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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Gather Saturday to Mark 3rd Anniverary of Iraq War


Events to mark the third anniversary of the Iraq War will be held all over America and the world this weekend. In Albuquerque, Stop the War Machine, Code Pink and many others will meet at the UNM bookstore at 11:00 AM on Saturday morning, 3/18. At 11:30 AM, the march will step off and visit the offices of Rep. Heather Wilson and Sen. Pete Domenici on the way to a rally at Robinson Park at 8th and Central downtown. Click for event flyer.

The rally will feature speeches by VA Nurse Laura Berg, who you may recall is being investigated for "sedition" because she wrote a letter to the Alibi critical of the President, as well as an Iraq War veteran. Live music, booths and solidarity are also on the agenda. Bring signs, bring water, bring yourself!

Dozens of activist groups have endorsed this event, including Democracy for New Mexico. There should be a huge turnout even though the State Democratic Party is holding its Pre-Primary Convention in Albuquerque from 10AM to at least 2:30 PM that same day. What a SNAFU. Oh well, many convention delegates, including me, are planning to leave the convention early to participate in the march and rally. We believe it's that important.

Given all the negative press about how toothless the antiwar movement has been in terms of street protests, it's essential we have a large turnout. Please plan to participate if you possibly can. We must keep up the pressure, now more than ever.

March 14, 2006 at 02:12 PM in Events, Iraq War | Permalink


Really too bad the Democrats scheduled their convention on the same time and day as the protest. Didn't they know this weekend is the third anniversary of the abomination called the Iraq War?

Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 15, 2006 10:21:57 AM

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