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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Impeachment and More: What We Won at NM Dem Weekend Meetings


UPDATE 3/22/06: Today's right-wing Drudge Report features a link to this Santa Fe New Mexican article on the Bush impeachment resolution passed at Saturday's Democratic Pre-Primary Convention. I guess we've hit the big time, big time. NM Dems: Out in front of the pack and calling attention nationwide to the abuses of power perpetrated by the Bush administration. You can comment on the New Mexican story here.

Despite the ruckesses described in previous posts here, we won some big battles at the NM Democratic Party SCC Meeting Friday and Pre-Primary Convention Saturday. You can see one of them depicted on the front page of today's Albuquerque Journal above. A copyrighted story  by Journal political writer Jeff Jones, describes passage of a floor amendment to the Party platform introduced by Bernalillo County delegate Robb Chavez that says:

...the Democratic Party of New Mexico supports the impeachment of George Bush and his lawful removal from office.

Since this was a floor amendment, it had to pass by at least a margin of 2/3 of the delegates. In the article, NM Democratic Party Chair John Wertheim is quoted as saying

"It was probably 80/20" in favor of the resolution. "There was not a single person to speak in opposition."

In another excerpt, Chairman Wertheim continues:

Realistically, "impeachment is not going to happen while we have a Republican Congress." But he said the resolution shows "there's widespread sentiment among Democrats that the Bush administration has been fraught with abuse of power -- and a greater degree of violations than anything the Clinton administration did."

Above: Dallas Timmons at the Convention mic proposing a floor amendment.

In addition, Dallas Timmons, another delegate from Bernalillo County, who's also an SCC member, introduced this amendment to the platform, which also passed by a large margin:

We believe the United States should abide by the Geneva Convention on all issues of conduct of war and prevent the U.S. military and our nation's intelligence agencies from utilizing torture of prisoners or detainees in any manner or at any time whatsoever.

It's telling that if an amendment or motion from the floor was allowed to be introduced by the Chair, it generally passed by a large margin, sometimes almost unanimously. What does this mean? That the Democratic Convention delegates are definitely from the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party, oftentimes way ahead of elected officials on timely and crtitical issues.

Above: Jeff Armijo, who got 70% of the delegate vote for State Auditor, rounding up votes at Friday's SCC Meeting. He passed out stickers that said, 'You Matter.' And we do.

In addition to wins at the Convention, we also had some significant successes at the SCC Meeting on Friday. SCC member Bill Kass of Bernalillo County introduced a motion to require the Party to create a budget committee to help plan and oversee the Party's financial dealings. Ann Dunlap, another SCC member from Bernalillo County, introduced a motion requiring the Party to institute a regular audit process of its books. Both passed almost unanimously.

Also Friday, SCC members passed a State Rules Committee report that included requiring that each of our three congressional districts be represented in appointments to the Rules Committee, and that changed the Party bylaws to allow the creation of a Native American Caucus within the Party.

What do these successes show? If the Dem grassroots keeps at it, has the gumption to introduce business from the floor at meetings and learns to do it properly by studying the intricacies of Roberts' Rules of Order, members and delegates are often quite receptive and generally vote to approve the measures.

At this weekend's meetings, almost every motion or resolution from grassroots Dems that managed to make its way to the floor was approved by a wide margin. You can see why there's been an ongoing effort in some quarters to quash floor motions and resolutions before they get to the floor. A number of additional platform planks, including ones on equal rights for all and banning weapons in space, would no doubt have passed if they had been allowed by the Chair to reach the floor. Unlike some of our candidates and officeholders, rank and file Dems are ready to rumble and to confront the right-wing noise machine head on. If not now, when?  As legendary Democrat, President Franklin Roosevelt, once said, "The only thing we have to fear is -- fear itself."

There's a movement afoot among Dems of many stripes. It has to do with fighting for what we believe in. With speaking truth to power. With saying what we mean. With fearlessly persuading, educating and leading on issues where voters have heard only the argument of the right-wing cabal. As the badges worn by a number of Dems at this weekend's meetings said:

March 21, 2006 at 09:36 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink


New Mexico leading the way! ....as Wertheim said two other states dem party have passed similar resolutions. As Richardson said in his beginning speech at the convention...
Mob mentality/ far left wing frenzy....that is not what I saw at the convention. I saw a lot of people very very concerned over the path of this country. Call it what you will weh...bullcrap.

