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    Monday, March 13, 2006

    ACTION ALERT: Call Now On Censure Resolution

    As described in a previous post, Senator Russ Feingold today introduced his resolution calling for Bush to be censured for his illegal conduct related to NSA domestic spying. Activists all over the blogosphere are urging that everyone CALL YOUR SENATORS TODAY to urge their support on this issue. We want to flood the Senate with calls to show that there is strong and massive support for this. I heard that Sen. Frist has called for a vote on the censure resolution today at 5:30PM EST, so please call NOW and ask if they support the censure. If not, ask why, so they have to go on record. You might mention that you hope they believe IN THE RULE OF LAW and go on record by supporting this.

    Call Senator Jeff Bingman: (202) 224-5521
    Call Senator Pete Domenici: (202) 224-6621

    I called Senator Bingaman's office and they told me he hasn't yet made up his mind on this, so please call his office and tell them why you support this! Domenici's office said the same thing. Now is the time to push them.

    March 13, 2006 at 02:47 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    Fat chance Domenici will support this, he has been providing cover for the Bu$h Cabal for some time now.

    Posted by: VP | Mar 13, 2006 4:56:33 PM

    No kidding, but it is good to hound his staff anyway. The problem is so many dems are so scared to back Feingold. Cowards.

    Posted by: El Norte | Mar 13, 2006 6:52:04 PM

    Bingaman is not a Progressive Democrat, he is a Neo Conservative masking his true believes. Bingaman needs to either get tough or continue to allow Pete Domenici to control him on all issures. Progressive Democrats must now take control of the Democratic Party of New Mexico from Richardson and his cronies. Why did I become an Independent? I believe that was the only way to fight Richardsons Control of the Party. At one time I believed in the Democratic Party and its Platform "The Party of the People" but the party has changed and has become the Party of Big Money which controls Richardson and other Democrats. I am asking, why not fight for what Progressive (s) believe in and rally around our Ideals. The upcoming General Election is going to determine the future of our Country and the saving of our Constitution from Big Money and Fasism. Are Democrats going to Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils or are they going to fight for what is right. We must never give up Integrity just to vote for the lesser of two evils.

    Posted by: Eli Chavez, Albuquerque, New Mexico | Mar 14, 2006 8:13:19 AM

    To say that Bingman is a neo-con is over the line. Eli, I am so tired of reading your tired diatribes all over the local blogs. You say the same thing about everyone no matter who. If you are so great, why aren't you doing something positive to effect change? All you do is launch exaggerated claims with no fact about every single Democrat. Get a life.

    And please, blogmaster, start deleting Eli's comments from the website. He is giving everyone a heachache and shutting down reasoned discussion.

    Posted by: Mr. Pibb | Mar 14, 2006 9:19:38 AM

    I agree. Stay on topic. We are supposed to be discussing Feingold's excellent action and instead we get the same old mush from Eli.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 14, 2006 10:23:51 AM

    The Dem party hasn't supported Feingold's motion for censure because they feel it is not the right timing. They are stalling because they want hearings to back up Feingold's call for censure. As long as the Republicans hold power these hearings will not be allowed. I called Domenici's and Bingaman's offices, I hope everyone will do exactly this. Feingold has proven on several occasions he has the guts to stand up to this administration. I hope he runs in '08.

    Posted by: Mandala | Mar 14, 2006 12:15:24 PM

    Oh good, not the right timing. Do they really believe any hearing run by lying Republicans will ever bring any evidence against Bush? Please. The only thing keeping this story in the news is the bravery of Feingold. At the very least, Dem leaders could be calling the move courageous even if they can't say they support it. As it is, the Democrats appear, once again, like chickens without a shred of credibility. It is almost surreal.

    Posted by: JLC | Mar 14, 2006 1:11:09 PM

    I appreciate Murtha and Feingold's actions. But what is striking in both cases is their inability to bring the party along behind them. It's that level of leadership we will need in order to win the White House or either house of Congress and have any hope of doing anything with the opportunity. The Democrats do not behave like they all belong to the same party. Murtha's and Feingold's moves take on the look of desperate acts of frustrated men. They may have tried to get their party to back them, but ended up doing the Lone Ranger thing just because of the feeling that SOMEbody has to do SOMEthing. One of many questions we have to ask as we look toward 2008 is, who is capable of making this party cohere and behave like a team? Because if they cannot lead the party, they don't have a prayer of leading the country.

    Posted by: John McAndrew | Mar 14, 2006 2:31:10 PM

    I was stating the reason the other Dems gave for not supporting Feigold's bid. I do not agree with their reaction. We need elected congress critters who have enough guts to stand up and fight--those within the beltway rarely do this. If they do not get backbones quick they will lose '08 for us.
    Feingold shouldn't have been left blowing in the wind alone.
    If Feingold can't inspire the rest to stand behind him, who can?

    Posted by: Mandala | Mar 14, 2006 8:58:24 PM

    I agree Mandala. The problem is that the Beltway Dems seem incapable of being inspired by leadership of the kind Feingold, Murtha, Conyers and others are showing. I think they are in mental prisons created by professional pollsters, "strategists," "campaign consultants" and others of the class who make their money off of conventional wisdom and keeping the politicians dependent on them. Most of them haven't been out in the real world for years if not decades.

    I think the only way to move forward is for people to respond directly to Feingold and others, bypassing the cowardly Dems.

