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    Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    Taos Dems Angry About Party Weaknesses


    It's clear that core Democrats from many parts of New Mexico and around the nation are displeased with their Party. On any given day there's certainly no shortage of articles and commentaries expressing anger and dismay over the Party's reluctance to take strong stands and work effectively with the grassroots. Don't even mention transparency and responsiveness.

    I've covered similar problems that SCC members and rank and file Dems are having with our State Party in a number of posts (see below). Murky expenditures, mysterious bookkeeping, "lost" contracts, weak planning and budgeting, a truncated platform process and a general lack of responsiveness by some officers and staff have been ongoing topics of conversation and activism here in Albuquerque and other parts of the state.

    Taos County Dems sounded similar themes at their preprimary convention last Saturday, with delegates offering several impassioned statements about "centrist" Democrats. They also criticized remarks made by State Party Chair John Wertheim that expressed dismay about the Party platform and claimed Party rules are mere "guidelines."

    An article in the Taos News covered the convention in detail. Excerpt:

    Taos County Democrats met Saturday at Kachina Lodge to choose delegates to their statewide convention. The Democrats who attended also adopted a resolution in support of returning the party to its traditional values.

    “This is unprecedented,” said County Democratic Party Chairman Billy Knight, after party members adopted the resolution in the hope that it will be included in their party’s statewide position statement.

    The resolution came up for consideration after one of its supporters, Andres “Andy” Vargas, told the group that “many Democrats are worried about the position national Democrats have taken to become more centrist.”

    “It’s made the party more right-wing,” Vargas said. We have lost two elections and the (U.S.) Supreme Court … now we have a complete takeover of the supreme court and the government by the right wing.”

    Vargas gave two reasons why Taos County Democrats should support the resolution that was still being drafted. The first involved an appearance by John Edwards in Santa Fe to speak to members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union.

    Edwards was later tapped by Rep. John Kerry to be his running mate in the 2004 presidential election.

    “John Edwards was thrust into the limelight when he was campaigning in Santa Fe and gave a speech to AFSCE members about the two Americas that exist in this country. It put him into the forefront and was the reason Kerry chose him for his running mate,” Vargas said. “The two Americas speech was never mentioned again during the campaign.”

    The issue of two Americas — one for the rich, the other for poor people — did not surface again until after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast and the federal government’s response to it laid the two Americas foundation for numerous politicians to build their comments upon.

    Knight was angry about a statement made by State Democratic Chairman John Wertheim. Knight told county convention delegates that Wertheim stated recently that he didn’t think the Democratic Party’s rules were a set of guidelines to follow in governing the party.

    Wertheim also said that the Democrats’ platform would give Republicans fodder to use in criticizing the opposition party, suggesting the party platform not be used for that reason.

    Marguerite Denevan, a delegate from Arroyo Hondo, had a comment of her own about Wertheim.

    “We need to let them know what we think of them,” Denevan said.

    Delegate Rena Rosequist then suggested the county party draft a letter to Wertheim “telling him that we abhor his gutlessness.” regarding the statement made to Steven Fettig of Los Alamos.

    “If you draft it, I’ll take it,” Knight said. “This is what democracy is about. It’s the only way to take the country back from the tyrants we have in office. I’m sick of it and the solution needs to build from the bottom up. It’s been coming from the top down.”

    DPNM Chair John Wertheim was quoted in the Albuquerque Tribune back in late October about Party rules being mere guidelines:

    Wertheim said the that rules are more like guidelines.

    "Nobody in my tenure has thought those were requirements," he said.

    I expect that the push for improved Party transparency, planning, fiscal responsibilty, accountability, leadership and communication will continue and grow. Increasingly, Dems are getting vocal about the poor performance of Party leaders and officials, as well as their depressingly gutless positions on many of the issues that matter to traditional Dems.

    All of us are pressuring the Party to become more efficient and effective, and to be more inclusive and grassroots-oriented. We're attempting to hold candidates and officeholders accountable to the resolutions and platforms passed by Party governing bodies. We're running for and winning positions within the Party infrastructure. And we're becoming involved with the Party's standing committees. Rest assured, we won't be quitting anytime soon. You never know, we might just get a copy of the Buckman contract after all, if it exists. Miracles happen.

    Memory Lane
    A list of some previous posts on DFNM about the NM Democratic Party:

    Effort to Get Living Wage Resolution to the SCC, 4/22/05
    One Dem's View of the SCC Meeting in Socorro on Saturday, 4/25/05
    My Take on the SCC Meeting, 4/26/05
    SOUND OFF: Remember the Party of the People?, 5/10/05
    Governor's Office Responds, 5/18/05
    More Coverage of our Party Discussion, 5/26/05
    Calling all REFORM Democrats, 9/19/05
    We Need More Dems Like This, 9/27/05
    What Kind of Party Are We Having?, 10/25/05
    Half-Truths, Non-Truths and the Facts, 11/1/05
    The Continuing Saga of State Party Politics, 11/2/05
    More, 11/3/05
    Sound Off: A Party Out of Order, 11/22/05
    Dean, the DNC and DPNM Activism, 12/6/05
    Dem Loyalists Question State Party's Plea for Donations, 2/12/06
    Show Me the Money, 2/16/06

    March 7, 2006 at 04:37 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


    It's spreading!

    Posted by: El Norte | Mar 7, 2006 5:56:49 PM

    So good to hear that people are standing up for what we really believe. High time.

