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    Friday, March 10, 2006

    Sign Up Now For DemocracyFest 2006


    From Jim Dean, Democracy For America Chair:
    Preparations for the Third Annual DemocracyFest are underway and the agenda is getting more exciting each day. I hope you will join me and progressive activists from across the country in San Diego from July 14 through 16:


    DemocracyFest 2006 promises to feature some of the best that San Diego and the progressive grassroots movement have to offer. Event, meal and lodging tickets are available for purchase at a discounted early-bird rate until March 15th. Get yours now before the regular prices take effect.

    DemocracyFest organizers from DemocracyFest Incorporated and San Diego for Democracy have a fabulous program planned for you -- a weekend where you can trade ideas, learn new strategies, and get energized for the hard political work ahead. It'll be a great celebration in San Diego -- I look forward to seeing you there.

    Editor's Note: We went to last year's DemocracyFest in Austin and it was terrific. Excellent presentations, workshops, social events, noted progressive speakers, comaraderie and, of course, Howard Dean. We met grassroots activists DFA Meetup folks from all over the country. We've signed up again for this year's version. Hope many of you will do the same.

    March 10, 2006 at 10:50 AM in DFA, Events | Permalink


    Not much evident reason to sign up as yet, as the only speaker listed is Governor Dean. He'll be speaking on the night there is no bowling. No mention of theme or agenda. I suggest any New Mexican attendees go dressed as paper ballots, to tout the victory on that issue in our state. Or maybe they could erect a float . . .

    Posted by: John McAndrew | Mar 11, 2006 12:15:34 AM

    That's it! A float! One area for "undervotes" and another for the new AutoMark machines!

    Admittedly the DemFest schedule is lacking details so far, but I have faith they'll have an excellent program. There are rumors that people like Barbara Boxer and Maxine Waters will be participating. Plus, it's great just to meet activists from all over the country. The last one in Austin was top notch.

    The website does provide some clues re theme, etc. You just have to look around. Try going here and then continue on thru the pages by clicking on the links at the page bottoms.

    Posted by:

    All New Mexico activists named Chad, please report for float duty. Especially if you have dimples!

    I want Molly to be there. If Molly is there, I will go just to lay fruit and flowers at her feet as I prostrate before her. And every activist should attend with an extra spine (go to boneroom.com if you don't have an extra), to be presented to any Democratic office holders who have not taken stands against torture, against Alito, against Guantanamo, in favor of single payer universal health care, and in favor of ending the ar against Iraw and Afghanistan.

    Posted by: John McAndrew | Mar 11, 2006 1:05:18 PM

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