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Friday, March 03, 2006

Madrid and Edwards Talk Healthcare

From Suzanne Prescott:

Albuquerque, March 2, 2006: Congressional Candidate Patricia Madrid and Senator John Edwards were hosted by the Alamosa Community Center and First Choice Health Care at a meeting yesterday.  Madrid and Edwards met with health care providers and clients to talk about the health care challenges they face, particularly with regard to the failings of the Medicare prescription drug program. Madrid reported that both providers and seniors repeated an increasingly heard message, "the program is broken and it doesn't work." She added, "It only works for insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies."

The frequent complaints from seniors stand in sharp contrast to what Congresswoman Heather Wilson and President Bush say, which is that the program is working. Wilson claims that a majority of seniors have coverage because of this program. Madrid pointed out that the number is misleading. The fact is that only 23% of New Mexican seniors who can voluntarily sign up have signed up -- a large discrepancy from the claim made by Wilson that 70% have signed up. The reason that the number is misleading is that it includes many seniors who have been involuntarily signed up by the program. Madrid explained that 149,689 seniors had been involuntarily dumped into the new program from Medicaid or other programs under which they already had coverage.

According to the US Dept. of Health & Human Services there are 106,853 New Mexicans eligible to voluntarily enroll in the new plan. To date only 24,712 of those who can voluntarily sign up have done so. That means that only 23% have signed up -- a far cry from the Wilson claim that over 70% have signed up. According to Madrid this discrepancy is intended to hide the failure of the drug program from view.

Madrid is insistent that the Medicare drug plan needs a complete overhaul. Madrid says, "At best it (the plan) is inept and confusing and at worst it is corrupt."  Madrid offers a new plan which will fix the problems of the failed Wilson Bush plan.  Madrid's plan calls for

Madrid states that her plan "provides more coverage to more people at better value." Madrid added "Misleading statistics won't fool New Mexicans. They know that the Medicare prescription drug program is not working and they're ready for a change."

Senator Edwards, former Kerry running mate in 2004, reinforced Madrid's message and reported that the clients and patients at First Choice very strongly described the problems they had experienced with the Wilson Bush plan. He added that as a candidate for New Mexico's first congressional district, Madrid is a woman of "strength, conscience and vision who knows where America needs to go and she'll make sure that the folks we just met with will have a real advocate in Washington." Edwards condemned the Medicare plan saying, "The people who are going to get hurt the worst by that maze are people who struggle the most, people who are less educated, and people who are poor and they’re the ones who are most vulnerable to this system which could just eat them alive." 

Edwards further explained how the Medicare drug legislation was passed.  Drug company lobbyists who were paid millions and millions of dollars were all over Capitol Hill during the time the Medicare bill was being debated. The drug companies, according to Edwards, got everything they wanted from Bush and Cheney, everything they wanted from the Republican leadership in Congress. The lobbyists effectively stopped the importation of drugs from Canada, stopped the government from using its bulk buying power (forcing tax payers to buy drugs at highly inflated prices). “This is insane, that we let drug companies charge whatever they want and our government can't even negotiate the best price. This is a situation where it was clear what was right and what was wrong."

In Madrid's closing remarks she pointed out that in order to pass a new Medicare law, Democrats will need to take approximately 15 seats in Congress from across the country. A Congress of like-minded legislators who intend to repair the crippled drug program can create and pass a Medicare program that responds to the needs of citizens and not just the pharmaceutical companies.

March 3, 2006 at 02:27 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


We can trust Patsy to put ordinary people before the corporations. We can trust her to take care of us.

Posted by: qofdisks | Mar 3, 2006 6:40:38 PM

I'm a little hesitant to embrace the notion of "being taken care of." It sounds a bit custodial to me. I expect Patricia Madrid will do a good job of representing the interests of the people who live in District #1 and will take the time to find out where we stand on the issues.

Posted by: suz | Mar 4, 2006 7:33:08 AM

Time for all Democrats to put the interests of their ordinary constituents ahead of those of corporations and rich donors. What we need is clean election legislation that takes the huge amounts of private money out of politics. Until then, too many politicians, including Democrats, serve their monied masters first. Let's hope Madrid remembers who she is representing.

Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 4, 2006 10:10:30 AM

Madrid has not explained her non Actions in regards to the 1999 Kick Back Scandal.

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Mar 5, 2006 8:14:25 PM

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