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Mar 7, 2006 6:11:05 PM

    I wonder when Wertheim will get the idea that he is doing a terrible job and has little support outside his crony circle.

    We need someone who can actively and honestly work in collaboration with the grassroots as chair, not someone who thinks grassroots activists are pests.

    He should either step up to the task at hand or get out of the way.

    Posted by: JLC | Mar 8, 2006 9:43:11 AM

    How can the state party expect people to give them money if there is no clear financial reporting about where the money goes? This is a big problem and it is no wonder that the party coffers are meager.

    Posted by: ProgDem | Mar 8, 2006 10:30:37 AM

    Don't you think that Wertheim deserves some faith from us? Don't you think we should trust him to spend the party resources the best way possible? Keep in mind, Wertheim ran for Congress and he's been around politics for a long time and has very smart and competent people working for him who know whats best for the party and how to win elections.

    I'm sure that if we can just all play nice and be good team players, that Governor Richardson will see how unhappy we are and how mean John Wertheim is and fix the problem for us. But if we keep on complaining, we might make the Governor angry and he might think that we don't want him to be President.

    Just think, the President of the United States gets to appoint more than 3,500 people to various post exempt from Merit standards (americanpresident.org). Imagine what this could do for the unemployment rate in New Mexico!

    Posted by: Democratic Ostrich Assoc. for Change | Mar 8, 2006 11:54:57 AM

    Watch out when someone says "trust me". No need to look behind the curtain. Trust me. Do you know the state party doesn't have have a neutral party audit its books? Outrageous.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 8, 2006 12:23:05 PM

    It is a big problems when democrats wont stick up for what we believe in. They run away from so much they should be fighting for. How can we ever change minds if nobody speaks up?

    Posted by: Linda Chavez | Mar 8, 2006 1:02:01 PM

    Goes along with the news that Harold Ickes is creating a private database to compete with that of the DNC:


    Makes you think certain people want to keep the state and national parties weak, doesn't it? Oh no, that can't be right....

    Posted by:

    Good job of laying out the problems of traditional liberal Democrats who believe the people's needs should come before those with thick wallets. We must keep at this work or there will be noone standing up for regular folks. There are more of us out here than they know.

    Posted by: From San Juan County | Mar 8, 2006 4:37:28 PM

    dem ostrich:
    You must be joking?! Blind faith...in this day of pure thievery all around us. Would you please name one of the smart Dems John has got working around him. If we play nice....we have tried. It did not work.

    There is absolutely no forthcomingness from the state party at this time. We have been stopped and ridiculed at every approach we have taken to get the party moving. I wish the Gov would take an active role in moving the Dem party forward within his own state.

    I am excited that the Taos County convention really brought the issue of accountability and transparency forward. They have an excellant county chair and I wish that John or the Gov would listen to what they have said.

    It is a time of action. I do not know how someone who is paying attention cannot be outraged.

    Posted by: mary ellen | Mar 8, 2006 5:01:06 PM

    I guess some honchos like things just the way they are. Their own kingdoms and damn the rest. It is a selfish time in america.

    Posted by: Mr. Pibb | Mar 8, 2006 5:09:41 PM

    The Democratic Party of New Mexico does not belong to the Democratic Membership. The Party belongs to Richardson who controls his "Drummer Boy" John Wertheim. What has Richardson done for the Party? Nothing!!! I know for a fact that Richardson has Milked the Party DRY. Does the Party have any MONEY? Richardson is a Career Politican and knows how to use the System (State Government and Democratic Party) to further his Ego Centric Motives. Richardson in my Book is a Phony. I ask why is Richardson even running for Governor? Richardson needs the $5.5 million Dollar Presidental Jet that can only land at large airstrips (New Hampshire and Iowa). The Presidental Jets Costs the New Mexico Tax Payer $2,000 per hour to fly. Richardson selected whom he wanted to run for Political Office in 2004 and his selection Richard Romero lost to Heather Wilson. Richardson has again selected whom he wants to run for political office, Zeno Zamora and A/G Madrid. Ambassador Wilson whom I consider an honorable man Spoke in behalf of Madrid in Albuquerque. Did Ambassador Wilson know about Madrids failure to address the 1999 Kick Back Scandal? Are Democrats going to vote for the lesser of the two evils?... Heather Wilson and A/G Madrid? Both Wilson and Madrid are the same and their actions speak Loud and Clear. Democrats SEE IT FOR WHAT IT IS NOT FOR WHAT YOU HOPE IT TO BE. Eli Chavez, Independent

    Posted by: Eli Chavez | Mar 8, 2006 7:50:26 PM

    Here he goes again. Eli, get a new script.

    Posted by: Browser | Mar 9, 2006 8:54:54 AM

    I read the Ostrich comment as satire. For the record, I was at the SCC Platform committee meeting last Saturday, and I though Chair Wertheim and Chair pro tempore Mel O'Reilly did a good job of getting the work done in partnership with the audience. I am encouraged; may the spirit of cooperation continue.

    Posted by: Donald F. Schiff | Mar 9, 2006 1:00:09 PM

    I don't want to be a cynic but maybe they are easy on this because Wertheim knows the platform is meaningless because they don't use it for anything. Or maybe Richardson is applying some pressure to him as rumor has it.

    Posted by: Anonymous | Mar 9, 2006 3:38:36 PM

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