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Mar 15, 2006 9:03:37 AM

    Dear Webmaster: Mr. Pibb asked you to delete my comments from Democracy for New Mexico and Old Demo concurred. I observed that you deleted one of my comments after it appeared on the Website. It appears that Mr. Pibb and Old Demo have influenced you to do so. I have been censored before for speaking out against Politicans from both Parties from Santa Fe to Washington D.C. who do not have the Peoples Agenda in Mind. My subject matter is to expose Politicans whom condone Rampant Cronyism and Corruption and do not support Womens Rights of Choice or even joined a Filibuster in the U.S. Senate. Webmaster, I hope and pray that you are not going to continue to follow Mr. Pibb and Old Demo advise and censor whom they do not agree with. If you follow their recommendations to censor you may want to consider changing the title of your website Democracy for New Mexico to another title Mr. Pibb and Old Demo would recommend. Now we have spineless Democrats who run and hide from the issue of Breaking the Law on "Evesdroping" by Bush and his Regime. Where are the Democrats who are against "Warrantless Evedropping" by the Bush Regime? According to the Media, Senator Feingold stated "I'm amazed at Democrats...cowering with this president's numbers so low", so Mr. Pibb, Old Demo and webmaster, I was censored by all three of you for speaking out about Senator Bingaman. Where is Bingaman now? In my opinion, Bingaman is spineless as he was when he failed to join or lead a Filbuster against Alito. Webmaster, I hope you continue to publish my comments, if not you may want to change your Website Name. Eli Chavez, Independent

    Posted by: Eli Chavez, Albuquerque, New Mexico | Mar 15, 2006 11:49:05 AM

    I spent close ot a 1/2 hour on the phone with Terry Bruener (?) Jeff's campaigne manager - He was trying to justify the unjustifiable. Fiengold hasn't even proven his charges....It's a diversion and a waste of time....we need to be taking care of x...jeff doesn'tt think the time is right....Fiengold is just grandstanding...Jeff stood up for this and that...You don't understand the bancrupacy issue....in other words 30 minutes of bullshit reponses.

    There's a BIG "Testicle Festival" in Virgina City VA this week-end....maybe Jeff can go get some.

    BUT all that said and as pissed off as I am, Eli- if you don't vote for the lesser of 2 evils, you get the bigger evil.

    Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Mar 15, 2006 12:33:28 PM

    PlacitasRoy: An Independent will announce soon. Believe me, I am pissed of too. No more lesser of the two evils. Eli Chavez, Independent

    Posted by: Eli Chavez, Albuquerque, New Mexico | Mar 15, 2006 1:19:24 PM

    Placitas Roy: I know just what you mean. I too have tried to talk sense with Bingaman's office only to get the same runaround. I understand the bankruptcy bill perfectly. It was written by banking and financial people to benefit themselves. Ask any lawyer about it and what it does to ordinary people, or read any reputable unbiased source to underline how bad it is.

    Funny that Bingaman voted to support the filibuster against the latest Patriot Act legislation, even though it had no chance of winning. Yet he continues to say it's not worth a vote to filibuster Alito or to censure Bush. Internally inconsistent.

    Yeah, Feingold is "grandstanding" by taking his oath of office to protect the constitution seriously. If only other Dems like Bingaman would have a tenth of his balls. The country continues to go down the drain but Bingaman can't seem to muster any sense of urgency. I'm sure his consultants tell him he'll look bad if he's out there defending the constitution like Feingold. Bingaman isn't good enough to shine Feingold's shoes in my opinion.

    Posted by: Nmexdem | Mar 15, 2006 1:51:45 PM

    Siver City Jan-
    With Bush’s ratings in the dumpster—this is a perfect time for our Democratic representatives to be fighting back. It is incredible how they all say the timing is not right. The excuses they put forth make me wonder if all of them are just bought and paid for. They obviously are running scared and/or are listening to some terrible advice. Hopefully, with more people waking up these days we can start to get these deadbeats out of office and elect some who will actually represent us for a change.
    I wish we had more like Conyers in Congress—he has repeatedly stood up to these thugs. It certainly seems we need to support the few who can lead and send the message to the rest that their time in DC is numbered.

    Posted by: Mandala | Mar 15, 2006 7:47:28 PM

    Mandala I agree with all you said. We need to reward those who show courage and conviction and get those out of office who don't. We have to start somewhere.

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Mar 16, 2006 8:42:34 AM

    ?An Independent will announce soon. Believe me, I am pissed of too. No more lesser of the two evils. Eli Chavez, Independent"

    We need an Independent to run like we need a case of the "runs.' And an Indie running will cause a mess just as if he had the runs.

    Posted by: Political Roy | Mar 17, 2006 8:12:27 AM

    Political Roy: An Independent Candidate can win the up and coming race for Congress. This has everything to do with the lesser of two evils and New Mexicans want change in Congress, someone that is loyal to the people and not the Party Line. Eli Chavez, Independent

    Posted by: Eli Chavez | Mar 17, 2006 10:03:26 AM

    I can't see one, not one negative thing to censuring Bu$h now, and impeaching him later IF we can win enough seats to take back the House and Senate. If Bingaman won't support Feingolds resolution then he is supporting lawbreakers and ignoring his oath of office as well as the. constitution,

    Posted by: VP | Mar 17, 2006 3:10:36 PM

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