Posted by: mary ellen | Mar 21, 2006 10:19:25 AM

I am a Murtha - Feingold Democrat and the story in the paper helps me feel that my party is starting to support me on it.

Terry Riley

Posted by: Terry Riley | Mar 21, 2006 10:22:42 AM

Regular old street Dems are where it's at. Now we have to convince the laggards that it's in our best interest to lead, not follow. Impeach Bush is right!

Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 21, 2006 12:24:17 PM

I love it that delegates were willing to support what so many Americans and most Democrats believe -- that Bush needs to be confronted and either censured or impeached. We know we can't win on those with a Republican Congress, but it sure draws attention to the facts and keeps the issue in the news by trying it. Not to mention rallying the base bigtime!

In an earlier post on DFNM, you put up polling results from ARG that showed most Americans support censuring Bush on the illegal domestic spying. Approval for censure by voters was even higher and 70% of Democrats supported in.

Posted by: Silver City Jan | Mar 21, 2006 1:29:38 PM

Those comments in the article by Weh, Chair of the Repubs, were absolutely awful, and inaccurate too. We aren't against domestic surveillance if a terrorist is involved, we're against breaking the law to do it. There is no need to break the law as long as you follow the procedures set forth for exactly these kinds of situations. Instead, Bush thumbed his nose at the rule of law and pretty much claims he can do it whenever he wants. That cannot stand and I see no way to defend it against someone is against the rule of law. Is that what Republicans like Weh are against? Must be

Posted by: newbie | Mar 21, 2006 2:27:31 PM

I am a Murtha-Feingold Democrat too!
So the Journal covered a real story for a change. This surprises me.

Posted by: Mandala | Mar 21, 2006 4:03:05 PM

Probably the only reason they did the story was to give them a chance to print the nasty comments of Republican Chairman Allan Weh. Like:

"State Republican chairman Allen Weh on Monday chalked up the vote in part to "mob psychology" at the Democratic Party's pre-primary convention at Highland High School.

"The mob psychology starts to take place, and moderate people get intimidated into going along," Weh said. "I submit to you there are lots of patriotic Democrats—and that this frenzied mob of left-wing radicals doesn't represent the mainstream Democrats in the heartland."

Hey buddy, we ARE the heartland. I guess Weh hasn't read the polls lately. More on Weh's yapping:

"Weh characterized Wertheim's criticism of the Bush domestic wiretapping program as "bullcrap" and said the program is a necessity considering the current threats to the country.

"If we had a Democratic president in office, he'd be doing the same doggone thing— John Wertheim knows it, and I know it," Weh said."

Yeah Allan, he'd be doing the same thing but doing it legally, by complying with the requirements of the FISA court. We support the rule of law but apparently the Repubs support breaking the law. Now THAT's radical

Posted by: barb | Mar 21, 2006 4:42:31 PM

We are making real progress here. Everyone who is working on these things, keep up the good work. It makes me happy to read about people helping to shape the Democratic Party into something we can be proud of. Open up the doors, we're not so bad, are we? This is our party.

Posted by: JLC | Mar 21, 2006 6:34:46 PM

The comments by the Republican Chairman Weh reflect the continued bombardment of misinformation and intimidation that we have come to expect from his party. The sad thing is our elected (and wanna be's)officals buy into this as the article pointed out with the remarks that both Bingaman and Madrid distanced themselves from the Impeachment motion. How sad that we see things so clearly and yet those we are forced to support because of lack of alternativees continue to cower in fear. Is this leadership? Are we all proud of Ms Madrid? Is she the leader we are all wanting? I doubt it. But just like the rest of you I will end up voting for her in order to get Heather Wilson out. We need some real candidates to vote for. Why is it so hard to find them?

Posted by: 6of9 | Mar 21, 2006 7:28:42 PM

Can we frog march this man out to the white house in cuffs, please?

Where DOES the buck stop????

Posted by: About time 4 Bush to go | Mar 21, 2006 11:28:12 PM

"We need some real candidates to vote for. Why is it so hard to find them?"

Politics is a dirty, nasty business, it's hard to find people willing to jump in the gutter and crawl through the crud to get elected. It need not be that way, but until people are willing to speak out against the "Swift Boating" rhetoric it will continue. Call, Email, Fax and snail mail Weh, demand a stop to the misleading rhetoric, and stop supporting lawbreaking. Act like an American, start standing up for the rule of law, the constitution, and our country.

Posted by: VP | Mar 22, 2006 9:09:06 AM

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