of the blogs is that removal of all support from the Democratic Party is the right way to go (exceptions to be made for particular campaigns of Democratic candidates who buck the trend). The next question is obvious: what positive steps do we take? Do we all move to the Green Party? Do we watch V for Vendetta daily until we get the secret message from Alan Moore, telling us how to take over? We know what we don't do: we don't support the national party, and certainly don't send them soft money to spend on the campaigns of Senators who can't even bring themselves to attend the censure hearing. What do we do? That seems to be the question that everyone is asking and no one is answering.

    Posted by: John | Apr 3, 2006 9:57:55 AM

    Did anyone have the chance to watch this on cspan last friday???
    It was awful. The wimps could not even show up to support their fellow dem members. Even if they did not agree with the censure, it was another time to try to get the liars on record.

    Chicken shits! Non supportive to your own colleague. What I see is that they are not even patriots. A true patriot would be standing up.
    We are sunk people, f'in sunk.

    Posted by: mary ellen | Apr 3, 2006 12:15:33 PM

    The current Demos and Reps in Congress are loyal to the party line and not loyal to the People. I hope an Independent will run against Wilson and Madrid in the General. We want a fireball with guts that will tell it like it is for New Mexicans. Wilson or Madrid? Are we going to vote for the lesser of the two evils? I'm not. Eli Chavez, Independent

    Posted by: Eli Chavez | Apr 3, 2006 3:40:42 PM

    I watched it (in pieces over the week-end) and I thought it ws terrific. Dean and Finn kicked the administration hacks' asses. BUT a person had to know the how the hacks were lying. Unfortunately there too many Dems missing. Feingold and Leahy did a terrific job. The "liberal media" parrotted the reich-wing talking points and the coverage was horrible, but not a damn thing we can do about it.
    And for everyone that wants to bitch, if you haven't personally contacted Jeff's office and raised hell, then just shut the hell up until you do. Otherwise, go whine in a closet and let Halibuton Heather win the prize.
    The only folks more out of touch with reality than the Greens are the Christo-Nazis.
    To hear my new theme song go to https://www.benfrank.net/nuke/Free_Peace_mp3s.html and Scroll down to "I'm Takin' My Country Back!" (It's on the LEFT side about 5 'page down' clicks down) I'm going to bust my ass to do it and I'm not letting a bunch of nay-sayers get in my way.

    Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Apr 3, 2006 3:58:16 PM

    You go placitas Roy!

    Yes Feingold and Leahy did a terrific job. And so did Dean and Fein. Four patriots. Standing up against odds. I just ask why be a dem if you have no one that will stand up against pure wrongness, breaking of the constitution, no one is willing to stop these facists. The cspan coverage to me should be must see media for all americans.

    If Kennedy/Schumer/Durbin/Biden and the rest of those people on the judiciary committee are afraid to go and participate in a hearing to censure this president then how woud Madrid ever have the courage???

    Posted by: mary ellen | Apr 3, 2006 5:13:58 PM

    John: The culprits are the DCCC and DSCC, not the DNC. Gets complicated I know. But it is essential to understand that the DNC, with Howard Dean at the helm, is NOT about setting policy, or picking and supporting candidates. They are charged with fundraising and, especially under Dean, PARTY BUILDING. I DO give to the DNC when I can, as they are siphoning the money into the kind of party building in every state that is long term in nature.

    The DCCC is charged with finding, funding and "helping" candidates for the US House. The DSCC does the same for the US Senate. We have insider Dem, DLC-Clintonista Rahm Emanuel running the DCCC. He's the one who created Duckworth as a candidate in IL-06, shafting Cegelis, the grassroots primary candidate. Sen. Schumer heads the DSCC. You may recall that Hackett was forced out by this bunch in favor of Sherrod Brown. Needless to say, I don't give a dime to either the DCCC or DSCC. If they are known for anything, it's for exporting the same idiot cookie cutter campaign into every race, regardless. These are people who are constantly whining that Dean is wasting money by party building with the money he raises.

    And then you have the candidates, who either run their own shows entirely, picking and choosing positions as directed by pollsters and "stratgists" and to please big donors. They show absolutely no allegiance to anything the county, state or national parties have to say in terms of positions. Take for example the resolutions process here in NM -- watered down at every turn by the powers that be, with the process distorted to produce a bland, weak platform of sorts that will be ignored anyway.

    I don't know what to do except to keep raising hell directly with our elected officials, as Roy suggests, and to keep trying to take over and strenthen the Party apparatus so that it can hold some sway with candidates. However, unless we get big money out of campaigns, it will be slow going indeed. The corps and lobbyists have the big bucks. The Party has nothing in comparison.

    Perhaps if we only work for candidates who agree to support our positions, that may make some dent. The candidates and other insiders seem irritated if the grassroots has anything to suggest, yet expects us to give our time and energy without fail. Hey, just keep making those phone calls and doing that door to door canvassing, but don't dare to have anything to say about how anything operates or what we stand for!

    The policies and positions

    Posted by: barb | Apr 3, 2006 5:34:47 PM

    Roy, great song! Should be playing in every vehicle rolling down the road....

    Posted by: jems | Apr 3, 2006 5:54:16 PM

    barb: I totally agree with you. Time to support candidates whom will fight for the people. Eli Chavez, Independent

    Posted by: Eli Chavez | Apr 3, 2006 8:32:07 PM

    Thanks, Barb, for the clarification. My previous post should be filed under the heading "A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing".

    Posted by: John | Apr 4, 2006 9:38:21 AM

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