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    Saturday, March 11, 2006

    Gov. Richardson Encourages New Mexicans to Submit Ideas for State Quarter

    March 10, 2006 (Santa Fe, New Mexico) – Governor Richardson announced today that the state is seeking narrative concepts from New Mexicans for the New Mexico State Quarter.

    Citizens are encouraged to participate in the New Mexico State Quarter Project and provide their input for what should appear on the back of New Mexico's State Quarter. The state quarter is New Mexico's contribution to the United States Mint's "50 State Quarters Program." As the 47th state to enter the Union, New Mexico's quarter will be released in 2008.

    "I encourage New Mexicans of all ages to participate in this once in a lifetime project that will represent our state across the United States," Governor Richardson said. "The New Mexico State Quarter Project provides a unique opportunity to discuss what are the important themes, symbols and images of New Mexico and its history."

    Narrative concepts from the public will be reviewed by the New Mexico Coin Commission, who is responsible for working in collaboration with the United States Mint to create the state quarter. The New Mexico Coin Commission was created during the 2005 Legislative session. The Coin Commission will review all submitted narrative concepts in order to submit three narrative concepts to the United States Mint by September 1, 2006.  The U.S. Mint's artists and engravers will then take the concepts and create three candidate coin designs.  The renderings will come back to New Mexico for a final recommendation.

    The deadline for submissions is May 12, 2006. 

    For more information on the New Mexico State Quarter Project and to download a submission form visit www.governor.state.nm.us and click on New Mexico Quarter Project or call 505-476-2231.

    Background on the United States Mint's 50 State Quarters Program: In 1997, the United States Congress approved and the President signed the "Fifty States Commemorative Coin Program Act", Public Law 105-124 (the "Act"), which established a new series of quarters to commemorate each of the 50 States.  Over a ten year period (1999-2008), the United States Mint will issue quarters with designs emblematic of each state.  State quarters are issued in the order in which the states ratified the Constitution and joined the Union.  New Mexico joined the Union on January 6, 1912. For more information or to view other state's quarters visit https://www.usmint.gov/mint_programs/index.cfm?action=50_state_quarters_program.

    March 11, 2006 at 10:11 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    Gov. Richardson:
    I'm writing to you about this immagration mess. Why don't the states serch the court files for all the crimanals that we have in prisons and are not citizens and deport these people first that would save the state lots of money and then start on all gangs the police know who they are and some how these people are runing wild. We should have done this long ago. I think this would be a start on immagration. Thank you

    Posted by: Mary Lou Gust | Mar 28, 2006 9:40:21 AM

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